
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elmhurst Finance Council Affairs & Administrative Services Committee met May 8

City of Elmhurst Finance Council Affairs & Administrative Services Committee met May 8

Here are the minutes provided by the council:                      

1. Call to Order

Chair Dunn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Committee Members Present: Talluto, Jensen, Nudera

Committee Members Absent: Irby

Other Elected Officials Present: Curran

City Staff and Others Present:

Coyle, Bruns, Kravets, Wagner, Ivancevic

3. Public Comment – None.

4. Receipt of Written Communication – None. 

5. Business Before the Committee

A. Minutes of the April 10, 2023, meeting of the Finance, Council Affairs & Administrative Services Committee

The minutes of the April 10, 2023, FCA&AS Committee meeting were approved. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Alderman Jensen and seconded by Alderman Nudera. Roll Call vote: 3 ayes, 0 nays. Motion duly carried.

B. Report – Industrial/Organizational Solutions

Director Coyle presented a report recommending the approval of a payment to Industrial/Organizational Solutions (IOS) to provide consulting services for the Fire Department Lieutenant and Battalion Chief promotional processes. IOS specializes in public safety recruitment and assessment both locally and nationally, and has been utilized by the City historically for the Fire Department promotional and recruitment processes. Every three years, or when the promotional list is exhausted, the Human Resources Department partners with IOS to administer the promotional process. The candidates undergo a rigorous evaluation which includes a written test and a high-quality assessment center. Scores are compiled into a final eligibility list for the Human Resources Department to provide to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. The cost is dependent on the number of candidates, as well as the number of professional assessors evaluating the candidates. A motion to approve the report was made by Alderman Jensen and seconded by Alderman Nudera. Roll Call vote: 3 ayes, 0 nays. Motion duly carried.

C. Report – Tyler Technologies Energov Licenses

Director Coyle presented a report recommending the purchase of additional licenses and maintenance fees with Tyler Technologies for the Energov platform. Implementation of the platform began in September 2022 with an anticipated go-live date of October 2023. The original contract provided 10 licenses for Energov, which will be utilized by member of Community Development, Finance, Administration, and Public Works Departments. Currently, staff anticipates 38 employees will use one or more components of the platform. Therefore, the purchase of 28 additional licenses has been recommended at a one-time cost of $79,475 to be paid for with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant funds. A motion to approve the report was made by Alderman Jensen and seconded by Alderman Nudera. Roll Call vote: 3 ayes, 0 nays. Motion duly carried.

D. Report – Franchise Agreement with Summit IG

Director Coyle presented a report recommending approval of a franchise agreement with Summit IG, for use of the City’s right of way to install fiber optic lines which will provide connectivity for its corporate infrastructure. The agreement charges $0.50 per linear foot for a total annual fee of $7,900. A motion to approve the report was made by Alderman Jensen and seconded by Alderman Nudera. Roll Call vote: 3 ayes, 0 nays. Motion duly carried.

E. Stormwater Update

Director Coyle provided and update on the Stormwater Fee Study being conducted by consultant Stantec. A final presentation will be brought to the Committee at the next meeting, Monday May 22nd. The Committee revisited some of the prior discussion on the topic and asked questions of staff. The Committee discussed various funding approaches which have been identified, impacts to staffing with a stormwater fee, as well as the need to obtain community input. Additional information will be requested of the study consultant ahead of the next meeting.

6. Other Business – Chair Talluto informed the Committee that any pending referrals from the prior term, could be retained or closed at the discretion of the Committee Chair. At this time, there were no open referrals so no action was necessary.

7. Adjournment

Chair Talluto asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Alderman Nudera, seconded by Alderman Jensen to adjourn. Roll Call vote: 3 ayes, 0 nays. Motion duly carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
