
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Warrenville City Council met Jan. 17

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City of Warrenville City Council met Jan. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


A. Call to Order

Mayor Brummel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

B. Roll Call

Physically Present: Mayor Brummel and Alderman Jay Anderson Virtually Present: Aldermen: Clare Barry, Kathy Davolos, Leah Goodman, Jeff Krischel, and Bill Weidner

Absent: Alderman Stuart Aschauer

Also Physically Present: City Administrator John Coakley, Assistant City Administrator Cristina White, Attorney Brooke Lenneman, and Recording Clerk Laura Schwarting

Virtually Present: Police Chief Ray Turano, Finance Director Kevin Dahlstrand, Community and Economic Development Director Ron Mentzer, Public Works Director Phil Kuchler, and City Treasurer Ann Behrens

Also Absent: City Clerk Julie Clark

C. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Brummel led the Pledge of Allegiance.

D. Recognition of Service for Alderman Anderson

Mayor Brummel recognized Ward 1 Ald. Anderson for his outstanding service to the Warrenville community from December 7, 2020 to January 31, 2022, and presented him with a certificate of appreciation and a key to the City.

Ald. Anderson said he was blessed to work with the expert City staff, the citizens, and the committed and experienced fellow Aldermen who bring so much to the City. He said he felt honored to live and serve the City under the guidance of all present.


Bob Seibert, Albright Court, read aloud a letter he received from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, regarding the collection of statistical data relative to the consumer price index (CPI). He then commented on the impact of property tax increases in the City TIF Districts.

No public comments were received either via email to be read aloud or via virtual meeting attendance.


A. Mayor

Mayor Brummel reminded those present that today was Martin Luther King Day, a Federal holiday to honor the achievements of the civil rights leader. He said individuals could honor Mr. King’s civil rights movement legacy by learning more about his vision through thekingcenter.org, or by volunteering to serve others. Mayor Brummel added that the City’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Awareness Commission (IDEC) was formed to assist the City in nurturing an inclusive and vibrant community for all individuals who live in and visit the city. He then offered that ideas or questions may be directed to IDEC at idec@warrenville.il.us for their consideration.

Mayor Brummel introduced the two Alderman candidates for appointment consideration to fill the vacated Ward 1 and Ward 2 positions.

Ward 1, Candidate Lockett

Candidate John Lockett introduced himself, saying his background includes Air Force military service, which led to him being well-traveled, and working for a 25- year old family construction business located in Warrenville. He said he has served on the Plan Commission and Board of Zoning and Appeals since 2018, and is invested in pursuing this working and learning opportunity with the City.

Ward 2, Candidate Kruckenberg

Candidate Craig Kruckenberg introduced himself, saying he has been a resident of Warrenville since 1991. He said he appreciates Warrenville’s small town feel and its friendly people. His background includes working 30 years as a landscape architect, and working on local projects such as Monarch Landing (Naperville), Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital (Wheaton), and the Cantigny Park (Winfield) garden renovation. Mr. Kruckenberg added that he previously served on the Warrenville Park District Board for 15 years, and looks forward to continuing serving the Warrenville community.

B. Clerk

Absent, no report

C. Treasurer

Treasurer Behrens said, after serving in this capacity, she questioned if there was an actual need for the City Treasurer position. Mayor Brummel asked Treasurer Behrens to outline her points in a letter to him so they could be reviewed.

D. Aldermen

Anderson: In honor of MLK day, Ald. Anderson paraphrased a favorite MLK quote, “Everybody can be great, because everyone can serve.” He then added that Mayor Brummel embodies that quote by his commitment to the community and his ability to work through hard things. He said he was thankful for the opportunity to learn from Mayor Brummel and said the community benefits from his consistent leadership.

Barry: Ald. Barry welcomed the two Alderman candidates, and then thanked outgoing Ald. Anderson for his service, his knowledge, and detailed thoughtful questions. She offered her congratulations on his new position.

Davolos: Ald. Davolos welcomed the Alderman candidates, and thanked Ald. Anderson for his many contributions. She then thanked Mayor Brummel for his thorough work in finding people to volunteer for these positions.

Goodman: Ald. Goodman announced that in addition to MLK Day, it was also Illinois’ first-ever celebrated Mohammed Ali state holiday. She then spoke about MLK’s achievements and the principles he brought forward, and how they can affect persons in elected positons. Ald. Goodman also thanked Ald. Anderson and former Ald. Wilson for how seriously they both treated their positions.

Krischel: Ald. Krischel welcomed the Alderman candidates, saying their credentials were impressive. He then reviewed his time spent on the Council with Ald. Anderson, and said it was a pleasure working with him and wished him well.

Weidner: Ald. Weidner thanked Ald. Anderson for his involvement with the Council and the community, and for his efforts to better the community while using City resources wisely. He then welcomed the Alderman candidates and sited their individual involvement with the community.

E. Administrator

City Administrator (CA) Coakley thanked Ald. Anderson for his thoughtful efforts, work ethic, and his desire to always improve the City. He said he appreciated their time working together and added Ald. Anderson was always welcomed back.

