
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 10, 2025

City of LaSalle City Council met Jan. 9

City of LaSalle City Council met Jan. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A regular meeting of the La Salle City Council of La Salle, Illinois was held, Monday, January 9, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. with Mayor Jeff Grove presiding with proper notices being duly and continuously posted. 

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 



Present - Mayor Grove, Aldermen Bacidore, Thompson, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon

Excused Absence - Alderman Crane

A quorum was present.

Others Present: Finance Director John Duncan, City Attorney Jim McPhedran, Econ. Dev. Director Curt Bedei, Director of Public Works Patrick Watson, Fire Chief Jerry Janick, City Treasurer Virginia Kochanowski


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Thompson to accept and place on file the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council held December 27, 2022. Each and every alderman has a copy.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Bacidore and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to approve the request for a 2023 Raffle License from the Starved Rock Runners, LTD.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to send the request from Douglas Carlton for a handicapped parking space sign at 152 LaHarpe St. to the next Streets, Alley, and Traffic Committee Meeting, which will be in two weeks following the finance committee meeting.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Thompson to accept and place on file the Monthly Police Income Report for December 2033 showing total fees collected of $8,100.43

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.

Moved by Alderman Bacidore and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to accept and place on file the Building Inspector’s Report for December 2022 showing total fees collected of $1,150.00 with total value of construction of $64,500.00.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to approve the recommendation of the Finance Committee regarding an extension for a previously approved Redevelopment Incentive Program grant totaling $5,127.15 for premises located on 129/135 Joliet Street.


AYE: Aldermen Bacidore, Thompson, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon 

NAY: None Absent: Alderman Crane Abstain: None



Alderman Bacidore asked to have a meeting with Wastewater Committee to discussion and potential recommendation that may need to be taken in regards to the flooding and backup issues in Trovero’s subdivision.

Mayor Grove discussed that the City already has an ordinance in regards to throwing waste paper towels down sewers. He believes that the City will proceed with following this ordinance and fining the company responsible. The City will share with the residents the findings that they found out in regards to this matter. The residents will then be able to decide what they want to do in a civil manner. Mayor says that they will be reaching out to any residents that mentioned having issues at the time of this incident. Aldermen were contacted by certain residents and they will all be informed of the findings from the incident. The residents will have to then be in contact with their insurance. The City can use the city ordinance to go after the company that potentially caused this problem. The City is spending time and material and labor to hire out Illinois Valley Excavating to do the proper digging to clear up this matter.

Alderman Lavieri stated that there will be a Water Committee meeting. The Committee would like to discuss the water tanks needing maintenance. Mayor mentioned that a company has reached out to the city in regards to bidding out to take care of and monitor city water. The City has done this on their own in the past. The City did also hire an in-house professional painter which will come in handy for the city. The Mayor mentioned that if the city does decide to go with a company to monitor city water, that they should go out for bid with other companies too, not just the one that contacted the City first. Alderman Lavieri mentioned that Nixon manufacturing and McGuire Steel are two other companies that he knew of that did this sort of contracting. Lavieri set the water committee meeting for Monday, January 16, at 6pm.

Finance Duncan discussed how LRS (the new garbage company) contracted a 3rd party team to distribute bins/carts. Distribution will be starting the week of Monday, Jan. 23rd distributing bins and carts. This is a 3rd party doing this and they are working off a list that was generated last November. If any residents do get missed, they are asked to please call City Hall and they will take care of any issues. The 3rd party distribution company will be using the Knights of Columbus city lot for their staging area for the all bins. They plan on distributing on the day of your garbage day but will not be officially picking up trash in these carts until the following week of Jan. 30th. This 3rd company is known to get ahead of themselves and may be early to drop off the residents’ containers. Do not be alarmed, one will not be able to use these carts for garbage pickup until the following week. Majority of residents' pick-up days will be the same except for a few changes made to Trovero’s, Vermillionvue, and Ator’s subdivision. Recycling will occur in two sections. There will be week 1 and week 2. (A and B week). It may occur that one side of the street is one week for recycling, and the opposite street side will be the other week for pickups. Information is on the City’s Facebook page. There is a set rate of $20/month plus one large bulk item. The containers are 96 gallons. If a resident is generating more trash and they would like an additional cart they are $5/month. Duncan reminded all residents that bins belong to LRS and stay with house and property. LRS will also be disposing of the old cans, just set them out starting the week of Jan. 30th. On Tuesday, Jan. 17th at 6:30pm, the City Hall will have a presentation and slideshows if there are any questions pertaining to the new LRS garbage company. Mayor wanted to appreciate Brent Bader, John Duncan, and the City Attorney Jim McPhedran, and all the city council members for all their hard work with this matter.

Mayor did mention that residents are able to share their garbage containers, however, each resident is still getting billed for their own container. The recycling program and container is optional, it is not mandated. Duncan did want to encourage all to try the recycling for the recycling program for the city. But any resident not wanting the recycling cart, they can call City Hall and LRS will come back and pick them up or they can be dropped off to City Hall. The resident does not need to keep the garbage bin either if they do not choose to use the garbage company but they will be mandated in participating in the garbage collection payment. The City is getting charged per resident by the company as well. There will be no more curbside yard waste pickup but there will be a $10 charge for branches.


Chairman Ptak wanted to appreciate John Duncan and Curt Bedei in hammering out an agreement with CL Enterprises and feels the city is showing that they are a willing partner to get this project done. Ptak looks forward to the progress that will be made in the next 180 days to have a property going on in the Maytag building.

Move by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to approve ordinance approving and authorizing the City of La Salle Downtown Tax Increment Financing District First Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement by and between the City of LaSalle, LaSalle County, Illinois, and 801 First Street, LLC and related matters. Each and every alderman has a copy.


AYE: Aldermen Bacidore, Thompson, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Mayor Jeff Grove

NAY: None Absent: Alderman Crane Abstain: None


Finance Director Duncan read that the members from CL could not be present tonight but asked for the City to participate in the press release. Duncan has handed out to all the members of the press and to the Council members as well.

There were no more questions or comments from the public. 


Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept, pay, and place on file bills for January 9, 2022 with Total Submitted: $543,729.27 (Total Payroll $212,552.84, Bills to be Paid $41,646.67, Total Bills Paid $280,529.76).

Each and every alderman has a copy.


AYE: Aldermen Bacidore, Thompson, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon 

NAY: None Absent: Alderman Crane Abstain: None


Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Thompson to adjourn the meeting.

Voice vote, all ayes. Motion is carried.

ADJOURNED 6:55pm  
