
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

Zay: ‘For those who want me to tear down and call out members of our party publicly, that will not happen'

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Jim Zay, chairman of the DuPage County Republican Party | Jim Zay/Facebook

Jim Zay, chairman of the DuPage County Republican Party | Jim Zay/Facebook

Jim Zay, chairman of the DuPage County Republican Party, is refusing to condemn fellow Republicans for their financial and material support of DuPage County Board Chair Deb Conroy.

Zay’s comments come after Conroy, a well-known leftist who took controversial stances as a state representative, received campaign donations from prominent DuPage County Republicans.

Zay is also a DuPage County Board member.

| DuPage County Republican Party / Facebook

See the text of Zay’s letter addressing the donations below:

Dear Fellow Republicans,

I feel that we are at a critical time for our Party and after some press articles last week and several emails, texts, and phone calls I received I need to make my feelings clear as Chairman. The current climate of tearing down fellow Republicans when we don’t agree 100% is hurting our Party. Instead of agreeing to disagree and work together on issues we do agree on to build our Party and expand our base we do the opposite and call out our fellow Republicans and we look foolish and disorganized.

I am a “Reagan Republican” I believe that we are the “Big Tent” Party, we have room for all Republicans no matter how they feel on certain issues. I also believe that true leadership is bringing people together; respect that they might have other beliefs on certain issues but we agree on more issues than we ever would with the other party. We can have spirited conversations but we have the respect to “agree to disagree” and move forward together.

We have to stop the finger pointing and blaming others for our losses in the elections. It is easy to blame others and make excuses for why we have lost recently; people must stop blaming the election process and saying something irregular is happening at election time. There are many saying the system is rigged but no one has brought any evidence forward. I have great respect for our legal system in Du Page and I know if any hard facts had been uncovered our States Attorney will act.

Do we get out spent by the other side; do they receive huge union support via money and manpower, yes, but what are we going to do to change that? Finger pointing and fighting is not the answer and that path will only continue to election losses. I am not saying that anyone should change their principles but telling others to change theirs doesn’t work either. If we don’t come together as a Party then we will be destined to be the minority party for years to come. A Republican in an elected office is better than one of the other party.

For the last three years, I have tried to bring people together and will continue to do so and for those who want me to tear down and call out members of our Party publicly, that will not happen.

I will follow Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment:

“Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

God Bless and thank you for all your work on behalf of our Party.

Jim Zay

Chairman, DuPage County Republican Party

Zay’s note to DuPage County Republicans comes after Republican DuPage County Board member Sam Tornatore donated $1,000 to Conroy’s campaign coffers.

Former DuPage County Board member Republican Donald Puchalski also donated $500 to Conroy.

Both Tornatore and Puchalski donated to Conroy’s campaign at the same time after receiving financial support from GOP township organizations in Addison.

Conroy has also won the favor of Republican Pete DiCianni, whose W!n Marketing firm was recently paid $1,230.71 by Conroy’s campaign.

The firm provides political strategy and tactics, direct mail, web development and print services in aid of campaigns.

DiCianni once said, “You know what? (Deb Conroy) is my friend,” while running against her for the chairman position in the DuPage County Board of Commissioners election.