
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

April 4 Voter Cheat Sheet: Who are the Republicans and Democrats running in 24 competitive DuPage school board elections?

Dana cox kincade

Dana Cox (L) is running for Downers Grove CHSD 99 school board; Keyanna Kincade is running in Glenbard District 87. | Cox for school board/Facebook

Dana Cox (L) is running for Downers Grove CHSD 99 school board; Keyanna Kincade is running in Glenbard District 87. | Cox for school board/Facebook

There are 24 competitive school board races in DuPage County, according to an analysis of candidate filings by DuPage Policy Journal.

Of the 24 school boards, 18 currently have Democrat majorities, according to an analysis of elected official primary voting history.

All told-- 134 candidates are running for 83 open seats across the 24 districts, including 52 incumbents.

That includes 74 Democrats and 46 Republicans.

7-0 Democrat school boards in DuPage County include Glen Ellyn SD 41, Westmont CUSD 201 and Naperville CUSD 203, where two GOP challengers are looking to join a board unanimously supportive of pro-"Critical Race Theory" district superintendent Dan Bridges.

Last year, Naperville 203 Board President Kristin Fitzgerald irked hundreds of parents protesting her mask mandates at a school board meeting, admionishing them repeatedly to wear their masks properly, or she wouldn't allow public comment.

Fitzgerald is a Democrat who once worked for GOP congressmen Harris Fawell and Judy Biggert. She's up for re-election in 2025.

In Downers Grove HSD 99, the wife of U.S. Rep. Sean Casten (D-Downers Grove), Kara Casten, is a Democrat candidate for school board. She's running on an "equity" slate, backed by  HSD 99 superintendent Hank Thiele, along with Ken Dawson and Don Renner, a GOP primary voter who donates to Democrats, campaign finance records show.

District email records show Kara Casten consulted Thiele before declaring her candidacy last fall.

Dawson's wife, Donna, was hired in Feb. by Thiele to be a "permanent guest teacher" in the district at $150 per day.

Elmhurst CUSD 205 is 6-0-1, Republican. But unhappiness over the board's handling of mask mandates, the teaching of "Critical Race Theory" and its response to the bullying of a special needs student last year has attracted five GOP challengers to GOP incumbents.

Some districts are sure to flip. Carol Stream CCSD 93 is currently 4-3 Republican. It has six seats up-- the most in DuPage County. But all nine candidates running to fill them are Democrats.

Of the 168 current school board slots in the 24 competitive districts, 107 are held by Democrats, 52 by Republicans and nine by an independent.

Election Day is Tues. April 4.


Which 2023 races are competitive in Chicago's DuPage suburbs?

24 school board races are in the balance on April 4. 

School BoardCurrent SplitSeats UpInc. RunningtotalDEMGOPOther
Addison DuPage HSD 885-2 Democrat435320
Addison SD 45-2 Republican325230
Addison-Villa Park SD 455-2 Democrat334310
Bensenville SD 2*5-2 Republican526212
Butler SD 534-2-1 Democrat316132
Carol Stream CCSD 93*4-3 Republican639900
Center Cass SD 666-1 Democrat305320
Downers Grove CHSD 995-2 Democrat306240
Elmhurst CUSD 2056-0-1 Republican429351
Fenton CHSD 100*5-1-1 Democrat445410
Glen Ellyn CCSD 894-2-1 Democrat326231
Glen Ellyn SD 417-0 Democrat334310
Glenbard HSD 87*6-1 Democrat4311650
Hinsdale HSD 865-2 Democrat305320
Lombard SD 446-1 Democrat334310
Maercker SD 604-3 Democrat324301
Marquardt SD 155-1-1 Democrat334202
Medinah SD 11*3-1-4 Democrat337205
Naperville CUSD 2037-0 Democrat332320
Roselle SD 125-2 Democrat304121
West Chicago SD 334-3 Republican324310
Westmont CUSD 2017-0 Democrat325410
Wheaton CUSD 200*4-3 Republican429360
Woodridge SD 685-1-1 Democrat 445401


*Includes two elections for four seats; one for a two-year seat and one for three four-year seats.

