
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elmhurst City Council met Aug. 5

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Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

Scott M. Levn, Mayor | City of Elmhurst Website

City of Elmhurst City Council met Aug. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Executive Session - Mayor Levin called executive session to order at 7:18pm.

1.1 Executive Session for the purpose of discussing: Pending /Probable Litigation pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11)

Present: Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, Marti Deuter, Jake Hill, and Karen Sienko

Absent: Jennifer Veremis

13 Present, 1 Absent

Also Present: City Attorney Storino and City Manager Grabowski

Alderman Cahill moved to convene into executive session.  Alderman Hill sesconded.

Ayes: Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, Marti Deuter, Jake Hill, and Karen Sienko

Nays: None

13 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent

Motion carried

2. Call to Order - Mayor Levin called the regular city council meeting to order at 7:38pm.

2.1 Pledge of Allegiance

2.2 Roll Call - Ward 3

Present: Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, Marti Deuter, Jake Hill, and Karen Sienko

Absent: Jennifer Veremis

13 Present, 1 Absent

Also Present: City Attorney Storino, City Manager Grabowski, Finance Director Coyle, Public Works Director Balicki, Police Chief McLean, Fire Chief Dufort, IT Director Kravitz, Communications Manager Schref, Business Development Manager Bereckis, and HR Director Palm

3. Presentation(s) 

3.1 American Legion Boys and Girls State Camp Proclamation presented by Mayor Levin

3.2 Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Life Saving Award 

4. Receipt of Written Communication from the Public - Two written communications from residents was delivered to aldermen and posted on Board Docs.

 5. Public Forum

Christie Ainge - Spoke in regard to the Third and Schiller greenspace referral

Kathleen Ekeberg - Commented on Postal mail/delivery issues, immigrants in Elmhurst, and Mayor statement from last meeting.

6. Announcements - None

7. Consent Agenda

7.1 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Elmhurst City Council on July 15, 2024

7.2 Accounts Payable - August 5, 2024 - 7,851,690.97

7.3 Referral - Historic Preservation Ordinance and Historic Preservation Commission

7.4 Report - Case 24 P 10 - Arcadian Amended Conditional Use for Pylon Sign - 880 N. York (DP&Z)

7.5 Report - Food and Beverage Tax Requirements (F,CA&AS)

7.6 Report - Migration to Tyler Technologies Software as a Service (F,CA&AS)

7.7 Report - Crossing Guard Services RFP Selection (PA&S)

7.8 Report - Knights of Columbus Annual Classic Car Show (PA&S)

7.9 MCO-08-2024 - An Ordinance Amending Section 44.92 Entitled “Stop Intersections Enumerated” of Article VI Entitled “Special Stops” of Chapter 44 Entitled “Motor Vehicles And Traffic” of the Elmhurst Municipal Code

7.10 MCO-09-2024 - An Ordinance Amending Section 44.74 Entitled “Yield Right-Of-Way Streets” of Article V Entitled “Driving, Overtaking And Passing” of Chapter 44 Entitled “Motor Vehicles And Traffic” of the Elmhurst Municipal Code

7.11 R-63-2024 - A Resolution Adopting the Amended New Sidewalk Installation Policy

7.12 R-64-2024 - A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement and Release for the Resolution of Civil Litigation

Alderman Irby pulled item 7.7 from the consent agenda and Alderman Talluto pulled item 7.11.  Alderman Jensen moved to accept the consent agenda minus items 7.7 and 7.11.  Alderman Nardini seconded.

Ayes: Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, Marti Deuter, Jake Hill, and Karen Sienko

Nays: None

13 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent

Motion carried

7.7 Alderman Brennan moved to accept the report. Alderman Hill seconded. Alderman Brennan summarized the report and spoke in support of it. Alderman Irby does not support the report and had inquiries which Mayor Levin and Alderman Brennan clarified. Alderman Nardini didn't sign the report however he spoke in support of it. In the future, he would like D205 included and hopes more there to be more than one bid to evaluate. Alderman Bram spoke in support of the report and agreed D205 should contribute in the future. 

Ayes: Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Noel Talluto, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Marti Deuter, Jake Hill, and Karen Sienko

Nays: Rex Irby

12 Ayes, 1 Nay, 1 Absent

Motion carried

7.11 Alderman Basetedo moved to accept the resolution. Alderman Cahill seconded. Alderman Bastedo summarized the resolution and spoke in support of it. Alderman Talluto does not support the resolution. She does not want to impose a tax on someone for something they don't want. She further states she doesn't see many in the community asking for this change and feels it's an expensive precedent. Alderman Bastedo stated that it doesn't obligate the city to pay and council would have to approve the funds at a later time. Alderman Nardini inquired if $50,000 has been used for sidewalks in the past year and Alderman Bastedo replied it has not. Alderman Hill feels there is interest in past when numbers show current policy failed. Alderman Bram feels the statistics shows there has been support for sidewalks.

Ayes: Chris Jensen, Michael Bram, Brian Cahill, Tina Park, James Nudera, Emily Bastedo, Guido Nardini, Mike Brennan, Rex Irby, Marti Deuter, Jake Hill, and Karen Sienko

Nays: Noel Talluto

12 Ayes, 1 Nay, 1 Absent

Motion carried

8. Reports and Recommendations of Appointed and Elected Officials

8.1 Mayor Levin - The Mayor delivered a statement on settlement from the consent agenda. He announced the police safety event Thursday night at Berens. Senior citizen commission conversations with the Mayor hosting is Saturday 8/17 at 10am, city hall. Craft Beer Fest is Saturday 9/14 and looking for volunteers.

8.2 City Manager Grabowski - Neighborhood roll calls will be Tuesday and Wednesday due to the police safety event on Thursday. Friday 8/9 is Lions Club Reverse Raffle/dinner. See City Manager for tickets.

8.3 Clerk Tamer - The Clerk announced candidate packets for the April 1, 2025 Consolidated Election may begin to be circulated August 20th. She will announce when packets will be made available after receiving the information from the county.

9. Other Business - None

10. Adjournment - Alderman Brennan moved to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Cahill seconded. A voice vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm.
