
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elmhurst Finance, Council Affairs & Administrative Services Committee met May 22

City of Elmhurst Finance, Council Affairs & Administrative Services Committee met May 22

Here are the minutes provided by the committee: 

Finance, Council Affairs & Administrative Services Committee                         

1. Call to Order

Chair Talluto called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Committee Members Present:

Talluto, Jensen, Irby, Nudera

Other Elected Officials Present:

Curran, Sienko (8:03), Bastedo (8:03)

City Staff and Others Present:

Grabowski, Coyle, Bruns, Kravets

3. Public Comment – Ingrid Alvarenga, a representative from Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia’s office handed out information to the Committee regarding an upcoming town hall meeting.

4. Receipt of Written Communication – None. 

5. Business Before the Committee

A. Minutes of the May 8, 2023, meeting of the Finance, Council Affairs & Administrative Services Committee

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Alderman Jensen and seconded by Alderman Nudera. Roll Call vote: 4 ayes, 0 nays. Motion duly carried.

B. Stormwater Fee Study Presentation – Phase I Results

Chair Talluto prefaced the topic by explaining the goal of this meeting is to ensure that all Committee members are equally informed on the Stormwater funding needs and potential options for funding, including the possibility of establishing a Stormwater fee. Director Coyle introduced the consultant, Stantec, and indicated they would be reviewing the final Phase I recommendation as well as providing additional information requested by the Committee.

Stantec reviewed their financial analysis, explaining the assumptions used and that they identified $2.7 million as the additional stormwater funding needed, assuming the $1.3 million property tax allocation remains as directed by the Committee at the prior presentation. They presented two stormwater fee structure options. Option 1 is a tiered structure for all single-family residential (SFR) parcels based on one Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) equal to the median of 3,400 square feet of impervious area, resulting in three tiers. Option 2 is a uniform fee for all SFR parcels.  Due to the homogeneous makeup of residential properties, the consultant recommended a uniform fee for residential. In both options, non-SFR parcels are based on measured impervious area. They also presented policy issues for consideration including exemptions, bill caps, and credit programs.

The Committee asked many clarifying questions.  Additional information was requested for future discussion, including stormwater requirements for commercial and industrial parcels, sales data by sector for industrial parcels, a breakdown by property type of parcels at a potential $5,000 bill cap, an analysis of the impact of a stormwater fee on the ten largest impervious area parcels, and additional information on implementing a modifier based on intensity of development.

Director Coyle indicated that the next step is not recommending a specific stormwater fee/amount to be implemented.  The next step is for the Committee to recommend to Council whether to continue to Phase II of the study.  Phase II of the study is targeted at public outreach as well as refinement of a stormwater program so that a stormwater fee could be implemented.  Director Coyle explained that it is possible that Phase II could be conducted and a stormwater fee is not implemented.

The topic will be brought back to the Committee at a future meeting, with the additional information requested, for continued evaluation and deliberation.

6. Other Business – None. 

7. Adjournment

Chair Talluto asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Alderman Irby, seconded by Alderman Nudera to adjourn. Roll Call vote: 4 ayes, 0 nays. Motion duly carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
