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Illinois House Of Representatives
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Bodies
Most recent 09/23/24 - "We haven't seen more crime;" Elmhurst State House candidate Deuter defends Kim Foxx-inspired "SAFE-T Act"
Illinois State House District 41
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 11/11/22 - Janor: ‘I enjoyed being in the arena and competing’
Illinois State House District 42
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 11/11/22 - Hood: ‘I am forever grateful for the outpouring of support and the amazing people I met in this process’
Illinois State House District 45
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 06/19/24 - Senator Seth Lewis: 'We're in for a HOT week! Take care and don't overheat'
Illinois State House District 46
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 09/16/22 - Stevens: ‘Safe-T Act’ is another example of House Democrats' false advertising’
Illinois State House District 47
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 12/13/24 - State Rep. Amy Grant: 'Illinois researchers are kicking off new phase of program to explore space-based manufacturing'
Illinois State House District 48
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 11/02/22 - Sanalitro pushes 'Good Government Pledge'