
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, February 24, 2025

Roselle assistant village administrator Joanis: 'We've made pretty good progress on 15 of the 18 initiatives'

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Roselle Village Board | Village of Roselle

Roselle Village Board | Village of Roselle

At its April 24 Village of Roselle board meeting, the board heard a status update on how the village's strategic plan is progressing. 

The strategic plan was implemented in 2022 to guide the community through 2025 and lead it toward future goals and projects. As part of that plan, the village board asked for regular updates on how the village was achieving some of its goals and also to communicate with the public on what steps the board was taking and how they have impacted the community thus far.

“Really going back to October was the first kind of staff report on the progress of the strategic plan,” Brian Joanis, assistant village administrator, said. “And at that time we had not launched the community dashboard. So I wanted to highlight that  first. There's a link included in my memo that showcases just the transparency efforts surrounding the progress of our plan and where we're at today. But since October, we've made pretty good progress on 15 of the 18 initiatives that are going to take us toward achieving the goals that the board outlined a year and a half ago.”

The board uploaded a livestream of its public meeting to the village’s YouTube channel.

Joanis discussed the village's webpage and the link to the public dashboard. He said this was part of the transparency and communication efforts, and shows each of the five main areas with a progress bar so that residents can see how the village is doing with its goals. The interactive webpage goes into detail with its efforts on each of the smaller goals within the focus areas.

Joanis shared a brief overview of the five goal areas. For financial stewardship, the village had just received two large grants for projects it was undertaking. This was also a green light for some of its major infrastructure goals. The village has yet to start on one of its three main financial goals as it was allowing some new staff who would be leading it time to adjust before starting work on the community education aspect of finance this summer.

“For focused redevelopment, staff has successfully launched a business needs survey," Joanis said. "So we've marketed that in our social media as well as our business eNews and our website.” 

He explained this also relates to some of the village's customer experience focus goals, improving its online resources and communication tools to make finding permits, records, and contact numbers easier for residents. 

For operational sustainability, staff members are conducting a review of staffing levels, job descriptions, compensation and benefits, and how it all compares to similar municipalities. The team will present this before the next budget meeting to get ahead of any improvements or changes it could make.

In other business, the board also discussed a resolution that allows the mayor to pay $114,000 to V3 Wetland Restoration, LLC, and $117,000 toward wetland mitigation credits for Rodenburg Road improvements.

The board also discussed paying $1.3 million in bills.

The board will meet again at 7 p.m. on Monday at the Village Hall at 31 South Prospect St.