
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

Spots available for youth tennis lessons in Bloomingdale

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Tennis lessons for youth ages 5-18 are available through the Bloomingdale Park District.

The lessons will start June 4 and run Sunday mornings until June 25. Divisions are set up by ages: 5-younger than 7, and 7 to younger than 9 will start at 10 a.m.; 9 to younger than 11, 11 to younger than 15, and 15 to younger than 19 will start at 11 a.m. Lessons are at Lake Park West.

Games will be used with skill development in the sessions, with attention paid to strategy, tactics and footwork. The training will be taught by Lake Park Head Tennis Coach Tim Martin and his staff.

Costs are $64 for residents and $84 for nonresidents. Programs are designed to benefit various skill levels.

To register, go to the Park Districtwebsite. For more information, go to the website at BloomingdaleParks.com, call 630-529-9184, or visit the Park District at 172 S. Circle Ave.