Village of Bensenville
Recent News About Village of Bensenville
Analysis: Property taxes rapidly eroding DuPage home values
In Jan. 2007, the average Willowbrook home was worth $305,000. Eight years later, in Jan. 2015, it was valued at just $182,000.
9.94 percent of people in Bensenville receive food stamps
9.94 percent of people in Bensenville were receiving food stamps as of April 31, 2016, according to an analysis of the federal program by DuPage Policy Journal.
New O'Hare runway completed as part of Modernization Program
O'Hare International Airport 's new southernmost runway, 10R-28L, recently was completed through the O’Hare Modernization Program (OMP). The new runway will not be operational between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. as part of steps being taken to reduce noise for residents who live near the airport.
O’Hare Noise Compatibility Commission appoints nine members to committee
Nine members representing Chicago and suburban communities near O’Hare International Airport were named Sept. 18 by O’Hare Noise Compatibility Commission (ONCC) Chair Arlene A. Juracek, mayor of Mount Prospect, to an ONCC Ad Hoc Fly Quiet Committee.
FAA meeting on O'Hare runway scheduled in Bensenville
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will hold a public meeting in Bensenville, Illinois, in August, to review and comment on a new environmental study of the current runway configuration and new runway opening at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
Bensenville asked to show support for O'Hare airport legislation
Bensenville, Illinois, is calling on residents to advance legislation in the Illinois General Assembly to mitigate Chicago O'Hare International Airport impacts.
Bensenville speaks out after O'Hare strays from Fly Quiet runways at night
Story CopyThe City of Bensenville recently expressed its disappointment in a letter and statement to the City of Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that O’Hare International Airport is no longer complying with its Fly Quiet Program.
N.O.I.S.E. elects new secretary
Bensenville Village President Frank Soto has been elected as secretary of the National Organization to Insure a Sound-Controlled Environment (N.O.I.S.E.).
Bensenville receives national budget award
The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada honors village.
New website allows for easier registration of airport noise complaints
A new website has been created by Fair Allocation in Runways that makes registering airport noise complaints in the City of Chicago easier.
Bensenville sees debt rating upgrade
The Village of Bensenville’s General Obligation Unlimited Tax (GOULT) debt rating was recently upgraded by Moody’s Investors Services to Aa3 from A1.