
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Casten backs Downers Grove 'drag queen' event for children: 'Hate has no home in the 6th District'

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U.S. Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) | Facebook

U.S. Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) | Facebook

U.S. Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) is throwjng his support behind an event in which a cross-dresser will hold a drag show for kids before hosting a Drag Show Bingo to be held at Downers Grove Public Library.

The event Drag Queen Bingo, includes a drag queen set to give a performance for and lead children grades 7-12. It has been hotly debated since DuPage Policy Journal reported on it.

"My opponent refused to condemn Awake Illinois in the aftermath of the attack they provoked on UpRising bakery, and now he's embracing and perpetrating the group's homophobic, bigoted attacks on the Downers Grove Public Library," Casten said, according to the Daily Herald. "Hate has no home in the 6th District. It's shameful that Keith Pekau disagrees.”

Pekau issued a statement opposing the event. He noted his opposition had nothing to do with the performer, but rather the orientation toward children.

He noted his opponent by name saying, “I call on Sean Casten to join me – as a public official and as a father – in denouncing this inappropriate event and unacceptable use of public resources.”

“I join parents across the district in denouncing this event, just as I would denounce a library introducing kids to straight sex by holding a burlesque show,” Pekau said in a statement, DuPage Policy Journal reported. "To be clear, I have no interest in regulating the private, consensual activities and decisions of adults. This event, however, targets children. It’s inappropriate, and an unacceptable use of taxpayer funds."

The event has now been booked to capacity in the wake of the publicity and it is expected seats will be filled by supporters and opponents of the event alike.

An anonymous donor has come forward and provided funding for the event as well, the Daily Herald reported.

The next Downers Grove Public Library Board Meeting will be held on Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m.

Awake IL advises concerned citizens to attend and participate in an email writing campaign.

“The last thing I want is for our community children to be exposed to sexually charged content simply because they visited their local library. Lewd adult content doesn’t belong at a public library event for any age group,” an Awake Illinois form letter reads, the Journal reported. “As a taxpayer and concerned citizen, I urge the Downers Grove Library to cancel the event and discipline the staff involved in planning and hosting the event. Additionally, I request a response to questions on why this event allowed minors to register, provide their contact information and share their grade level without parental notification.”