City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst, IL | Wikimedia Commons
City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met Oct. 15
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
Chair Deuter called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Present: Deuter, Park, Veremis
Absent: None
Staff Present: Franz, Johnson, Kransberger
Elected Officials: Mayor Levin
3. Receipt of Written Communications
A. Written Communications: Documents posted to Board Docs.
4. Public Comments
A. Public Comment
Therese Altergott spoke in opposition to allowing window wells in setbacks.
Tom Altergott spoke about the community research document prepared for the meeting and window wells.
Monica Cook asked for an explanation as to why window wells are allowed and excavation requirements.
Dave McKenna spoke about excavation, window wells and lot sizes in Elmhurst and handed out plans to the Committee.
5. Business Before the Committee
A. Development, Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes September 23, 2024
Alderman Veremis made a motion to approve the minutes of the DP&Z Committee on September 23, 2024. Alderman Park seconded. Prior to the vote, clarification was provided on the other business item. Voice Vote. Motion passed.
B. Planned Unit Development Concept Meeting Chic Fil A - 235 S IL Route 83
CP Franz explained why a PUD is required. Todd Richards of HR Greene presented the concept to the Committee and spoke about the floodplain and parking area. The building is not in the floodplain, but the surrounding parking area is in the floodplain. The intent is to increase drive-through efficiency. ACM Johnson spoke about the floodplain at the property and confirmed that close attention will be paid to stormwater requirements. It was noted that the addition of the 2nd lane will decrease back-up on the overall site. The Committee did not identify any issues that would prevent the request from moving forward.
C. Economic Development Consultant Contract Renewal
CP Franz went over additional details on duties that Ken Bartels performs including business blitzes, assigning and tracking EDC retention visits and assisting in the planning, coordination and execution of 5-6 events per year. Alderman Veremis provided additional information on a retention visit for the Committee. Mayor Levin described a situation where a business was looking for additional space and staff was able to assist them in finding them a larger space due to information gathered during a retention visit.
ACM Johnson went over duties performed by Charlie Van Slyke. Mr. Van Slyke assists in lease negotiation in coordination with the City’s legal team and management company for City owned properties including 180 W. Park. He also assisted in the easement procurement for the Pick Park easement and watermain easement at the new Park District dog park. Mr. Van Slyke is a licensed broker and worked on the recent sale of City property to Salt Creek School district, the purchase of the properties recently acquired by the City on Eggleston properties. Lastly, he advises the City of large property tax appeals and recently worked on an alley vacation on Myrtle.
The Committee came to a consensus and agreed to support the draft report. The Committee requested that the “Actuals vs budgets document” available on Board Docs be included on the Council agenda.
Alderman Park made a motion to approve the draft report. Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.
D. Discussion: Window wells, excavation standards and access
Chair Deuter explained that window wells, backyard access and excavation are being discussed separately from the larger Zoning Ordinance rewrite project. Tonight will be an initial discussion on the 3 items and whether the City needs to make changes. It was noted that potential changes may not all be part of the zoning ordinance but elsewhere in the MCO.
Mayor Levin explained that the topic did come up for discussion at a 2016 DPZ meeting, but was a cursory discussion, not an in-depth review. Mayor Levin commented that excavation is more about how you build rather than what can be built.
ACM Johnson, BC Kransberger and CP Franz went through the PowerPoint. ACM Johnson spoke to known flood area based on the Christopher Burke study and the additional protections the City requires for window wells in those areas. Chair Deuter requested that those requirements be included in any future ordinance changes. ACM Johnson explained what is reviewed during permit review including the drainage pattern for neighborhood and how topographical maps for the block are used. He explained the City has always done a good job and has learned from rain events. Houses are designed for the 100-year event and foundations are raised to aid in flood protection. Proposed grade should be within 6 inches of existing grade.
CP Franz went over the spreadsheet from nearby communities and explained an email was sent to the staff and ordinances reviewed. Communities were selected based on proximity and similarity to Elmhurst. The Committee requested information from Westmont, LaGrange, Naperville and Western Springs. And additional information on setback requirements, permitted obstruction, window well specifics and what the minimum clearance would be in a side yard taking into account a window well.
BC Kransberger spoke about the Fire Code and confirmed that a concrete window well is compliant. He also went over the requirements for excavation in the Building Code and described the need for a safe area for workers.
Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
E. Zoning Ordinance Update - Public Draft 2.0
The Committee began reviewing the staff memo dated October 10th and will continue at the next meeting.
6. Other Business
Upcoming meeting attendance and start times for the meetings were discussed.
7. Adjournment
Alderman Veremis made a motion to adjourn at 9:51 p.m. Park seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m.