
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 10, 2025

DuPage County Judicial/Public Safety Committee met Sept. 6

DuPage County Judicial/Public Safety Committee met Sept. 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:






A. Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management FY23 Budget Presentation

B. 18th Judicial Circuit Court FY23 Budget Presentation


A. Judicial and Public Safety Committee - Regular Meeting - Tuesday August 16th, 2022


A. JPS-P-0253-22 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Midwest Office Interiors, Inc., for the purchase of replacement chairs for courtroom benches and other areas of the courthouse, for a total contract amount of $67,525.79; contract let pursuant to the Governmental Joint Purchasing Act in compliance with 30 ILCS 525, OMNIA Contract #R191802. (18th Judicial Circuit Court)

B. JPS-P-0254-22 Recommendation for the approval for a contract purchase order to Insight Public Sector, Inc., for the purchase of Laptops, Desktops and UPS's, per Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act", for the Sheriff's Office, for a contract total amount not to exceed $257,967.57, per quote #225392970. (Sheriff's Office)

C. JPS-P-0256-22 Recommendation for the approval for a contract purchase order to Scientel Solutions, for the purchase of Fortinet Equipment & Services, for the Sheriff's Office, for a contract total amount not to exceed $393,446.20, per quote #SCI00481, per Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act". (Sheriff's Office)

D. JPS-P-0257-22 Recommendation for the approval for a contract purchase order to Alliance Technologies Group, LLC, for the purchase of CPU Chassis, Servers, Software & Warranties, for the Sheriff's Office, for a contract total amount not to exceed $469,920.77, per quote #211-Q2-07182022-1, per Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Pricing in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 Governmental Joint Purchasing Act. (Sheriff's Office)


A. FI-R-0351-22 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of The Tobacco Enforcement Program Grant FY23 - Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 43CBZ03636 - Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 4495 - $6,993. (Sheriff's Office)

B. FI-R-0352-22 RESOLUTION -- Additional appropriation for the Federal Law Enforcement Justice Fund, Company 1300, Accounting Unit 4590, $975. (Sheriff's Office)

C. FI-R-0355-22 RESOLUTION -- Additional appropriation for the State Drug Traffic Prevention Fund, Company 1300, Accounting Unit 4550, $15,000. (Sheriff's Office)

D. JPS-R-0357-22 RESOLUTION -- Approving the DuPage County Sheriff's Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Emergency Telephone System Board to provide replacement radios for end of life/end of support radios on the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (Sheriff's Office)

E. JPS-R-0358-22 RESOLUTION -- Approving the DuPage County State's Attorney Office's Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Emergency Telephone System Board to provide replacement radios for end of life/end of support radios on the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (State's Attorney Office)

F. JPS-R-0362-22 RESOLUTION -- Approving the DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management's Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Emergency Telephone System Board to provide replacement radios for end of life/end of support radios on the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)


A. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 5960-50080 (salary & wage adjustments) to account no. 5960-53020 (information technology SVC) in the amount of $3,000 needed to cover the increase in cost for the maintenance of the law library catalog. (Law Library)

B. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 4100-53090 (other professional services) to account no. 4100-50040 (part- time help) in the amount of $5,000 to cover the expenses of a part-time pathology assistant. (Coroner's Office)

C. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 6100-50000 (regular salaries) to account no. 5900-52000 (furniture/machine/equipment small value) in the amount of $67,526 to replace chairs on courtroom bench and other areas of the courthouse that have exceeded their useful life. (Probation and Court Services)

D. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 6500-50000 (regular salaries) to account no. 6500-53020 (information technology svc) in the amount of $244,270. This is an expense related to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) closeout. In FY21, the County transferred approximately $4.7M of IT-related expenses out of the CFR. These included $588K for the SAO's contract with the Texas Conference of Urban Counties for an IT project to enable remote operations. This contract was deemed high-risk due to the fact that it started before the COVID-19 pandemic so could not clearly be attributed to COVID-19 and because it included prepaid expenses. This budget transfer is the amount attributable to FY22 and needs to be paid out of 1000-6500. (State's Attorney Office)

E. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no. 1900-50000 (regular salaries) to account no. 1900-52000 (furniture/machinery/equipment small value) in the amount of $12,000. This transfer is necessary to upgrade 12 year old failing and obsolete technical equipment in the emergency operations center and meeting rooms while also providing conferencing capabilities for meetings and continuity of operations purposes. The equipment will be audio-visual and conferencing type. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)

F. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account nos. 4480-53828 (contingencies), 4480-52200 (operating supplies & materials), 4480-53090 (other professional services), 4480-50050 (temporary salaries) and 4480-5200 (furniture/machinery/equipment small value) to account nos. 4480-53250 (wired communication services) and 4480-53260 (wireless communication services) in the amount of $270,000 which is due to the increased inmate usage of communications, particularly tablets, which have increased features under the new vendor, particularly video conferencing. (Sheriff's Office)

G. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from accounts no. 1190-53828 (contingencies) and 4415-50000 (regular salaries) to account nos. 1160-54100-4400 (IT equipment-sheriff), 1160-54100-4400 (equipment & machinery-sheriff), 4400-53370 (repair & maintenance other equipment) and 4400-53806 (software licenses) in the amount of $2,306,680 based on additional funding contributions, Sheriff Capital projects requested for FY2023 budget to be funded in FY2022: Fortinet System, Offender tracking system, Inmate property management system, Inmate medical tracking system, Portable X-Ray Machine and Fortinet Warranties and Software Licenses. (Sheriff's Office)


A. Change Order -- County Contract 4749-0001 SERV, issued to Two Brothers Artisan Spirits, to decrease the total contract amount by $91,560 and close the contract. (Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management)


A. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 047-22: FY2023 Tobacco Grant - Illinois Department of Human Services - U.S. Department of Health Services - $6,993. (Sheriff's Office)

B. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 048-22: Emergency Management Performance Grant FFY2022 - Illinois Emergency Management Agency - U.S. Department of Homeland Security - $629,961.36. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)

C. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 049-22: 4489.10-P DuPage County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - $77,850. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)




A. This meeting has been adjourned to Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 8:00 A.M.
