
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 9, 2025

City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met Nov. 28

City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met Nov. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call To Order & Roll Call

2. Establishment of Quorum

3. New Business

a. PZC2022-03 Art Cano (8431 Wilmette Avenue) - Petitioner seeks approval of an amendment to a Special Use and Variation from Section 5A-7-3-5(D) of the Zoning Ordinance.

b. PZC2022-06 Fry the Coop (2019 75th Street) - Petitioner seeks approval of an amendment to a Special Use and Variation from Section 4-3-10(B) of the Sign Code.

c. PZC2022-07 Jon Prepelica (3480 Drover Lane) - Petitioner seeks approval of a Variation from Section 5A-7-2-6(A) of the Zoning Ordinance.

d. Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to accept a proposal from H&H Electric Company in the amount of $264,615.37 for the Clarendon Hills Road & 67th Street Traffic Signal Project.

e. Motion – Approval of a contingency in the amount of $15,000 for unforeseen utility conflicts as field identified.

f. Resolution - Accept a proposal from Orange Crush, LLC for the purchase of bituminous binder and surface.

g. Resolution – Accept a proposal from with M & J Asphalt Paving Company, Inc. for the removal and replacement of bituminous aprons and road patches

h. Resolution – Accept a proposal from 119th St Materials to provide tipping and transfer services for Public Works projects.

i. Resolution - Accept a proposal from XBE, LLC to provide trucking services relating to hauling waste generated from

j. Resolution –Accept a proposal from Core & Main for the purchase of Culvert Metal Pipes, Metal bands and metal flared end sections and fittings.

k. Resolution - Accept a proposal from Core & Main for the purchase of High Density Polyethylene Pipes, Bands, Flared End Sections and fittings.

l. Resolution - Accept a proposal from EJ USA, Inc. for Storm Sewer Structures, iron grates and concrete adjusting rings.

m. Resolution - Accept a proposal from Norwalk Tank Co. for Storm Sewer Structures, iron grates and concrete adjusting rings.

n. Resolution – Accept a proposal from Core & Main for the purchase of Pressure Pipe.

o. Minutes – October 24, 2022 Municipal Services Committee

4. Director’s Report

5. Next Scheduled Meeting – December 27, 2022

6. Adjournment
