
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, February 10, 2025

DuPage County Health & Human Services committee met May 3

DuPage County Health & Human Services Committee met May 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


9:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Julie Renehan at 9:30 AM.


PRESENT: Chaplin (9:30 AM - 9:59 AM), DeSart (9:30 AM - 9:59 AM), Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante

Also in attendance were County Board member Paula Deacon Garcia, Director of Facilities Management Tim Harbaugh, and Community Development Administrator David McDermott.


No Public Comments were offered.


No Chairwoman's Report was offered.


Health & Human Services - Regular Meeting - Apr 19, 2022 9:30 AM


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante


CS Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

A. HHS-CO-0016-22 Amendment to County Sub-grantee Contract 5127-0001 SERV issued to Loaves and Fishes through the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), to extend the contract through September 30, 2022, and to provide essential household supplies, personal care items, diapers, wipes, and cleaning supplies due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to increase contract by $20,000, resulting in an amended contract total of $45,000, an increase of 80%. CSBG grant funded. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante

B. HHS-CO-0017-22 Amendment to County Sub-grantee Contract 5129-0001 SERV issued to West Suburban Community Pantry through the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), to extend the contract through September 30, 2022, and to provide essential household supplies, personal care items, diapers, wipes, and cleaning supplies due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to increase contract by $42,000, resulting in an amended contract total of $67,000, an increase of 168%. CSBG grant funded. (COVID ITEM)


MOVER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante


A. DuPage Care Center Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

HHS-P-0161-22 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to McKesson Medical-Surgical Government Solutions LLC, to furnish and deliver incontinent products, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023, for a total contract amount not to exceed $120,000, per bid renewal under bid #20-025-CARE, second of three (3) one (1) year optional renewals.


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante

B. DuPage Care Center Requests for Parent Committee Final Approval

2022-49 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to NDC Homecare, LLC dba Wolf Medical Supply, for the rental of Zyno pumps and accessories as needed, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period August 1, 2022 through July 31, 2023, for a contract not to exceed $16,924, per renewal under quote #21-048-CARE, first of three one-year optional renewals. (Partially ARPA Funded)


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante


A. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Information and Referral Manager to attend the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity/DCEO Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) 2022 mandatory CSBG Federal Grant Training, from May 31, 2022 through June 1, 2022 and Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) Training June 1, 2022 through June 2, 2022 in Springfield, Illinois. Expenses to include lodging, and per diems for an approximate total of $370. CSBG Grant funded. (Community Services)


MOVER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante

B. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Information and Referral Administrator to attend the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity/DCEO Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) 2022 mandatory CSBG Federal Grant Training, from May 31, 2022 through June 1, 2022 and Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) Training June 1, 2022 through June 2, 2022 in Springfield, Illinois. Expenses to include lodging, mileage, and per diems for an approximate total of $640. CSBG Grant funded. (Community Services)


MOVER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante


Chair Renehan motioned to combine Consent items 9.A. through 9.D. Member DeSart so moved, Member Chaplin seconded, all ayes on a voice vote, motion to combine carried.


MOVER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante

A. Consent Item -- Decrease and close Pulmonary Exchange, LTD., Contract 1884-0001 SERV, in the amount of 10,190.00 - Contract Expired.

B. Consent Item -- Decrease and close Medline Industries, Inc., Contract 3281-0001 SERV, in the amount of $14,000.00 - Contract Expired.

C. Consent Item -- Decrease and close The American Bottling Company dba Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Contract 4712-0001 SERV, in the amount of $36,617.78 - Contract Expired.

D. Consent Item -- Decrease and close Lakeshore Dairy, Inc. Contract 4765-0001 SERV, in the amount of $29,889.29 - Contract Expired.


Janelle Chadwick, Administrator of the DuPage Care Center, stated there are currently 23 male beds and 39 female beds available at the Care Center. Three beds have been offered to DuPage County residents so there will be no DuPage County residents displaced by accepting this applicant.

A. Motion to accept one Out of County Residency Waiver


MOVER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante

11. DUPAGE CARE CENTER UPDATE - JANELLE CHADWICK The Care Center is on outbreak status due to one employee testing positive for COVID-19. This covid case affects one unit and everyone else on the unit has tested negative for covid in the first round of testing.

DuPage Care Center Construction Update

Janelle Chadwick updated the committee on the current status of the renovation project at the DuPage Care Center. Her handout included before and after photos of the existing conditions at the nurses’ stations and the clutter due to lack of storage. The before photos depict inefficiencies, lack of organized space, and cracked and broken laminate which creates a porous surface that is difficult to keep clean, causing an infection control issue. Improvements to the new nursing stations will allow for flexibility for multiple activities to be run concurrently. Fresh wood and protective wall finishes, a stone wall with a fireplace, furniture that would remain in use throughout the day, new vinyl floors, built in cabinetry, activity supply storage, new ceilings with 2 x 2 LED lighting, creating more natural daylight, and a new nursing station will all contribute to creating a home like environment. For more efficiency and space for residential dining, the vending machines and the breakroom will be moved.

