
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DuPage County Health & Human Services Committee met April 19

DuPage County Health & Human Services Committee met April 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


9:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chair Julie Renehan at 9:30 AM.


PRESENT: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

Also attending the meeting were County Board members Mary Ozog and Pete DiCianni (arrived at 9:45 AM), Chief Communications Officer Joan Olson , Public Information Officer Evan Shields, Assistant State's Attorney William Yung, Procurement Buyer Valerie Calvente, and Community Development Administrator David McDermott.


An electronic Public Comment was submitted by Brent Stenhouse from Carol Stream regarding trash along the St. Charles corridor between Bloomingdale and Schmale Roads.



Health & Human Services - Regular Meeting - Apr 5, 2022 9:30 AM


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon


A. CS Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

FI-R-0186-22 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance & Appropriation of the Illinois Department of the Healthcare and Family Services Access & Visitation Grant PY23, Intergovernmental Agreement No. 2021-55-024-003 B, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1670, $102,000. (Community Services)


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

B. CS Requests for Parent Committee Final Approval

Mary Keating addressed questions from Member DeSart, explaining this contract term was created for short term to coincide with 16 months of additional ARPA funds the Senior Services Division received from the Area Agency on Aging.

2022-40 Recommendation for the approval of a contact purchase order to Emma Stevens to enter into an Independent Contractor Agreement to provide case management assistance to Senior Services. This contract covers the period of April 20, 2022 through September 30, 2023, for a contract total amount not to exceed $25,000. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b). Senior Services Grant Funded.


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

7. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - MARY KEATING CDC Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

A. HHS-R-0187-22 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for Approval of Modification #1 to Agreement HM92-09 with South Group, LLC, clarifying continued use requirements for Maple Court Apartments and Approval of Subordination request.

A motion was made to amend Item 7.A. to include changes in the supporting documentation. Member Chaplin so moved, Member DeSart seconded, all ayes on a voice vote, motion carried to amend item 7.A.

David McDermott explained last minute modifications to the subordination agreement with South Group, LLC. DuPage County’s loan with South Group LLC is in a Trust Deed, requiring a separate signature page for the title company’s consent, which has been added.

Requested by South Group’s attorneys, a formal clause was added to the subordination agreement stating any potential legal disagreement would be tried in a DuPage County or Federal District Court in this area.

The resolution was modified to authorize Mary Keating to sign the subordination agreement. This will expedite the closing in the event of a refinance. The State Attorney’s Office has approved the language in the updates.


MOVER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

B. HHS-R-0188-22 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for Approval of a 2nd Modification to an Emergency Solutions Block Grant (ESG) Agreement with Catholic Charities, Project Number ES20- 03A, for the purpose of Homeless Prevention (HP) and Rapid Rehousing (RRH) – Reducing the Award Amount by $90.00 and Extending the Project Completion Date through August 12, 2022.


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

C. HHS-R-0189-22 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for Approval of Early Release of the liens on the Properties located at 4109 Williams Street, Downers Grove, IL and 5N641 Abilene Trail in Bloomingdale, IL for project HM03-06, Ray Graham Association.


MOVER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon


DuPage Care Center Requests for Parent Committee Final Approval

2022-41 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to CareVoyant, Inc., for CV Hosting for large database for the DuPage Care Center, Medical Records, for the period May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023, for a total contract amount not to exceed $25,200, Other Professional Services not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-353(1)(b). (Hosting for database)


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon


Budget Transfers -- To transfer monies from other Contractual Expenses to allow County FY22 Adobe/Network/ERP charges to come out of the correct budgeted line of software maintenance agreements - $34,281. (DuPage Care Center)


MOVER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon


A. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Weatherization Assessor to attend the HVAC and Diagnostic Refresher Course at the Climate Research Training Center (ICRT) in Champaign, Illinois from June 12, 2022 through June 15, 2022. Expenses to include lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.), and per diems for approximate total of $540. Weatherization Grant funded. (Community Services)


MOVER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

B. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Weatherization Assessor to attend Mobile Home Training Course at the Climate Research Training Center (ICRT) in Champaign, Illinois from June 5, 2022 through June 9, 2022. Expenses to include lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.), and per diems for approximate total of $685. Weatherization Grant funded. (Community Services)


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

C. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Community Services Director to attend the spring meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Counties (NACo) in Anchorage, Alaska from May 16, 2022 through May 19, 2022. The Director serves on the NACo Board as the appointed representative of the National Association for County and Community Economic Development. Expenses to include registration, transportation, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.), and per diems for approximate total of $2,755. NACo's fall Board meeting will be hosted by Will County, IL with some events to be held in DuPage so no travel expenses will be required for that event.


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon


Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 024-22: Access & Visitation Program PY23 - Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $102,000. (Community Services)


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon


The DuPage Care Center currently has 22 male beds and 35 female beds available. Two beds have been offered to DuPage County residents so there will be no DuPage County residents displaced by approval of these applicants.

A. Motion to Approve the First Residency Waiver


MOVER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

SECONDER: Dawn DeSart, District 5

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

B. Motion to Approve the Second Residency Waiver


MOVER: Greg Schwarze, Vice-Chair

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: LaPlante, Chaplin, DeSart, Renehan, Schwarze

ABSENT: Selmon

13. DUPAGE CARE CENTER UPDATE - JANELLE CHADWICK Janelle Chadwick, Administrator of the DuPage Care Center, stated the county transmission of covid cases is at level red, or high, as of April 18, 2022. Two employees tested positive for covid but had not been in the facility an adequate number of days prior to the positive test to circumvent any extreme covid actions being required within the facility. The Care Center has increased their hand washing audits and infection control measures due to the increase of covid cases in DuPage County.

