City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met Nov. 12
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
Chair Deuter called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Present: Deuter, Park
Absent: Veremis
Staff Present: Franz, Gal, Grabowski (part), Johnson (part)
Elected Officials: Mayor Levin (part)
3. Receipt of Written Communications
Items received were posted to Board Docs.
4. Public Comments
Tom Altergott commented on the presentation posted to Board Docs and discussed concerns on the risk of excavation close to property lines.
Monica Cook stated that a minimum distance should be required for excavations and noted that issues associated with excavations hinder neighborly relationships when new neighbors move in.
5. Business Before the Committee
A. Development, Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes October 28, 2024
Alderman Park made a motion to approve the minutes of the DP&Z Committee on October 28, 2024. Chair Deuter seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.
B. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06 of the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) - Review of the following Executive Session Meeting Minutes: June 22, 2009, May 22, 2017, June 26, 2017, July 10, 2017, August 14, 2017 and April 12, 2021
Alderman Park made a motion to keep closed the following Executive Session Meeting Minutes: June 22, 2009, May 22, 2017, June 26, 2017, July 10, 2017, August 14, 2017 and April 12, 2021. Chair Deuter seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.
C. Pending Items List Review
The Committee reviewed the pending items list and did not note any changes.
D. Case 24 P 15 Conditional Use Permit – EYFP – 501 W. Lake Street
CP Franz summarized the request. It was noted that the Zoning & Planning Commission recommended unanimously for approval of the requested conditional use permit. Walter Salek and Carol Frank addressed questions from the Committee on parking and operations. It was noted that neighboring businesses are closed during distribution times.
The Committee discussed whether the report should specify the date and times of operation. Staff stated that the applicant’s materials outline the proposed operations and any increase in the frequency or volume above what has been proposed would require an amendment.
Alderman Park made a motion to approve a report recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit at the property commonly known as 501 W. Lake Street. Chair Deuter seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.
E. Case 24 P 16 –Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development with Site Development Allowances and Plat of Subdivision - Salt Creek School - 980 & 994 S. Riverside Drive
CP Franz summarized the request and described the site development allowances that are requested. It was noted that the Zoning & Planning Commission recommended unanimously for approval of all requests. Amy Zaher and Matthew Toepper addressed questions from the Committee, and it was shared that the referendum passed.
Alderman Park made a motion to approve a report recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Final PUD with Site Development Allowances and Plat of Subdivision at the property commonly known as 980 & 994 S. Riverside Drive. Chair Deuter seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.
F. Discussion: Window wells, excavation standards and access
The Committee reviewed the updated spreadsheet on comparable communities noting that many communities through interpretation of their code allow window well encroachment into the setback.
Chair Deuter requested that the list be narrowed to communities with the most similar characteristics to Elmhurst’s R2 lots and requested additional information on excavation requirements.
The Committee will continue their review at the next meeting.
G. Zoning Ordinance Update - Public Draft 2.0
The Committee started their discussion on the circle back memo. Chair Deuter asked for additional information on LaGrange’s PUD ordinance.
6. Other Business
The next meeting will be on November 25th, the Monday before Thanksgiving. The Committee agreed that the start time will be 6:30 p.m.
7. Adjournment
Alderman Park made a motion to adjourn at 8:01 p.m. Chair Deuter seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.