City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst Public Works & Buildings Committee met Dec. 9
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order:
Ald. Bastedo called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
2. Roll Call – Attendance: -
Present: Committee Members
Ald. Bastedo
Ald. Bram
Ald. Sienko
Absent: Ald. Cahill
Quorum Present: 3 present - (quorum)
Also in attendance: Public Works Director Balicki
Utility Operations Manager Tuomey
City Engineer Sianis
Ald. Irby (arrived at 8:05pm)
Ald. Jensen (arrived at 8:03pm)
Public Present: 3 residents
3. Public Comments: - NONE
4. Receipt of Written Communications: NONE
5. Business Before the Committee:
A. Minutes of the November 25, 2024, Public Works & Building Committee:
Ald. Sienko motioned to approve the November 25, 2024, Minutes of the Public Works & Building Committee; Ald. Bram seconded. Voice vote. Motion carried 3-0 (Bastedo, Bram, Sienko). Minutes approved.
B. WRF and Sanitary Sewer System Facility Plan Update:
Public Works Director Balicki presented the agenda item. Ald. Bram motioned to approve the draft report, Ald. Sienko seconded. Voice vote. Motion carried 3-0 (Bastedo, Bram, Sienko). Report approved.
C. Palmer Drive Phase 2 Engineering:
City Engineer Sianis presented the agenda item. Palmer Drive was last resurfaced in 2008. Ald. Sienko motioned to approve the draft report, Ald. Bram seconded. Voice vote. Motion carried 3-0 (Bastedo, Bram, Sienko). Report approved.
D. Village of Berkeley IGA - High Street Paving:
City Engineer Sianis presented the agenda item. Ald. Sienko motioned to approve the draft report, Ald. Bram seconded. Voice vote. Motion carried 3-0 (Bastedo, Bram, Sienko). Report approved.
E. Villa Park IGA - IL-83/Riverside/Monroe Intersection:
City Engineer Sianis presented the agenda item. This area was last resurfaced in 2007. Ald. Bram motioned to approve the draft report, Ald. Sienko seconded. Voice vote. Motion carried 3-0 (Bastedo, Bram, Sienko). Report approved.
F. Referral: Request to Add Electric and Lighting to the North York Landscape Medians:
City Engineer Sianis presented the agenda item. Committee agreed to drop the solar option, and would like an analysis of what $150K estimate provides and can provide in the future.
G. Referral: City Cost Sharing Review:
City Engineer Sianis presented the agenda item.
6. Other Business:
● No Committee meeting 12/23/24.
7. Adjournment:
Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.