
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, September 13, 2024

Bennett: 'This program is a chance for me to connect with young people from the area who are interested in public policy'


Rep. Tom Bennett (R-Pontiac) | Photo Courtesy of Rep. Tom Bennett website

Rep. Tom Bennett (R-Pontiac) | Photo Courtesy of Rep. Tom Bennett website

Illinois State Sen. Tom Bennett (R-Gibson City) recently met with students from his 53rd District to weigh bills as part of his Youth Advisory Council Program.

According to a press release, Bennett's Youth Advisory Council is open to high school students from his 53rd Senate District. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and learn from local lawmakers, public advocates, community leaders, and lobbyists to learn more about the legislative process and how they can become more involved.

“This program is a chance for me to connect with young people from the area who are interested in public policy, and then help them to get more involved,” said Bennett, according to the press release. “These are the future leaders of our communities, so it’s important for them to have a good path toward becoming engaged citizens and open their eyes toward possible careers in public service.” 

The April 3 meeting of the Youth Advisory Council Program was in Pontiac and students conducted a mock legislative hearing, and took part as legislators, concerned citizens, and advocates, to debate legislation. 

“It’s taught me different ways of talking to people, communication and different problem-solving skills and being able to apply that to the real world,” said Prairie Central High School student Abram Cutrell, according to the press release. “Even if you don’t want to go into politics, it teaches you to get out of your comfort zone and talk to others and think about things in a different way.” 

The Youth Advisory Council will start again in the fall. Bennet recommends that anyone interested in attending should ask their teacher or principal at their school about taking part. Homeschooled students are also welcome.

“I think it’s really important for us young kids to get involved, because we’re the future generation, and this could be us in a few years, and we need to know what we’re doing when we get to that time,” said El Paso Gridley High School student Lincoln Ringger, according to the press release. “I think it could benefit me in formulating opinions, taking both sides in, not being biased to anything, taking my own personal opinions out of it, and just listening to everybody.” 

Parents can inquire about the program by contacting Senator Bennett’s district office or online at SenatorTomBennett.com.