University of Illinois Extension Dupage County
Higher Ed: Academic Departments/Divisions | School Departments
Recent News About University of Illinois Extension Dupage County
Foundation awards scholarships for 4-H excellence, mastery
The career achievements of Illinois 4-H members are being celebrated with $45,000 in scholarships awarded by the Illinois 4-H Foundation.
Seed Starting Workshop
Seed Starting Workshop on March 28, 2023
How have Illinois soils changed over 120 years? U of I scientist needs your help
When he heard an old barn on the University of Illinois campus was scheduled for demolition, soil scientist Andrew Margenot went to investigate.
Pesticide Applicator/Operator In-Person Testing
Pesticide Applicator/Operator In-Person Testing on March 23, 2023
Cool Season Vegetables | Growing Great Vegetables
Cool Season Vegetables | Growing Great Vegetables on March 14, 2023
Certified Food Protection Management Course
Certified Food Protection Management Course on March 07, 2023 - March 10, 2023
Wee Naturalists | Signs of Spring
Wee Naturalists | Signs of Spring on March 04, 2023
Innovation drives performance for awardees
Having access to trusted, validated sources of reliable information and know-how is the driver of economic and societal progress. Such unbiased knowledge is the commodity of University of Illinois Extension.
There’s a wave of change coming to rural America
There’s a wave of change coming to rural America
Northwestern Illinois welcomes new county director
Supported by a background in community health, new County Director Karla Belzer will guide University of Illinois Extension staff in Carroll, Lee and Whiteside counties as they continue to build relationships and stronger, healthier communities.
Ages 5-8 can listen, learn and create in this fun, hands-on experience about Indigenous People of Illinois and the U.S.
Ages 5-8 can listen, learn and create in this fun, hands-on experience about Indigenous People of Illinois and the U.S. '
Turn Your Thoughts into Your Superpower: Surfing the Emotion Ocean
Research shows that mindfulness techniques can help youth learn to manage stress more effectively and increase their sense of self-worth, which is why 4-H is hosting "Turn Your Thoughts into Superpowers," a program designed for ages 5-8.
4-H Junior Livestock Conference on January 21
The Youth Livestock Conference is a fun-filled overnight weekend event for 4-H members.
Spring 2023 Chick It Out Embryology Program on January 16
Spring 2023 Chick It Out Embryology Program on January 16 at
Keep your Poinsettia looking great and boost your post-holiday mood
With an estimated 35 million Poinsettias sold annually, you may spot this colorful plant on many holiday tables every year.
Homemade holiday potpourri warms heart and home
When thinking about giving gifts to co-workers, friends, and party hosts this holiday season, it can be challenging to find the perfect gift and stay on a budget
Beef up your 2023 beef herd management
Producers can improve herd management by learning latest research on cover crop performance, grazing farms, soil health, and drainage practices during the 2023 Dudley Smith Farm Winter Meeting.
Gully erosion prediction tools can lead to better land management
Soil erosion is a significant problem for agricultural production, impacting soil quality and causing pollutants to enter waterways. Among all stages of soil erosion, gully erosion is the most severe phase, where large channels are carved through the field.
Protect your holiday baking traditions with 4 food safety tips
Holiday baking brings family and friends together and creates lasting memories as friends share recipes, stories, and meaningful time together. Amid the flurry of flour-covered countertops and mountains of messy mixing bowls, keep food safety in mind.
Holiday favorite gourd is good to go for 2022
Few of us stop to wonder how that slice of pumpkin pie made it onto our plate, but if it weren't for the Illinois pumpkin industry and plant pathologist and Extension specialist Mohammad Babadoost, the classic fall dessert might not be on the menu at all.