The Care Center has recently resumed some resident dining in the dining room and the gardening program with the master gardeners.

Ms. Chadwick gave an update on the renovations at the Care Center. When they last met, the panel decided on phasing and how many beds will be done at one time. They will complete an entire unit at once. Anything less than the total unit would increase the cost by $2M. It will take some strategy to move the residents around and close an entire unit. Ms. Chadwick is hoping the architect and engineers will have more renderings at their meeting on Wednesday. She would like to have a formal presentation for the committee in two weeks. Which unit will be remodeled first will be decided by the architect and construction manager.

Ms. Chadwick’s goal is to enhance the resident rooms to preserve quality of home life for residents and to improve efficiency for staff with the nursing station improvements. Vice Chair Schwarze asked how many people will be displaced within a whole unit? Ms. Chadwick replied the capacity is 56 residents, but currently they are housing about 47 to 50 people per unit and residents will be relocated approximately 3.5 months. The 12 residents of the executive resident council met on Monday and the discussion of the remodel opened an entire animated dialogue of anticipation.

Ms. Chadwick met with Human Resources to discuss recruitment strategies, including virtual fairs, working with different vendors to assist with the fairs, walk-in on the spot interviews, and job fairs. The last job fair gave the Care Center four candidates. New staff are also hired via word of mouth.

The next Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) class will begin as soon as we get a few more than the four staff currently interested in the program.


Mary Keating announced that for the first time, the state budget funding includes funds to help launch and support 211 across the state. We don’t know how much money we will receive or when we will get funding, but it will help the sustainability of 211 after the ARPA funds are over.

Ms. Keating reminded the committee that Giving DuPage Days are approaching May 2 through May 6. There are about 95 agencies participating. This is the county and community wide, online fund raiser that Giving DuPage supports on behalf of any nonprofit organization that wants to participate. Our goal this year is to raise over a half million dollars for the agencies.

Community Services’ newest Outreach Coordinator designed a table card with a QR code. When you scan the code, you will be led to a survey requesting your name and contact information and what services you are seeking. The table card is attached hereto and made part of the minutes packet.

The playground at the Family Center is finally moving forward, having identified the equipment that will be installed.

Members Chaplin and DeSart left the meeting at 10:00 AM to attend the Transportation Committee meeting.

In the fall, 2022, the entire Community Services’ intake space will be reconfigured, allowing for more privacy and safety for all.

County Board member Mary Ozog asked for the Public Comment to be transferred to the Transportation Committee.

DuPage Community Transformation Partnership Update

Mary Keating updated the committee on the DuPage Community Transformation Partnership, acknowledging the work of the planning committee and Barb Stepaniak from DuPage Foundation for pulling this all together. Ms. Keating, Chair Renehan, the chair and vice-chair of the Foundation’s Grants Committee, and a retired Executive Director from a DuPage nonprofit, form the planning committee for the Partnership. About 120 people attended the two information sessions held in mid to late March. The planning committee developed two separate grant programs, the Immediate Intervention Grant and the Transformation Grant.

The guidelines for the Immediate Intervention Grant were released early as the planning committee thought it important to get some funds out as soon as possible but they would also like agencies to consider transformational programs such as systems changes, capacity building, and program development.

The letters of intent were due by April 15, 48 letters of intent submitted. Six agencies were determined ineligible immediately. The letters were requests for one-year grants, totaling under $3.5M. The total grant allowance in the Partnership is $10M for five years. The review committee will meet on April 28 to discuss the letters of intent and which agencies will proceed to the full applications. The agencies will be told this does not guarantee funding, just that we would like to hear more, with applications due May 27. Agencies awarded funding will be announced in late June, with a joint announcement from the County and the Foundation.

The Community Transformation Grant has to fall into one of the four categories approved by the Board: food insecurity, housing instability, mental health, and substance abuse services. Agency proposals must have measurable impact in one of the four program areas. If an agency is making a case outside of one of the four areas, it will have to impact one of the four areas, and agencies will have to show intent to measure the impact.

At least 50% of clientele have to be DuPage County residents. If the agency serves a larger area, they will be required to have a facility located in DuPage County or an existing advisory board, focus group, or similar that helps direct their program specifically within DuPage County.

As agencies are working on applications for the Immediate Intervention Grant, the planning committee will meet to discuss the Transformational Grant with information sessions similar to the Immediate Intervention Grant. Letters of intent for the Transformation Grant will be due in early June. Agencies will be notified by the end of June if invited to complete a full application. The deadline for the Transformation Grants’ application is September 15 with grant award announcements in October.

Ms. Keating stated they struggled with the process, not wanting to hold back funding but at the same time being sure agencies are doing some thoughtful planning. The planning committee has not determined how funding will be divided between the two grants. Chair Renehan stated she will not be on the decision-making panel as she feels it may appear as a conflict of interest as a County Board member.

Answering a question on the county process from Vice-Chair Schwarze, Ms. Keating answered the foundation will make the final decisions on who receives funding. Our County Board will be notified but have no input.

DuPage County Community Services QR Code for Assistance



No Old Business was offered.


No New Business was offered.


There being no further business, Chair Renehan requested a motion to adjourn at 10:02 AM, Vice Chair Schwarze so moved, Chair Renehan seconded, all ayes on a voice vote, motion carried to adjourn.
