
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

DuPage County called home by 17 new registered sex offenders as of February 2024

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Lieutenant Colonel Zach Pellman Assistant Deputy Director of the Division of Patrol - Strategic Operations Command | Official Website

Lieutenant Colonel Zach Pellman Assistant Deputy Director of the Division of Patrol - Strategic Operations Command | Official Website

There were 17 new registered sex offenders living in DuPage County in February 2024 compared to the month before, according to the Illinois Police Sex Offender Registry.

The Registry showed 216 sexual offenders living in DuPage County, compared to 212 the month before. During this period, 13 offenders left DuPage County and 17 moved into the area.

Of the 17 offenders who moved to DuPage County in February, 14 were sexual predators.

Sexual predators and child murderers remain on the registry for the rest of their lives.

The offenders moving into DuPage County may have been recently convicted or moved from other cities in the US.

According to a 2024 study by SafeHome.org, Illinois ranks fifth in the total number of registered sex offenders, with more than 34,000 living in the state.

Nationally, the study found over 795,000 registered sex offenders in the U.S. as of August 2024 — an increase of approximately 8,000 compared to 2023.

Registered Sex Offenders in DuPage County as of February 2024

Adam BloodSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Adam D. SchmidtSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Alan D. PiheraSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Alejandro HurtadoSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Alexander ThomasSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Alvin E. HanserdNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantPublic indecency/exposure/3rd+ and Public indecency/lewd exposure
Anthony E. CometaSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Anthony GroveSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Anthony M. TroyerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Anthony McMathSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Antonio Lee McCoySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Arthur A. SkuratowiczSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Benito MartinezNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Boone J. LangleySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Bradlee A. RaderSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Brian J. MaplesSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Bryan TalagaNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Bryant MooreSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force, Fail to report change of address/employment/2nd, Failure to report a change of address/employment, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Violate sex offender registration
Caleb Braden RaySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Calvin BronsonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Camille ContentSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/weapon
Carlos A. BrenaSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Charles F. RoweSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Christopher A. NugentSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/reproduce/sell
Christopher C. FloresSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Christopher C. GattiSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Corey SmithSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/weapon
Cory S. AndersenSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Craig MonahanSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Indecent solicitation of a child
Cristobal CadenaSexual PredatorLocation UnknownAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Dale A. FrySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Daniel BarronSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
Daniel Kevin StantzNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Daniel Mark BirkySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Daniel Tizapantzi LopezSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Darnell M. BrittSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Darren Littlebear GarvieSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
David Benjamin KamideSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
David GassnerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
David J. BrocheSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
David R. FoustSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
David SantiagoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
David W. EwingSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Deborah J. CoxSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Dejuane BarnesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Dominic A. RussoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Donald Wayne KingerySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/solicit a child to appear
Donna ByrdsongNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantChild sex offender/reside 500', Criminal sexual abuse/force, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Violate sex offender registration act
Earl CosbySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Edward CarawaySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Edward Joseph BernasSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Edwin A. KlemmSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Edwin SerranoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Emerson Louis ScheerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Eric Daniel GriffithsSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Eric Robert DamitzSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Erik S. PedersenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Federic HortonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Frank J. WaltripSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Frank ScafidiSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Franklin C. CowsertSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Gabriel TylerNon-verified Child Sex OffenderNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault
Gaines WebsterSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Gene A. MarquisSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
George A. HewitsonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Gerald L. DoranSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Gilbert L. HardySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Glen GrissettSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Gregory D. AndersonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Gregory SandersSexual PredatorNon-CompliantDeviate sexual assault and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Gregory WrightSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Gyan K. MagarSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Harley E. Hamberg Jr.Sexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Hasan QaziSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Hilaury MorrisSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Hilliard Lavern FitzpatrickSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Ian F. FretchNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/school grounds
Ignacio Perez-RodriguezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Isaiah Michael ThatcherSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
James C. PoynorSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
James JonesSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
James Lee BaileySexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault
James M. WymoreSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jason William MyersSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography and Child pornography/film/photos
Jeffery Alan SelbyNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim vic 9-16
Jeffrey S. CranfordSexual PredatorLocation UnknownAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jeremy J. LindSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 9-16
Jerome MurraySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Jesse BromwellNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17, Fail to report change of address/employment/2nd, Violate sex offender regisistration/2nd and Violate sex offender registration
Jesse R. GarberSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
John E. SchmitzNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim vic 9-16
John L. WatrousSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
John M. CichonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
John MacKlinSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
John P. BandelSexual PredatorCompliantTraveling to meet a minor
John P. HigginsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
John Peter CarbonaroNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantChild sex offender present in a school zone, Criminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent and Violate sex offender registration
John Raymond BellSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17/2nd
John W. HaysSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Johnathon D. LargeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Johnnie TaylorSexual PredatorLocation UnknownChild pornography/film/photos, Child pornography/masturbation and Child pornography/sexual contact
Johnny F. SealsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Jojo Vazh VSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jonah N. ShepardSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jose A. HernandezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Attempt
Joseph DilworthSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Joseph J. TaglianettiSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Joseph WeaklandSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Joshua J. GriffinNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Joshua MatthewsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Criminal sexual assault
Juan Carlos SotoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Justin C. SpearsNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Kamil M. OsadzinskiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Karan C. PatelSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Keith E. ZeugSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Keith William DaveySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Kevin DammonsSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Kevin J. GriciusSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Kierre G. McPhersonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Kristen M. GriffinSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Kurt EllinghausenNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Lamont WashingtonSexual PredatorCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Leslie E. AdamsSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Luis A. EspadaSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated child pornography
Luis F. UribeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Mannie BellSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Marco A. CamposSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Mark A. StolteSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Martin McCluskeySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Matthew M. PedrosoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Michael Cory HoganSexual PredatorCompliantPublic indecency/exposure/3rd+
Michael F. ShirvisSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Violate sex offender registration
Michael HillSexual PredatorCompliantFail to register w/in 3 days of new residence/school, Felony conviction after 7/1/2011 and Sexual exploitation of a child/sex act
Michael J. MetoyerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Michael JeffersonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Michael P. SuttonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Michael Robert DetienneSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Michael ScardinoNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Michael Sean NealSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Michael Todd OglesbySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Michael W. CanterSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Miguel Angel BahenaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Miguel B. OcampoNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Miguel CacuccioloSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Mitchell GurraSexual PredatorNon-CompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Nabeel AfsarNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantTraveling to meet a minor
Neal AllenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Child pornography/film/tape/photo
Neal E. MaschkeSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Ned Accor Jr.Sexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Nelson BoriasSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Nicolas T. VillarrealSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm and Violate sex offender registration
Oliver Montez DottsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Paris Napoleon GarrettSexual PredatorLocation UnknownCriminal sexual assault/force and Sex offender registering/false info
Patrick E. RileySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Paul C. BarneySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Violate sex offender registration
Paul WilliamsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Pavel Logvin VSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated child pornography
Pawel M. MurdzaSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Perry WilkesSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Phethsana LuangkhothSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
R J KrienhederSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Rafael Zarazua RegaladoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim >60
Ray FolksSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Fail to report weekly/no fixed address/2nd and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Raymond JonesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Raymond S. NalepkaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Raymond StapinskiSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault
Reginald AllenSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Renard McCraySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Reymundo OlivaresSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Richard JohnsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse and Violate sex offender registration
Richard NailsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Richard Scott AugustSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Robb Adam SosnowskiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Robert A. DobbsSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt, Criminal sexual assault/force and Sex offender registering false info
Robert D. YecnySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Robert E. HicksSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Robert J. NiccolaiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Robert L. LauesenSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt and Child pornography
Robert Richard SkodaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Rodolfo A. VictoriaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Violate sex offender registration
Roel GonzalezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/handicapped
Roger CruzSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Ruben MartinezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13, Child sex offender/reside 500' and Sex offender loiter within 500' public park
Rufus NealSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Indecent solicitation of a child
Russ LipscombNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Ryan E. LangeSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Santiago DiazSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 9-16
Scot A. CastoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Scot A. CastoSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Sebastian MendozaSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Sergio MartinezSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Shaheed Ibn SabreeSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Shane A. MonroeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Shawn M. SarantschaSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse and Indecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Shawn T. ShafferNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/sex act
Steven Glen DadySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Steven Lee BussellSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Steven Wade PoundersSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Tarron L. TuckerSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Terrance SagoNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Terrance T. JacksonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Terry AtwaterSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Thomas A. SchmitzSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Thomas J. BondiSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Thomas J. FannSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Thomas J. OlsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Thomas R. MescallSexual PredatorLocation UnknownCriminal sexual assault/force
Tony SteeleSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Victor M. MezaNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantSex relations
Vincent J. MarsalaSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Vladimir David LoganSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Walter MaySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Walter RineboldSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Wayne A. WendtSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
William L. ChandlerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Zachary M. QuistSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16


