
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

4-H Junior Livestock Conference on January 21


University of Illinois Extension | University of Illinois Extension

University of Illinois Extension | University of Illinois Extension

4-H Junior Livestock Conference

Event Date(s) January 21, 2023 - January 22, 2023

Event Fee: $130.00

Location: Decatur Hotel & Conference Center

Register in Zsuite 

The Youth Livestock Conference is a fun-filled overnight weekend event for 4-H members. This program provides leadership and team building activities as well as exciting hands-on opportunities built around the science and disciplines of livestock production and exhibition.  

REGISTER BY 12/09/2023. 

OPEN to 4-H youth in 7th, 8th, & 9th grade. 

COST is $130 per participant. Cost includes participant t-shirt, hotel room, Saturday lunch and dinner, Sunday breakfast, snacks, and all workshop materials. 

ARRIVE by 10 AM Saturday, Jan. 21 

DEPART by 11:30 AM Sunday, Jan. 22 

If you need reasonable accommodation to attend, please email Jenna Girman (jgirman2@illinois.edu).

Saturday Workshop Descriptions

The Souvenir Shop

Welcome to the Souvenir Shop! Browse the shelves and take home newfound knowledge. Travel to the skill-a-thon to test your knowledge of animal husbandry, while exploring the world of Artificial Insemination. Make your own personized halter for your steer, sheep, or goat before you head on home with a new keepsake to remember the time you spent in paradise.

The Lifeguard Station

Grab your first-aid kit and blow your whistle as we head to The Lifeguard Station! We will learn how to save lives by gaining the ability to suture, give injections, and grow in your vet tech skills! Take on paradise by saving livestock lives one at a time!

The Livestock Luau

Taste the flavors of the tropics at the Livestock Luau. In the Luau Room, we will focus on product quality. Feed your mind on the knowledge you will cultivate through learning about milk plastic and evaluating meat & wool.

Sunday Workshop Descriptions

Surfs up 4-Her’s!

Let’s all grab our surfboards and dive into the oceans of communication and marketing. Together we will scope out the treasures of connections and our own creativity! As we hang up our leis and pack our bags - we will come together, and reflect on our vacation with guest speakers and say one final Aloha to our 4-H family!

How to say Aloha Communication workshop involving the “Moo-ball” game and the “Telephone” game

Surfing through Sales Participants will work and compete in teams to develop a marketing/sales jingle for a given product. Let your creative juices flow and have fun repurposing your random item into the next great livestock product!

Original source can be found here