The current conditions of the residents’ rooms with worn and outdated cabinetry and hardware on doors, broken and cracked surfaces, ceilings with different tracks, and dark and gloomy colors, will all be replaced to create more safe, efficient, practical, and appealing living spaces.

The renovation will feature wider spaces between residents’ televisions and provide for specialty televisions. Television options and special needs are in discussion with the architect, including installing ceiling mounts, with a goal to be as consistent as possible.

The leadership explored options regarding how many rooms they could remodel at a time to capitalize on efficiencies, time, and cost. The first option includes seven phases: four floors in the north building, two floors in the center south building, two floors in the southeast building, and one floor in the east building. This would encompass a maximum of 34 rooms offline at one time, which could include up to 76 beds, for three and a half months, times seven phases, totaling an estimated 24.5 months.

The second option would include remodeling one wing and one nurses’ station at a time. This option would entail at least fifteen phases: a maximum of 13 rooms offline at one time, two and a half months per phase, totaling approximately 37.5 total months. This would add an additional 13 months to the phase one plan and require temporary wall barriers, extra demolition, less control of dust, noise, and smell, and add dollars to subcontractor bids and mobilization. Completing one wing at a time would also require building a nurse substation due to rules about the visibility of the nurse station.

Tim Harbaugh, Director of Facilities Management, added that completing the renovation in bigger pieces is much more cost effective. Probably our biggest single synergy, the construction manager has staffing that we pay for monthly, and with option two we would have contractors coming in for short periods of a day to complete projects, which is extremely inefficient.

Ms. Chadwick presented the cost difference between the two phases, showing how option two would also increase the costs approximately $2M. With all issues considered, the Care Center leadership chose option one for the remodel.

Ms. Chadwick referred to the goal of bringing the census back to pre-pandemic occupancy, stating considering there will always be offline beds during the renovation, the remodel will temporarily limit their growth and census.

Ms. Chadwick and Mr. Harbaugh answered questions from committee, explaining each unit has a dining room, and family rooms and conference rooms that can be used for dining.

Member Schwarze asked for a recap on funding to which Mr. Harbaugh answered 95% of the cost is ARPA funded. Some aspects non ARPA eligible will be covered by about $2M of the Kenneth Moy donation, which is the least restrictive, and some Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) dollars from Community Development.

Ms. Chadwick added the resident rooms and nurses’ stations are the biggest costs. Once we solidify those, the Care Center will focus on the fire system, shower rooms, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, (hvac), reception areas, flooring, handrails, oxygen, vacuum systems, interior and exterior doors, lighting, and laundry. Our goal is to present the entire project to the full County Board in August 2022.

Tim Harbaugh stated contracts will be presented to County Board after the complete project is presented and approved by the County Board, as they did with the 503 building and Animal Services' contracts.

The Care Center designates over 70% of their beds for Medicaid, resulting in more referrals due to access to quality care Medicaid beds in our area being very low. Medicaid rate reform has a component that you earn a higher Medicaid rate if your facility provides 70% of their population to Medicaid.

Mr. Harbaugh stated that with CDBG funds, the Care Center has completed a lot of critical repairs over the last seven years. Ms. Chadwick added they have replaced mechanicals and fulfilled life safety codes. The Care Center Foundation has contributed to new artwork and special projects.

Ms. Chadwick stated it has been 30 years since there has been a major remodel at the Care Center and expressed her appreciation to County Board. Committee members expressed their support for the remodel and for phase one.

Mary Keating, Director of Community Services, added that the case managers will attest to the critical needs for long term care for individuals on Medicaid. In conclusion she stated the CDBG funds have contributed to replacing most of the windows over the last five to six years.

The presentation handout is attached hereto and made part of the minutes packet.

DuPage Care Center Renovation Update Handout



Mary Keating announced the Giving DuPage Days kicked off Monday, May 2, 2022. Twenty four hours later, they approached nearly $100,000 towards their goal of $500,000. There are 95 organizations to support. Ms. Keating encouraged all to go on the website and possibly find a new organization to support.

Mary Keating updated the committee on the DuPage Community Transformation Partnership, stating the Letters of Intent for the Immediate Intervention Grant came in and the panel has reviewed and selected the agencies they want to invite for a full application. They are also in the process of conducting the information sessions for the transformational grants. One session was held Friday, April 29, and one will be held the afternoon of May 3rd.


No Old Business was offered.


No New Business was offered.


Member Chaplin, Member DeSart, and Tim Harbaugh left the meeting at 9:59 AM to attend the Transportation Committee meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.

Motion to Adjourn


MOVER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Ashley Selmon, District 1

AYES: Renehan, Schwarze, Selmon

ABSENT: LaPlante

ABSENT: Chaplin, DeSart
