
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Warrenville Public Works and Infrastructure Committee of the Whole met Dec. 9

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City of Warrenville, IL | City of Warrenville, IL Website

City of Warrenville Public Works and Infrastructure Committee of the Whole met Dec. 9 

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Chairman Barry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Physically Present: Chairman Clare Barry, Mayor David Brummel, and Aldermen: Stuart Aschauer, J.P. Augustynowicz, Craig Kruckenberg, John Lockett, Bill Weidner, and Judy Wilkie

Absent: Alderman Kathy Davolos

Also Present: City Administrator Cristina White, Assistant City Administrator Alma Morgan, Public Works Director Phil Kuchler, Community and Economic Development Director Amy Emery, Senior Civil Engineer Kristine Hocking, Utility Maintenance Superintendent Zach Jardine, Capital Maintenance Superintendent Jamie Clark, Street Division Crew Leader Jeff Simmons, Asset Management Analyst Kassandra Hernandez-Galvan, and Executive Assistant and Deputy City Clerk Dawn Grivetti

Also Absent: City Treasurer Maury Goodman and City Clerk Julie Clark


Chairman Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were no comments from persons present.


Mayor Brummel thanked staff for installing holiday decorations downtown, and he thanked the Warrenville Park District for a very successful Holly Days and Merry Market event.

Chairman Barry complemented Public Works staff on the additional decorations installed around Leone Schmidt Park.


1. Consideration of Updated Authorized Strength Ordinance Community and Economic Development Director (CEDD) Emery presented staff’s recommendation for changes to the Schedule of Job Classifications and Authorized Strength ordinance that will result in an overall decrease in the workforce by the equivalent of one half of an employee. She noted that the proposed changes are aligned with comparable communities, keeping the City competitive in the marketplace, and maximize resources available to serve the community. Some of the changes include: the creation of a Customer Service Specialist position, shared between Community Development and Finance departments; a change in the skillset focus of the Assistant Community Development Director focus from planning to engineering; and the creation of a new Economic Development Specialist.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council pass an ordinance establishing a revised Schedule of Job Classifications and Authorized Strength.


2. Consideration of OTRS #2 Covenants, Conditions, Easements, Restrictions Agreement Senior Civil Engineer (SCE) Hocking stated that, in February 2024, City Council passed an ordinance approving an agreement with JC Holdings, owner of Voegtle’s Auto Service, documenting the rights and responsibilities of the City and Voegtle’s regarding property exchange, construction of a shared drive aisle, and site cleanup per an agreed timeline. She reminded the Council that a request for permanently shared parking spaces was denied, and the agreement presented is the original agreement previously approved by both parties. The agreement includes terms for governing the maintenance of the shared access easement as well as documenting post-closing property improvements for Voegtle’s Auto Service.

SCE Hocking confirmed this is the final step involving the agreement with Voegtle’s. There was discussion regarding the timing of the removal of sheds on City property, and the fact that the easement agreement stays with the property and binds future owners to the agreement.

ALDERMAN KRUCKENBERG MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council pass an ordinance approving an agreement between the City and JC Holdings.


3. Informational Update on VUEWorks Implementation

Asset Management Analyst (AMA) Hernandez-Galvan presented an update on Public Works Department staff’s use of the VUEWorks software application for the past eight months. She noted that overall, staff has successfully adapted to daily use of the software, and as staff becomes more efficient, data derived from application use will be more available.

AMA Hernandez-Galvan presented a detailed report of information associated with the City’s tree planting program as an example of staff’s use of advanced modules within the system for project tracking and to make data-driven decisions in the future. She also noted that staff’s early integration and advance use of the system has earned the City the Implementation of the Year Award of Excellence from VUEWorks.

Staff was congratulated for the efforts made to receive the award. There was a discussion of inventory costs associated with the tree planting report as well as the system’s ability to provide more in-depth data. AMA Hernandez-Galvan replied that inventory costs could include trees and any supplies associated with planting trees. She also stated that the report functionality of the software is robust and has the capability of drilling down to provide more information.


4. Consideration of Baecore Change Order for ERP Project Management

Public Works Director (PWD) Kuchler reminded the Committee that Baecore Group, Inc. has been assisting the City with the implementation of various software projects since the fall of 2023. He summarized the contracted work as well as the amendments to the contract providing additional implementation and project management services by Baecore.