Addison SD 4

Current Split5-2REPUBLICAN

Seats up3

Candidates running5

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Evdoxia Ioanna GonzalezDAddison42
Daniel Alexander MedinaRAddison37
Eddie CastilloDElmhurst62
Sergio Ruffolo (I)RAddison58
Dave Williams (I)RAddison73

Existing Board Members

Christen BolligDAddison43
Zack FrangidakisDAddison43
Jeremiah LangeRAddison43
Taso TriantafillosRAddison46

Members leaving board

Jim TownsRAddison57

Bensenvile SD 2

Current Split5-2REPUBLICAN

Seats up5

Candidates running6

2023 Candidates- 4 yr.PartyHometownAge
Victoria Connie GonzalezDBensenville44
James E Stoltman, Jr. (I)RBensenville54
Anita J MillerNVBensenville36
Jacqueline Dye (I)DBensenville45
Nalia Rafiq FonsecaNVWood Dale49

2023 Candidates- 2 yr.PartyHometownAge
Bob Laudadio (I)RBensenville62

Existing Board Members

Marisol LeyvaDBensenville36
Lori ParthimosRWood Dale49

Members leaving board

Chris McCulloughRBensenville45
Katie KrajeckiRBensenville44

Oak Brook Butler SD 53

Current Split4-2-1DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running6

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Kaleem A QureshiDOak Brook44
John Baar (I)ROak Brook70
Reynick MartinezROak Brook39
Athanasia Soula SkokosNVOak Brook40
Nozaina AftabROak Brook53
Karla Moctezuma CalderaNVOak Brook38

Existing Board Members

Kavitha V. NeerukondaDOak Brook43
Craig DonnellyROak Brook43
Sahar AhmadDOak Brook51
Syed I. AliDOak Brook45

Members leaving board

Sanjay RaoDOak Brook52
Keith CarlsonNVOak Brook55

Glen Ellyn CCSD 89

Current Split4-2-1DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running6

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Scott WaldbusserRGlen Ellyn45
Yannick Koger (I)DWheaton39
Jessica McGeeDWheaton43
Kevin McGraneRGlen Ellyn45
Juan PeraltaNVGlen Ellyn40
Scott Pope (I)RGlen Ellyn44

Existing Board Members

Haydee NunesDWheaton45
James Joseph "Jay" LerchDGlen Ellyn57
Donna KempRGlen Ellyn58
Steve NeurauterDGlen Ellyn45

Members leaving board

Ben YatesNVGlen Ellyn45

Carol Stream CCSD 93

Current Split4-3REPUBLICAN

Seats up6

Candidates running9

2023 Candidates- 4 yr.PartyHometownAge
Michael A LovattDCarol Stream35
Jessica R Zolmierski (I)DCarol Stream39
Joshua R PaytonDCarol Stream40
Sonal Amin (I)DGlendale Hts48
Gaspare "Jasper" Vaiana (I)DCarol Stream46
Kristen DaviaDCarol Stream46
vote for 3

2023 Candidates- 2 yr.PartyHometownAge
Jason BastianDCarol Stream38
Marideth GrovesDCarol Stream48
Allison WilliamsDCarol Stream40
vote for 3

Existing Board Members

Scott W. StoneRCarol Stream55

Members leaving board

Rogelio OrozcoRCarol Stream47
Clay ElmoreRBloomingdale48
Elise HouswerthRCarol Stream34

Woodridge Center Cass 66

Current Split6-1DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running5

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Edson BurtonDWoodridge40
Nicoletta Giancola-ShanksDDarien39
Tiffany WatsonDWoodridge41
Megan DuPassRWoodridge40
Doug WileyRWoodridge43

Existing Board Members

Chris EspositoDWoodridge44
Brian LiedtkeRDarien41
Donna M. SobotkaDDarien65
Liane RasoDDarien55

Members leaving board

Joan A. CullenDWoodridge59
Lori A. HoffmanDWoodridge54
Beth BukeyDDowners Grove50

Downers Grove CHSD 99

Current Split5-2DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running6

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Christopher Todd EricksonRDowners Grove45
Barbara AllenRDowners Grove49
Kara CastenDDowners Grove52
Dana CoxRDowners Grove47
Don RennerRDowners Grove44
Ken DawsonDDowners Grove61

Existing Board Members

Teresa K. PavesichRDowners Grove66
Sherell FullerDDowners Grove50
Christopher EspinozaDDowners Grove23
Jennie HagstromDDowners Grove51

Members leaving board

Nancy KupkaDDowners Grove66
Michael J. DavenportRDowners Grove56
Joanna Vazquez DrexlerDDowners Grove72

Wheaton CUSD 200

Current Split4-3REPUBLICAN

Seats up4

Candidates running9

2023 Candidates- 4 yr.PartyHometownAge
David A SohmerRWheaton53
Erik C HjerpeDWinfield43
Dave Long (I)RWinfield61
Amanda ErkenswickRWheaton37
Spencer GarrettRWheaton56
Julie Kulovits (I)DWheaton42
Anajali BharadwaDWheaton41
vote for 3