CA Coakley individually welcomed the Alderman candidates and provided a brief overview of the orientation process.

CA Coakley said he is often asked why the City is open on the MLK holiday. In response, he offers that, as government servants, it seems only fitting that employees may better serve the community through their work-based efforts. He then commented that during the month of January, at the encouragement of IDEC, City employees are giving back to the community through personal volunteer service time or charitable donations.

F. Attorney Lenneman:

Attorney Lenneman said she enjoyed working with Ald. Anderson and wished him good luck, and then added she is looking forward to working with the incoming Aldermen.

Ald. Weidner: added that he is grateful to the committee staff and volunteers, who serve on the numerous City boards and commissions.


Alderman Weidner made a motion, seconded by Alderman Davolos, to approve the agenda for the January 17, 2022, City Council regular meeting.


Aye: Alderman: Goodman, Anderson, Weidner, Krischel, Barry, and Davolos

Nay: None

Absent: Alderman Aschauer



Alderman Weidner made a motion, seconded by Alderman Davolos, to approve the minutes of the December 20, 2021, City Council regular meeting and the minutes of the January 10, 2022, Community Development Committee meeting.


Aye: Alderman: Davolos, Barry, Krischel, Goodman, Anderson, and Weidner

Nay: None

Absent: Alderman Aschauer



A. Accept Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation, waive second reading, and pass ordinance O2022-01, approving a Sign Ordinance variation for a projecting business identification sign at 28W571 Batavia Road

B. Accept staff recommendation and pass resolution R2022-01, approving the Legislative Action Program of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference for the 2022 Legislative Session

C. Accept Community Development Committee recommendation and designate Alderman Krischel to serve as the Vice Chairman of the Community Development Committee of the Whole

D. Receive and file the 2021 annual reports for the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals

E. Receive and file minutes of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness Commission meeting held on October 19, 2021

F. Receive and file minutes of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness Commission meeting held on November 16, 2021

G. Receive and file minutes of the Environmental Advisory Commission meeting held on November 30, 2021

H. Receive and file minutes of the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on January 6, 2022

I. Receive and file report of invoices paid up to January 12, 2022, in the amount of $235,144.25

J. Authorize expenditures for invoices due on or before February 7, 2022, in the amount of $370,982.31

K. Receive and file report of Master Debit Card Expenditures for the month of December 2021, in the amount of $19,537.53

Alderman Weidner made a motion, seconded by Alderman Davolos, to approve the Consent Agenda items as read.


Aye: Alderman: Anderson, Krischel, Davolos, Weidner, Barry, and Goodman

Nay: None

Absent: Alderman Aschauer



A. Accept Mayor Brummel’s recommendation and approve the appointment of Craig Kruckenberg to fill the City Council Ward 2 aldermanic vacancy effective immediately and until the term expires April 30, 2023.

Alderman Davolos made a motion, seconded by Alderman Weidner, to approve the appointment of Craig Kruckenberg to fill the City Council Ward 2 aldermanic vacancy effective immediately and until the term expires April 30, 2023.


Ald. Goodman questioned why the motions regarding the two Alderman appointments are worded differently. A discussion ensued regarding the use of the April 30, 2023, term end date. At the end of the discussion, it was determined that the motion found under Regular Agenda item VII (B), was more technically correct, and therefore, the current motion on the floor should be amended to reflect that wording.


Alderman Davolos made a motion, seconded by Alderman Weidner, to approve the appointment of Craig Kruckenberg to fill the City Council Ward 2 aldermanic vacancy effective immediately, until the first regular or special meeting of the City Council following the April 4, 2023, consolidated general election.


Aye: Alderman: Krischel, Goodman, Anderson, Weidner, Davolos, and Barry

Nay: None

Absent: Alderman Aschauer


B. Accept Mayor Brummel’s recommendation and approve the appointment of John Lockett to fill the City Council Ward 1 aldermanic vacancy effective February 1, 2022, until the first regular or special meeting of the City Council following the April 4, 2023 consolidated general election

Alderman Barry made a motion, seconded by Alderman Weidner, to approve the appointment of John Lockett to fill the City Council Ward 1 aldermanic vacancy effective February 1, 2022, until the first regular or special meeting of the City Council following the April 4, 2023 consolidated general election.


Aye: Alderman: Davolos, Barry, Goodman, Anderson, Weidner, and Krischel

Nay: None

Absent: Alderman Aschauer





Alderman Barry made a motion, seconded by Alderman Davolos, to enter into Closed Session at 7:44 p.m. to discuss the following:

● 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

● 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.


Aye: Alderman: Goodman, Anderson, Weidner, Krischel, Barry, and Davolos

Nay: None

Absent: Alderman Aschauer


The same members of the Council returned to open session at 8:38 p.m. Mayor Brummel stated that no action was taken during Closed Session.


Alderman Weidner made a motion, seconded by Alderman Davolos to adjourn.


Aye: Alderman: Anderson, Weidner, Krischel, Davolos, Barry, and Goodman

Nay: None

Absent: Alderman Aschauer


The regular Council meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
