
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tips to Survive Illinois’ Winter Weather

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State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro (IL) | Representative Jennifer Sanalitro (R) 48th District

State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro (IL) | Representative Jennifer Sanalitro (R) 48th District

Living in Illinois means homeowners have to always be prepared for changes in the weather. The climate encapsulates all four seasons in Illinois, and staying ahead of the game can save a homeowner thousands of dollars and days and weeks of unwanted challenges or issues.

According to Consumer Reports, one of the major concerns during winter is water damage caused by frozen and burst pipes. To avoid this, it is recommended to wrap the pipes and keep the heat at a temperature of 65 degrees or higher. It is also important to know the location of the water shutoff valve for emergency situations.

There are several other tips to help prepare homes for the winter in Illinois:

1. Pay special attention to basements, as over one-third of all burst pipes occur in this area.

2. Insulate the attic or crawl space to prevent heat loss.

3. Service the furnace and chimney, and conduct annual inspections to ensure they are in good working condition.

4. Remove and store window screens, and install glass storm windows to create an insulating layer.

5. Repair loose roofing shingles to prevent water leaks.

6. Clean and inspect gutters to avoid ice dams.

7. Repair any loose or broken patio stones to prevent accidents.

8. Remove dead or ailing tree limbs that may pose a risk during winter storms.

9. Secure outdoor water sources, including draining garden hoses and removing them from the spigot.

10. Mark garden beds, paths, and driveways to assist with snow shoveling.

11. Re-caulk windows and doors to seal any gaps and prevent drafts.

12. Reverse ceiling fans to circulate warm air.

13. Drain fuel from gas-powered engines, such as lawn mowers, to prevent damage.

14. Check insurance coverage to avoid any unexpected surprises.

15. Prevent door locks from freezing by spraying a powered-graphite lubricant in each lock.

16. Tidy up gardens to prevent insects from hiding out.

17. Mulch flower beds to protect them from freezing temperatures.

18. Keep the deck clean and apply sealer if needed.

19. Check the snowblower to ensure it is working properly.

20. Bring in outdoor plants, furniture, and grills to protect them from the elements.

21. Cover the water heater with an insulation blanket to conserve energy.

22. Install a programmable thermostat to customize temperature settings.

23. Change batteries and test smoke detectors to ensure they are functioning properly.

By following these tips, homeowners can be better prepared to face the challenges of winter in Illinois. It is important to take proactive measures to protect the home and ensure the safety and comfort of its occupants.


- Consumer Reports

- Bankrate

- Real Simple

- Budget Dumpster

To find out more, go to this link: https://repsanalitro.com/2023/11/28/tips-to-survive-illinois-winter-weather/