City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst Committee of the Whole met Oct. 21
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order - Mayor Levin called the COW meeting to order at 8:13pm.
Present: Tina Park, Jim Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, Marti Deuter, Jennifer Veremis (exited 9pm), Jacob Hill, Karen Sienko, Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, and Noel Talluto
Absent: Brian Cahill
13 Present, 1 Absent
Also Present: Treasurer Curran, City Manager Grabowski, Assistant City Manager Johnson, Finance Director Coyle, Assistant Finance Director Bruns, Police Chief McLean, Fire Chief Dufort, and IT Director Kravets.
2. Public Comments - None
3. Business Before the Committee
A. Review of Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
B. Introduction - City Manager Grabowski and Finance Director Coyle introduced the 2025 budget to the council. Discussion ensued and questions by council were answered.
C. Police Department - Chief McLean introduced the 2025 budget highlighting accomplishments from the past year and goals/objective of 2025. Discussion ensued and questions by council were answered.
D. Fire Protection - Chief Dufort introduced the 2025 budget highlighting accomplishments from the past year and goals/objective of 2025. Discussion ensued and questions by council were answered
Circle back items identified for a future date.
4. Adjournment - Alderman Hill moved to adjourn from the meeting. Alderman Sienko seconded. A voice vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05pm.