PWD Kuchler discussed Baecore’s most recent change order request for payment of a combination of extra work performed to date and anticipated extra work associated with the BS&A Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software implementation. He indicated that a delay in BS&A’s scheduling has extended the project implementation by a few months, and additional end-to-end processing will be needed in the spring to verify the data transferred successfully and that the software is functioning properly.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council pass a resolution approving Addendum No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Baecore Group, Inc.


5. Consideration of Disposal of Surplus Personal Property

Capital Maintenance Superintendent (CMS) Clark stated staff has identified four pieces of equipment and one vehicle that are no longer utilized, necessary, or useful to the City because of age and condition. Staff is requesting to dispose of the equipment and vehicle by auction service.

ALDERMAN KRUCKENBERG MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council pass an ordinance approving the disposal of personal property owned by the City of Warrenville.


6. Consideration of Purchase of Well Filter Media

Utility Maintenance Superintendent (UMS) Jardine stated the City operates four active wells that use pressure filters to remove iron and manganese from drinking water. Each year, samples are submitted for analytical evaluation. Recent test results indicate that three of the four wells, specifically Wells #9, #10, and #11, require additional filter media to effectively eliminate iron and manganese. He noted that small quantities of media are also being released into the sanitary sewer system, highlighting the necessity for further replenishment of the filter media.

There was a discussion of the filter media material, normal loss, longevity, and the possibility of storing extra material. UMS Jardine provided a description of the material and indicated the media is readily available and subject to contamination if not stored in a dry place for future use.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council a resolution approving the purchase of filter media for Wells #9, #10, and #11 in the amount of $27,319.55.


7. Consideration of Engineering Design Contract for River Road Curb and Gutter

PWD Kuchler stated, as part of the jurisdictional transfer of River Road from DuPage County to the City, DuPage County will pay the City $1,030,000 for design and construction to add curb and gutter to the west side of River Road between Ferry Road and Warrenville Road. Improvements will include eliminating drainage ditches where possible, and the installation of new storm sewer to receive drainage that is currently handled by the ditches.

There was discussion regarding the possibility of adding traffic-calming features to slow traffic down on River Road and if the project costs could allow for such changes. PWD Kuchler replied there is currently a separate engineering firm evaluating speed limits on the road, and added that following the results of the traffic study, additional improvements could be discussed.

There was discussion regarding the possibility of including public input in the design of the improvements. PWD Kuchler replied there could be a neighborhood meeting after a set of plans are in place. Mayor Brummel reaffirmed the positive improvements to the roadway included in the project both aesthetically and practically speaking.

ALDERMAN KRUCKENBERG MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council pass a resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Resource Associates, Inc. for Design Engineering Services relating to the 2025 River Road Curb and Gutter Project.


8. Consideration of Engineering Design Contract Amendment for 2025 Road Program

PWD Kuchler stated staff recently confirmed the City can use nearly $400,000 of Rebuild Illinois funding, previously intended for replacement of the Mack Road Bridge, on the 2025 Road Program. The engineering contract for the road program will need to be amended to accommodate the additional effort required to meet Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) reporting standards necessary to use the additional funds. The Mack Road Bridge will be replaced using 100% federal funds.

PWD Kuchler confirmed that if the City Council agrees to pay the additional contract amendment amount of $14,200, the City will save $400,000 of CMRP funding by accessing Rebuild Illinois funding.

ALDERMAN LOCKETT MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council pass a resolution approving the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Resource Associates, Inc. for Engineering Related Services related to the 2025 Road Program.


9. Consideration of Increased Purchase Price of Public Works Cab and Chassis

CMS Clark stated that, in June 2022, the City Council approved the purchase of a new cab and chassis in the amount of $94,994. At the time the order was placed, the City was informed that, due to supply chain issues, the vehicle delivery time was anticipated to be 16 months. CMS Clark stated staff was recently informed that the new vehicle is ready for delivery and the price has increased from $94,994 to $97,294. Staff is requesting the City Council rescind the previous resolution approving the purchase of the vehicle and approve a new resolution for the purchase of the vehicle at the new purchase price.

CMS Clark indicated the increase was due to two and a half years of price increases. ALDERMAN WEIDNER MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to recommend the City Council pass a resolution rescinding Resolution No. R2022-35 and approving the purchase of a cab and chassis for the Public Works dump truck from Rush Truck Center in the amount of $97,294.


10. Review and File Public Works FY 2025 Work Program and Decision Package Report

PWD Kuchler confirmed that the start date for keyless entry has been delayed.



ALDERMAN KRUCKENBERG MADE A MOTION, seconded by Ald. Wilkie, to adjourn.


The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
