
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 6, 2025

DuPage County Judicial and Public Safety Committee met Aug. 1

DuPage County Judicial and Public Safety Committee met Aug. 1

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:






5.A. 23-2524  

Judicial and Public Safety Committee - Regular Meeting - July 11, 2023.  


6.A. JPS-P-0058-23  

Recommendation for the approval for a contract purchase order to Insight Public Sector, Inc., for the purchase of UPS's for network closets, for the Sheriff's Office, for a contract total amount not to exceed $32,261; per Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act", Omnia Partners #23-6692-03. (Sheriff's Office) 

6.B. JPS-P-0059-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to cFive Solutions, Inc., for the annual maintenance service agreement for the Probation Case Management Systems, for the period of August 9th, 2023 through March 31, 2027, for a contract total amount of $570,991. Exempt from bidding per DuPage County Purchasing Ordinance, Article 2-350 - Sole Source. This is proprietary software that must be maintained by the vendor, cFive Solutions, Inc. (Probation and Court Services) 

6.C. JPS-P-0060-23  

Recommendation for the approval of a contract issued to Stanard & Associates, to provide exams for deputy sheriffs seeking promotion to the ranks of Sergeant and Lieutenant, for the Sheriff's Merit Commission, for the period August 8, 2023 through November 30, 2024, for a contract total amount not to exceed $73,700. (Sheriff's Merit Commission)


7.A. FI-R-0171-23  

Acceptance of the Illinois State Opioid Response Criminal Justice Medication Assisted Treatment Integration FY23 - MOU Number 2023-102 - $25,000. (Sheriff's Office) 

7.B. FI-R-0172-23  

Acceptance of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board Law Enforcement Camera Grant (LECG) Phase II - Agreement No. 20230510 - $31,104. (Sheriff's Office) 

7.C. FI-R-0173-23  

Acceptance and appropriation of the Donated Funds Initiative Program Grant PY24 - Inter-Governmental Agreement No. FCSCJ00210, Company 5000, Accounting Unit 6560, $103,119. (State's Attorney's Office) 

7.D. FI-R-0174-23  

Acceptance and appropriation of the ILDCFS Children's Advocacy Center Grant PY24 - Agreement No. 3871779014, Company 5000, Accounting Unit 6580, $312,185. (State's Attorney's Office/Children's Advocacy Center) 


8.A. 23-2525  

Transfer of funds from account no. 5000-6570-53090 (Other Professional Services) to account nos. 5000-6570-50000 (Regular Salaries) and 5000-6570-51030 (Employer Share Social Security) in the amount of $2,886 to realign the grant budget to account for final expenditures. (State's Attorney's Office) 

8.B. 23-2526  

Transfer of funds from account no. 1400-6120-54100 (IT Equipment) to account no. 1400-6120-53807 (Software Maintenance Agreements) in the amount of $32,000 needed to cover the costs for the upgrade to the current Probation Case Management System (PCMS) release. The current release is 10+ years old and unsupported. (Probation and Court Services) 


9.A. 23-2527  

Decrease and close Purchase Order 5749-0001 SERV, issued to HOV Services, INC. in the amount of $372,277.22. (Clerk of the Circuit Court) 

9.B. 23-2528  

County Contract 6016-0001-SERV, issued to Alliance Technology Group LLC to decrease the total contract amount by $469,920.77 and close the contract. (Sheriff's Office)

9.C. 23-2529  

County Contract 6024-0001-SERV issued to Scientel Solutions, to decrease the total contract amount by $71,67.90 and close the contract. (Sheriff's Office) 

9.D. 23-2530  

County Contract 5470-0001-SERV, issued to Public Safety Direct, to decrease the total contract amount by $190,361.36 and close the contract. (Sheriff's Office) 

9.E. 23-2531  

County Contract 5531-0001-SERV, issued to Galls Parent, to decrease the total contract amount by $61,500.10 and close the contract. (Sheriff's Office) 

9.F. 23-2532  

County Contract 5579-0001-SERV, issued to Ray O'Herron, to decrease the total contract amount by $25,826.26 and close the contract. (Sheriff's Office) 

9.G. 23-2533  

County Contract 5647-0001-SERV, issued to Contract Pharmacy Services, to decrease the total contract amount by $125,194.34 and close the contract. (Sheriff's Office) 

9.H. 23-2534  

County Contract 5562-0001-SERV, issued to Warehouse Direct Inc, to decrease the total contract amount by $11,342.44 and close contract. (Sheriff's Office) 

9.I. 23-2535  

County Contract 5495-0001-SERV, issued to Carol Stream Stratford Inn Ltd, to decrease the total contract amount by $37,266.80 and close the contract. (Sheriff's Office) 

10. GRANTS    

10.A. 23-2536  

GPN 040-23: Illinois State Opioid Response Criminal Justice Medication Assisted Recover Integration PY23 - Illinois Department of Health and Human Services - $25,000. (Sheriff's Office)

10.B. 23-2537  

GPN 041-23: ILETSB (Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board) - Officer Recruitment and Retention Grant Program - $40,000. (Sheriff's Office)

10.C. 23-2538  

GPN 044-23: DCFS Children's Advocacy Center Grant PY24 - Children's Advocacy Centers of Illinois and DCFS - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - $312,185. (State's Attorney's Office/Children's Advocacy Center)

11. TRAVEL    

11.A. 23-2539  

Authorization is requested for the Director of the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (OHSEM) to travel to Springfield, Illinois from September 4-8, 2023 to attend the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) 2023 Training Summit. It is beneficial that the Director attend this Training Summit which will include various training sessions and meetings. The cost to DuPage County is $670.10 for lodging, meals and miscellaneous expenses. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)

11.B. 23-2540  

Authorization is requested for an Emergency Management Coordinator to travel to Springfield, Illinois from September 5-8, 2023 to attend the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) 2023 Training Summit. The State of Illinois has requested that he bring the rapid communications vehicle RapidComm4 to Springfield to be demonstrated at the Training Summit. He will also give a presentation on Auxiliary Communications and assist with STARCOM Interoperable Communications presentations. IEMA is providing lodging for presenters. The cost to DuPage County will be $282.50 for meals and miscellaneous expenses. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)

11.C. 23-2541  

Authorization is requested for an OHSEM volunteer to travel to Springfield, Illinois from September 5-8, 2023 to attend the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) 2023 Training Summit. The State of Illinois has requested that the rapid communications vehicle RapidComm4 be brought to Springfield to be demonstrated at the Training Summit. This volunteer will be assisting the Emergency Management Coordinator in staffing the RapidComm4 vehicle while on display and discussing its capabilities with attendees. The cost to DuPage County is $670.10 for lodging, meals and miscellaneous expenses. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)  


12.A. 23-2542  

Public Defender's Office June 2023 Monthly Statistical Report (Public Defender's Office)  


13.A. DuPage County Coroner - Richard Jorgensen, M.D. 

13.B. DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management - Craig Dieckman, Director 



