Village of Roselle
Recent News About Village of Roselle
Analysis: Property taxes rapidly eroding DuPage home values
In Jan. 2007, the average Willowbrook home was worth $305,000. Eight years later, in Jan. 2015, it was valued at just $182,000.
Roselle native Panasiuk getting used to life in the Big Ten
Roselle, Illinois is about 250 miles from the Michigan State University campus, but for a young football player who has gone from playing high-school football in northern Illinois to lining up against the likes of Notre Dame and Wisconsin, the distance between those two worlds could seem even greater.
2.97 percent of people in Roselle receive food stamps
2.97 percent of people in Roselle were receiving food stamps as of April 31, 2016, according to an analysis of the federal program by DuPage Policy Journal.
Roselle candidate nomination packets available Sept. 20
Candidate nomination packets for several seats for the Village of Roselle's Consolidated Election will be available starting Sept. 20.
Roselle first responders sponsor Open House Sept. 18
Residents of Roselle are invited to an Open House jointly sponsored by the village’s fire and police departments from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18 at both the fire station and police station.
Roselle Board of Trustees considers liquor-license, leasing issues
The Village of Roselle held its regular Village Board of Trustees meeting on Monday night.
Roselle commuter parking-lot permits go on sale next week
The Village of Roselle will sell 2016 commuter parking-lot permits at Village Hall beginning on Tuesday by cash or check during normal business hours and online by credit card.
Roselle budget plan available at website; board meeting tonight
The Proposed 2016 Budget Document for the Village of Roselle is now available in PDF format for Roselle residents to download and review the village website: The Village Board will host a special Committee of the Whole meeting today at 7 p.m. CST, during which the budget will be discussed at length.
Roselle to hold second forum on comprehensive plan update
The Village of Roselle, Illinois, continues the public phase of its comprehensive plan update.
Overnight closures set for Roselle this weekend on I-390
Overnight, full-roadway closures with detours are scheduled this weekend on I-390 (former Elgin-O'Hare Expressway) between Roselle and Meacham roads, in Roselle.
Roselle strongly disagrees with state proposal to decrease local state income tax share
The Village of Roselle is calling on its residents to let their state officials know they want the local income tax to remain local.
Roselle vehicle stickers available until May 31
The Village of Roselle has announced that vehicle stickers are now on sale.