
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Roselle village administrator on changes to employee handbook: 'We’re now in an interesting area where it’s tough to know what benefits apply'


Roselle residents | https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=476276394527961&set=a.476278744527726&__tn__=*F

Roselle residents | https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=476276394527961&set=a.476278744527726&__tn__=*F

Roselle's village board reviewed some changes to the employee handbook.

“Most of the changes are just to reflect the current organizational structure, continue to be compliant with state and other federal laws, do clean up language,” Jason Bielawski, a village administrator, said during the meeting. “We realized over the years, we made significant changes in 2012 and a little before that related to employee benefits and stuff like that, that was approved by the board as a coming out of the recession and a modifying of benefits. We’re now in an interesting area where it’s tough to know what benefits apply to what employee group depending on their date of hire.”

The board uploaded a livestream of its public meeting to the village’s YouTube channel.

The village administrator presented some updates and changes to the employee handbook to the village board. Jason Bielawski talked the board through some of the changes that they deemed necessary and appropriate. One of them was adding some anti-nepotism language to the hiring process. He said that what they added has been the village standard for years, however, it was never put into writing in the handbook.

The board also discussed the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus’ Greenest Region Compact after endorsing it during the Nov. 14 board meeting.

The board discussed the policy relating to the relationships within the workplace language, which included a clause about direct authority in positions between two people in a relationship. The board discussed some of these aspects and whether or not they should strengthen some of the language. The board would have oversight of all issues regardless.

The village will meet again at 7 p.m. on Jan. 9 at the Village Hall on 31 South Prospect Street.

The board also discussed the changes to paid time off. The average amount of paid time off in municipalities nearby is 13 days off, and the village of Roselle currently had 11, so they suggested adding another personal day to bring the number to 12 in total. There was also some clean-up of language dealing with time off for police personnel both in and out of a union.