
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sen. Lewis disputes CTU's claims on Chicago public schools' funding

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State Senator Seth Lewis | Illinois General Assembly

State Senator Seth Lewis | Illinois General Assembly

State Senator Seth Lewis (R-Bartlett) has contested the claims of the Chicago Teacher’s Union (CTU), which recently saw 600 members take a taxpayer-funded day off to demand an additional $1 billion in state funding for Chicago Public Schools. According to Sen. Lewis, recent funding figures challenge many of the assertions made by the CTU.

“Everyone has a right to come to this building to ask for something, but when you continuously use bullying tactics to intimidate people, and then resort to name calling when they do not agree with you, I think you are going to find there is going to be some pushback,” said Sen. Lewis. “People in this building are getting tired of that, and there is going to be opposition.”

Under the Evidence-Based Funding (EBF) model, school districts are divided into a four-tier system. Tier One school districts are those with the greatest need for new state funding in order to provide adequate education for their students. Since the implementation of this funding formula and with additional state support, CPS has already progressed up to Tier 2.

Sen. Lewis stated, “Chicago needs to start paying its own bills. In the suburbs, when there is a financial need within a school district, they go to referendum. Voters weigh in at the ballot box in an up or down vote, and school districts respond accordingly. It’s time Chicago started playing by the same rules everyone else is expected to play by.”

The Senate Republican Caucus leaders have pledged their continued support for taxpayers and their commitment towards equal funding for schools throughout Illinois.