Village of FooslandCity of DekalbCity of PekinCity of DanvilleSpringfield TownshipCity of Chicago HeightsVillage of WinfieldCity of CubaVillage of ItascaCity of PontiacVillage of WestmontCity of AtlantaVillage of WoodridgeCity of North ChicagoCity of MarionVillage of Peoria HeightsCity of GenevaCity of Blue IslandLemont TownshipCity of WarrenvilleCity of BraidwoodCity of Park RidgeCity of ElmhurstCity of SycamoreCity of QuincyVillage of SaukCity of DarienCity of CharlestonCity of ZionKillenPark City CityCity of SalemCity of JolietLisle TownshipVillage of BensenvilleVillage of BourbonnaisVillage of Carol StreamVillage of Hanover ParkPeoria CityCity of CarbondaleCity of Champaign TownshipVillage of Villa ParkCity of MurphysboroCity of SterlingCity of ChenoaCity of KewaneeVillage of MortonVillage of Clarendon HillsCity of East Saint LouisDowners GroveCity of AuroraCity of RockfordCity of JacksonvilleCity of Loves ParkVillage of Melrose ParkVillage of StegerCity of WaukeganVillage of GurneeCity of WheatonCity of RosiclareCity of DecaturCity of West ChicagoVillage of Oak BrookCity of CentraliaVillage of Glen EllynVillage of RoselleVillage of Glendale HeightsCity of AltonVillage Of Richton ParkVillage Of SidellNaperville TownshipBloomingdale TownshipCity of Wood DaleCity of HarveyCity of MinonkVillage Of LombardCity of LincolnVillage Of Washington ParkVillage Of GlasfordCity of LockportCity of NewtonCity of StreatorVillage Of Arlington HeightsCity of ElginAddisonCity of MarkhamCity Of MemphisCity of ChicagoVillage Of Bartlett


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