
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

DuPage County Home Advisory Group met Dec. 3

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Cindy Cronin Cahill - DuPage County Board Member - District 1 | Cindy Cronin Cahill for DuPage County Board District 1 | Facebook

Cindy Cronin Cahill - DuPage County Board Member - District 1 | Cindy Cronin Cahill for DuPage County Board District 1 | Facebook

DuPage County Home Advisory Group met Dec. 3

Here are the minutes provided by the group:


11:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Lori Chassee at 11:38 AM.


Chair Chassee appointed County Board members Lucy Evans, Paula Deacon Garcia, and Sheila Rutledge to serve as temporary members of the Home Advisory Group Committee for purposes of a quorum.

Staff Present: Julie Hamlin, Community Development Administrator; Evan Shields (Public Information Officer); Ashley Miller, Community Development Manager (remote); Momina Baig, Housing and Community Development Planner (remote); Alyssa Jaje, Housing and Community Development Planner (remote); Bec DeLaura, Housing and Community Development Planner (remote).

Assistant State's Attorney - Katherine Fahy

PRESENT Chassee, Yoo, Garcia, Rutledge, Flint, Evans, and LaPlante

ABSENT Bastian, Barfuss, Bricks, Cage, Childress, Crandall, Hocking, Honig, Krajewski, and Schwarze


No public comments were offered.


4.A. 24-3214

Minutes - Home Advisory Group - Regular Meeting - Tuesday, May 7, 2024


MOVER: Yeena Yoo

SECONDER: Sheila Rutledge


5.A. 24-3215

Recommendation for approval of updates to the HOME Risk Assessment & Monitoring/Financial Viability of HOME Funded Projects Policy, to be known as the HOME Applications, Risk Analysis, and Monitoring/Financial Viability of HOME Funded Projects Policy.

Julie Hamlin, the Administrator of Community Development, stated that they are proposing minor changes to the existing policy. The most important change they are proposing is the ability to have a formal notice of funding availability announcement made that would seek to obtain specific letters of intent for their HOME funded projects. Right now, they have it on a rolling cycle and there has been a lot of interest in their home funding for more affordable housing projects throughout the county. Currently CDC process requires that a full application would be due, which is a quite intense application for not only the applicant to fill out but also for CDC staff to review. By having the ability to set a date for a letter of intent and an application, Community Development can build that into their workflow and then be aware it is coming and can dedicate staff time to those application reviews. This will be similar to how the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) has the requirement for the Preliminary Project Assessment, or PPA, the CDC letter of intent will mirror that process. A lot of CDC applications are tied to low-income tax credit funding, so it would be nice to align the Community Development process with IHDA's LIHTC cycle as well.

Member Rutledge asked if this is the program that does home repairs and if there is a relationship between this funding and the Ad-Hoc Committee funding. Ms. Hamlin explained the two are not the same, the HOME Investment Partnership program funding is a federal program, where Ad-Hoc is a county delegated program. It is possible the funding could be layered between the two entities. This particular policy is just for their CDC HOME Investment Partnership program funding.


MOVER: Sheila Rutledge

SECONDER: Paula Garcia

AYES: Chassee, Yoo, Garcia, Rutledge, Flint, Evans, and LaPlante 

ABSENT: Bastian, Barfuss, Bricks, Cage, Childress, Crandall, Hocking, Honig, Krajewski, and Schwarze

5.B. 24-3216

Recommendation for approval of updates to the Resale Recapture Guidelines for HOME Investment Partnerships Program – Homeownership Activities for DuPage County Policy.

Julie Hamlin stated this policy is specific to projects where the County would fund home ownership activities, again with the HOME Investment Partnership funding from the federal government. The reason Community Development brought this policy amendment forward is because this is tied to the next five-year consolidated plan they are presently working on. HUD requires they have a resale and recapture policy in place that HUD approves, so their submittal is part of their consolidated plan. There are minor amendments they are making to the recapture portion to clean up language. Under the resale portion they wanted to clarify that capital improvements made by a homeowner will be viewed as far as useful life components when they are calculating the fair return on investment if they were to resell to another income eligible homeowner. The policy will provide additional details on how they would calculate owner equity and investment under the resale requirements, and it will incorporate when affordability restrictions could possibly terminate under resale. Changes were made to what qualifies as affordable to another potential home buyer to make it clearer, especially for their projects that have a resale requirement attached to it. This makes it a lot easier to follow what is required if there is that resale component trigger.


MOVER: Sheila Rutledge


AYES: Chassee, Yoo, Garcia, Rutledge, Flint, Evans, and LaPlante

ABSENT: Bastian, Barfuss, Bricks, Cage, Childress, Crandall, Hocking, Honig, Krajewski, and Schwarze


No other business was discussed.


With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:42 AM.


MOVER: Lynn LaPlante

SECONDER: Paula Garcia

8. NEXT MEETING DATE - January 7, 2025