2023 Candidates- 2 yr.PartyHometownAge
John K RutledgeRWheaton78
Kimberly HobbsRWheaton47
vote for 1

Existing Board Members

Chris CrabtreeDWinfield58
Rob HanlonRWinfield57
Bradley A. PaulsenRWheaton57

Members leaving board

Susan BootonDWheaton49
Angela BlatnerRWheaton53

Westmont CUSD 201

Current Split7-0DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running5

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Carlos Hevia (I)DWestmont53
Adina Hoover (I)DWestmont47
Whitney RogersDWestmont43
George WelsonRWestmont50
James LiceagaDWestmont63

Existing Board Members

Jessica RadognoDWestmont37
Angela SteketeeDWestmont48
Leah ConoverDWestmont42
Kevin MarrenDWestmont52

Members leaving board

Laura CoyleDWestmont51

Addison-Villa Park DuPage SD 88

Current Split5-2DEMOCRAT

Seats up4

Candidates running5

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Amy Finnegan (I)DLombard53
Mubasher AshrafiDAddison48
Donna Craft Cain (I)DLombard59
Daniel Olson (I)RVilla Park60
Gail GalivanROakbrook Terrace66

Existing Board Members

Christine PoirierDLombard51
Diana StoutDLombard50
Jean TaylorDVilla Park54

Members leaving board

Lisa KnaufRAddison59

Elmhurst CUSD 205

Current Split6-0-1REPUBLICAN

Seats up4

Candidates running9

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Linda T NuderaRElmhurst55
Kelly AsseffDElmhurst47
Kelly M. HenryDElmhurst39
Beth Hosler (I)RElmhurst53
Courtenae Trautmann (I)RElmhurst55
Ben ZulaufDElmhurst36
Lan LiNVElmhurst46
Thomas A ChavezRElmhurst58
Jammie Esker SchaerRElmhurst49

Existing Board Members

Kara M. CaforioRElmhurst48
Athena ArvanitisRElmhurst43
James E. CollinsRElmhurst64

Members leaving board

Christopher KocinskiNVElmhurst39
Karen StuefenRElmhurst61

Fenton SD 100

Current Split5-1-1DEMOCRAT

Seats up4

Candidates running5

2023 Candidates- 4 yr.PartyHometownAge
Cary D Lewis (I)DWood Dale49
Leonel T Figueroa (I)DBensenville61
Kittipon Tingpalpong (I)DWood Dale50
Reid GoodrichRWood Dale68

2023 Candidates- 2 yr.PartyHometownAge
Juliet Rago (I)DBensenville54

Existing Board Members

Sylvia HaydeDBensenville54
Kent KovacNVBensenville

John RadzinskiRWood Dale56

Glen Ellyn SD 41

Current Split7-0DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running4

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Jessica Buttimer (I)DGlen Ellyn47
Julie Hill (I)DGlen Ellyn44
Edward Estes (I)DGlen Ellyn61
Alison ProchaskaRGlen Ellyn37

Existing Board Members

Robert A. BrunoDGlen Ellyn67
Jason LoebachDGlen Ellyn46
Chris MartelliDGlen Ellyn50
Tayyaba SyedDGlendale Heights42

Glenbard HSD 87

Current Split6-1DEMOCRAT

Seats up4

Candidates running11

2023 Candidates- 4 yr.PartyHometownAge
James E Shannon (I)DGlen Ellyn75
Muhammad Islam ChoudharyDGlendale Heights52
John WilharmRGlen Ellyn51
Monika MoroDLombard57
Jessica BreedeRGlendale Heights43
Hetal LeeRGlendale Heights49
John Kenwood (I)RGlen Ellyn62
Keyanna L. KincadeDGlen Ellyn39
Martha L. Mueller (I)DLombard61

2023 Candidates- 2 yr.PartyHometownAge
Margaret A DeLaRosa (I)DGlen Ellyn61
Jennifer M JendrasRGlen Ellyn54

Existing Board Members

Kermit EbyDLombard65
Robert FriendDLombard69
Rosemarie MontanezDGlendale Heights 43

Hinsdale HSD 86

Current Split5-2DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running5

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Deborah Clare WilloughbyDWestmont46
Asma AkhrasDDarien48
Kay GalloDClarendon Hills63
Catherine GreensponRBurr Ridge52
Andrew CattonRHinsdale43

Existing Board Members

Terri WalkerDHinsdale56
Peggy JamesRHinsdale55
Jeff WatersR

Debra V. LevinthalRHinsdale55

Members leaving board

Erik HeldDWestmont41
Kathleen HirsmanDClarendon Hills68
Cynthia HansonDBurr Ridge50

Lombard SD 44

Current Split6-1DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running4

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Stephen E Flint (I)RLombard65
Gayln Piper (I)DLombard37
Tony del Alcazar (I)DLombard54
Jeff HanselDLombard58

