
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met Aug. 28

City of Elmhurst Development, Planning, & Zoning Committee met Aug. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Deuter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Present: Deuter, Park, Veremis

Absent: None

Staff Present: Franz, Gal, Kopp, Kransberger

Elected Officials: Bastedo (part), Hill (part)

3. Receipt of Written Communications

Michelle Platt submitted a letter to the Committee posted to Board Docs after the meeting.

4. Public Comments

Michelle Platt provided public comment on the undeveloped green space located adjacent to the former Hospital site.

5. Business Before the Committee

A. Development, Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes August 14, 2023

Alderman Park moved to approve the minutes of the DP&Z Committee on August 14, 2023.  Alderman Veremis seconded. Voice Vote. Motion passed.

B. Referral: Review Elmhurst building Code to Support Residential L2 Charging & Solar Panel Installation

Chair Deuter stated that the combination of the City’s Building Code and state legislation on EV address the EV component of this referral therefore no additional action is needed.

Regarding solar, BC Kransberger reviewed voluntary programs related to solar preparedness including Solar Ready and Solsmart. Solsmart looks at a community’s solar preparedness related to permits and inspections. It was clarified that solar permits are reviewed by a third-party and then the City issues the permits. The Community Development Department has not noted any issues or obstacles with solar permits.

Solar Ready evaluates how new homes can be designed for solar installations with requirements on home and roof orientation to plan for maximum exposure and with limited obstructions. The Committee noted that adding requirements to the Building Code now on solar infrastructure may be premature because solar is always changing and future options may look different.

BC Kransberger reached out to two nearby communities – Lombard and Wheaton. Lombard participates in Solsmart and Wheaton will wait on state legislation related to solar before making any changes to their codes, like the changes made to EV. The Committee decided to keep this referral on the pending items list and revisit it routinely when either the state or a peer community has acted on infrastructure requirements to be solar ready.

John Belcher, a local architect, and Dave McKenna, local builder, provided comments on the design and aesthetic of solar panels, new technology in the form of solar shingles, as well as addressing safety for new solar on existing structures.

C. Referral: Residential Builder Sidewalk Construction Code

The Committee discussed the draft report and provided edits. Alderman Park stated that blocks slated for new sidewalks should be prioritized and determined in advance so that the sidewalk fund can be used immediately once the fund reaches a value that can complete a sidewalk connection.

There was discussion on whether the sidewalk fund can be included in the upcoming budget so that the fund can be built up in time for a project next year. Alderman Bastedo stated that the Public Works Committee has designated parts of Crestview, Van Auken, and Indiana as Safe Routes and recommended the cost of engineering be budgeted for next year. It was noted that the installation and prioritization of which sidewalks should get constructed will rest with the Public Works Committee.

The Committee will continue discussion of this item at the next meeting and finalize the draft report.

Dave McKenna provided public comment and noted that the Committee should consider a small contribution from smaller projects and additions to build up the sidewalk fund.

D. Zoning Ordinance Update

Chair Deuter introduced this agenda item. The DPZ Committee will be reviewing the draft of the zoning ordinance update over the next few meetings. The Committee will identify items to circle back to for clarification or additional discussion. CP Franz reviewed Article 1 through Article 5 and answered questions. The Committee will continue their review at the next meeting.

6. Other Business

Alderman Park asked whether the Committee should evaluate a small contribution from other home projects as part of the sidewalk fund. Chair Deuter noted that based on previous Committee discussion, the sidewalks in older areas of Elmhurst were installed by the developer at that time. New homes should contribute like how sidewalks were historically installed.

7. Adjournment

Alderman Veremis moved to adjourn at 9:23 p.m.  Alderman Park seconded. Voice Vote.

Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
