
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Warrenville Environmental Advisory Commission met Aug. 20

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Kathryn Davolos, Ward 3 Alderman - City of Warrenville, IL | City of Warrenville, IL Website

Kathryn Davolos, Ward 3 Alderman - City of Warrenville, IL | City of Warrenville, IL Website

City of Warrenville Environmental Advisory Commission met Aug. 20

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Commissioner Kauth called the meeting to order at 07:35 P.M.


Present: Commissioner Jean-Marie Kauth (JMK), Commissioner Margaret Votava (MV), Commissioner Patrick McNulty (PM),

Also Present: Staff Liaison David Romero (DR), Council Liaison Kathy Davolos (KD).

Absent: Commissioner Cecilia Gerber (CG), Commissioner Kathy Franke (KF).


PM made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by JMK, and unanimously approved.




KD reported that at the upcoming August 22nd Plan Commission meeting, the Commission will review the request for special use permits and variance for the development of a gas station with convenience store and drive through at 28W846 Butterfield Road (the NW corner of Batavia Road and Butterfield Road).


1. Sorting and Packaging of Battery Recycling (All)

WEAC completed sorting and packing 5 boxes of batteries weighing approximately 195 pounds. The WEAC worked overtime on the sort/pack of batteries which caused the late start of the meeting at 07:35 P.M.

2. Discussion of Warrenville’s FY24 Sustainability Highlights (All)

KD opened the discussion of the City of Warrenville FY24 Sustainability Highlights report with approval for its compact layout and inclusive detail. PM reported that during a review of the Comparable Communities list several villages had published their sustainability reports. The Warrenville report was shorter without leaving out any details and easier to navigate. All agreed that the report should be featured in a prominent place on the City’s website.

3. Discussion/recap of participation in National Night Out event (All)

Commissioners KF and PM, and Council Liaison DV attended the NNO event representing WEAC at its own booth. It was reported that the event was well attended, despite the windy drizzle. Many children with their parents visited the   booth. It was apparent to WEAC that there was ample contact with curious residents as well as the opportunity to engage with and to spark their interest. All discussed the future need to have visual displays that emphasize WEAC programs like battery recycling, Arbor Day, library presentation programs, examples of alternatives to single use plastics. All discussed, without conclusion the potential need for “give aways.” It seemed to WEAC that some were drawn to the table in search for these items. The discussion started the process of identifying an appropriate form of useful reminder that was environmentally appropriate – why give away single use plastic items? WEAC will need to discuss in the future what to handout as a “giveaway” that falls in line with its values.

On a separate note, the commissioners addressed staffing constraints created by supporting multi-day events. It was reported in the July meeting that the Art on The Prairie organizers require each booth/table be staffed for the entire two-day event. KD reported that Arbor Day is supported by volunteer groups. WEAC should consider expanding opportunities for volunteers and members of service

organizations to help as auxiliary support for multi-day events.

4. Discuss and choose goody bag/samples/coupons for plastics presentation (All)

All discussed the need to avoid any appearance of promoting any brand. WEAC needs to educate about the opportunities to reduce the single use plastic detergent jugs rather than endorse any product brand. It is the concept, not the product. Other possibilities include dishwasher pods to replace liquid washer detergent bottles. Further discussion and “brainstorming” are needed to define what and how WEAC can use as educational examples. Lastly, it was suggested to ask KF bring to the presentation the plastics display she brought to National Night Out. DR to contact KF.

PM made a motion, seconded by JMK, and unanimously approved that WEAC purchase samples of washing machine detergent sheets, and plastic free dishwasher detergent tabs, to be used as “give aways” at the September 4th Problems with Plastics Library presentation event.

5. Discussion of Comparable Communities environmental commission research (All)

During the July WEAC commissioners discussed that of the 15 Comparable Communities there are 4 that have active Commissions engaged in environmental advocacy, present current sustainability plans, advice, and education. PM advised he will prepare a listing to demonstrate why and how the top 4 may have value to Warrenville’s advisory efforts.




JMK made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by MV, and passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. 