Existing Board Members

Courtney SimekDLombard40
Sarah NoveyDLombard43
James E. RobinetteDLombard46
Cary WeisgramDLombard42

Maercker SD 60

Current Split4-3DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running4

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Michael A Jones, Jr. (I)DWestmont45
Priya V Linson (I)DWillowbrook43
Lisa T. BishopDClarendon Hills69
Robert SchaeferNVWestmont37

Existing Board Members

Mary S. SatchwellDHinsdale42
Drew SikulaRHinsdale47
Amy SullivanDClarendon Hills57
Lesley WrightRWestmont36

Members leaving board

Paul KleppetschRWestmont44

Glendale Heights Marquardt 15

Current Split5-1-1DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running4

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Elisabeth Betancourt (I)DBloomingdale42
Corey RandazzoNVGlendale Heights29
Richard Pugh (I)DGlendale Heights63
James Vargas (I)NVBloomingdale49

Existing Board Members

Jean RandazzoRGlendale Heights58
Marcia ReikenDGlendale Heights 38
Karen CamporeseDGlendale Heights35
Rebecca GiannelliDGlendale Heights44

Medinah School District 11

Current Split3-1-4DEMOCRAT

Seats up5

Candidates running7

2023 Candidates- 4 yr.PartyHometownAge
Amy B JohnsonDRoselle48
Destini M Best (I)NVMedinah52
Elizabeth Riter (I)NVItasca49
Jennifer BuczkiewiczNVMedinah47
Judith BuczkiewiczNVMedinah42
Katarzyna Golaszewski (I)NVRoselle39
vote for 3

2023 Candidates- 2 yr.PartyHometownAge
Ian A NeitzkeDRoselle35
vote for 1

Existing Board Members

James P. MalloryRMedinah71
Santa DeAngeloDRoselle42
Kristen GudathNVMedinah37

Members leaving board

Ray KubalewskiDBensenville86
Sandra Mewes MartynDRoselle75

Naperville CUSD 203

Current Split7-0DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running5

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Kristine M Gericke (I)DNaperville50
Gilbert R WagnerRBolingbrook45
Joseph Kozminski (I)DNaperville45
Ronald AmatoRNaperville53
Melissa Kelley BlackDNaperville54

Existing Board Members

Kristin FitzgeraldDNaperville51
Charles CushDNaperville52
Amanda McMillenDNaperville44
Donna WandkeDNaperville53

Members leaving board

Tony CaseyNNaperville45

Roselle SD 12

Current Split5-2DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running4

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Casie PezzarossiRRoselle45
Victoria TiberiRRoselle50
Sheryl Le VineNVRoselle61
Lydia GalanteDRoselle33

Existing Board Members

James McGowanRRoselle51
Kimberly DurisDRoselle45
Steven J. ZurekDRoselle54
Chris HumbertRRoselle58

Members leaving board

Timothy LayerDRoselle31
Blythe CammyDRoselle62
Amy MagnusDRoselle48

Villa Park SD 45

Current Split5-2DEMOCRAT

Seats up3

Candidates running4

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Carol Klamecki (I)RVilla Park54
Allen Legutki (I)DVilla Park44
Melissa Slinn (I)DVilla Park45
Katie WagnerDVilla Park35

Existing Board Members

Judy DegnanDVilla Park57
Navreet HeneghanDLombard47
Kelli MayRVilla Park40
Emily ShultzDVilla Park35

West Chicago 33

Current Split4-3REPUBLICAN

Seats up3

Candidates running4

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
Rita Balgeman (I)DWest Chicago41
Kathleen FryRWest Chicago61
Janette HernandezDWest Chicago34
Tom Doyle (I)DWinfield49

Existing Board Members

Felicia N. GillsRWest Chicago51
Chad M. McLeanRWest Chicago53
Sandra F. GarciaDWest Chicago37
Morgan BanasiakRWest Chicago53

Members leaving board

Phebe S. BalzerRWest Chicago

Woodridge SD 68

Current Split5-1-1DEMOCRAT

Seats up4

Candidates running5

2023 CandidatesPartyHometownAge
M. Joann WrightDWoodridge64
Lourdes Molina de Mesa (I)DWoodridge47
Donna HebreardDWoodridge43
Michael Toohey (I)DWoodridge51
Stuart Vanorny (I)NVWoodridge48

Existing Board Members

Thomas A. RuggioDWoodridge75
Joshua ChristRWoodridge39
Scott ColeyDBolingbrook75

Members leaving board

Steven M. GustisDWoodridge46

EDITOR'S NOTE: This story was updated to reflect Jeff Waters' voting history.



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