
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Wood Dale City Council met Nov. 18

Webp meeting 07

City of Wood Dale City Council met Nov. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Nunzio Pulice called the Regular City Council Meeting to Order at 7:30 p.m.


Upon roll call, the following were:

Present: Aldermen Ames, Catalano, Curiale, Messina, Sorrentino (arrived 7:31 pm), Susmarski and Woods, along with Mayor Pulice

Absent: Alderman Jakab

Also Present: City Clerk Curiale, Treasurer Porch, Legal Counsel Bond, Police Chief Vesta, Public Works Director Lange, Director of Finance Wilson, Director of Administrative Services Buggy

Whereupon the Mayor declared a quorum present



Alderman Woods made a motion, seconded by Alderman Ames, to approve the Regular City Council Minutes of November 4, 2021. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Aldermen Ames, Catalano, Curiale, Messina, Susmarski and Woods

Nays: None

Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.


i. Citizens to be Heard


ii. Written Communiqués of Citizens to Be Heard


A. Recognition of George Ellefsen for Service to City & Pension Board

Mayor Pulice recognized Jordan Anderson, President of the Wood Dale Pension Board. The Pension Board consists of 5 Members; 2 of which are active participants, 1 retiree, and 2 Members appointed by the Mayor. President Anderson reported that George Ellefsen has been a wonderful asset and a helpful and insightful Member. Member Ellefsen served from 2004-2021 on the Pension Fund and was a big part of the Pension Board investing the money and helping it grow. Members of the Board presented George Ellefsen a Plaque in commemoration for his service.




A. Omnibus Vote

i. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Baxter & Woodman, Inc. for Engineering Services for Foster Avenue Resurfacing in an Amount Not to Exceed $39,881

ii. A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois and the City of Wood Dale Appropriating Funds for the Foster Avenue, Central Avenue to Spruce Avenue, Resurfacing Improvements

iii. Approval of the Replacement of Public Works Vehicle #514-088 in an Amount not to Exceed $67,000 from Northwest Municipal Conference Suburban Purchasing Cooperative

iv. A Resolution of Inducement to Develop/Redevelop Certain Property in the City of Wood Dale, Illinois – and Finance the Same

v. A Resolution to Approve a Five-Year Extension of the Contract Between the City of Wood Dale and Flood Brothers Disposal Co. for Municipal Solid Waste, Recycling, and Landscape Waste

The Mayor questioned if there were any objections to the Consent Agenda of Items 1 through 5.

Alderman Messina requested that Item V. A Resolution to Approve a Five-Year Extension of the Contract Between the City of Wood Dale and Flood Brothers Disposal Co. for Municipal Solid Waste, Recycling, and Landscape Waste be taken off the Consent Agenda.

The Mayor questioned if there were any objections to the Consent Agenda of Items 1 through 4. Hearing none and on a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Susmarski, to approve the individual Items on the Consent Agenda, including Items 1 through 4. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Aldermen Ames, Catalano, Curiale, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski and Woods

Nays: None

Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried, approving the following items:

i. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Baxter & Woodman, Inc. for Engineering Services for Foster Avenue Resurfacing in an Amount Not to Exceed $39,881

ii. A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois and the City of Wood Dale Appropriating Funds for the Foster Avenue, Central Avenue to Spruce Avenue, Resurfacing Improvements

iii. Approval of the Replacement of Public Works Vehicle #514-088 in an Amount not to Exceed $67,000 from Northwest Municipal Conference Suburban Purchasing Cooperative

iv. A Resolution of Inducement to Develop/Redevelop Certain Property in the City of Wood Dale, Illinois – and Finance the Same

On a motion by Alderman Curiale, seconded by Alderman Ames, to approve the individual items on the Consent Agenda., consisting of Items 1 through 4. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Aldermen Ames, Catalano, Curiale, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski and Woods

Nays: None

Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried


A. Planning, Zoning and Building Committee


B. Public Health, Safety, Judiciary and Ethics Committee

i. An Ordinance Declaring Property Owned by the City of Wood Dale Surplus for the Purpose of Selling

On a motion by Alderman Susmarski, seconded by Alderman Woods, to approve An Ordinance Declaring Property Owned by the City of Wood Dale Surplus for the Purpose of Selling. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Aldermen Ames, Catalano, Curiale, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski and Woods

Nays: None

Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried

C. Public Works Committee

i. An Ordinance Declaring Property Owned by the City of Wood Dale Surplus for the Purpose of Selling

On a motion by Alderman Messina, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve An Ordinance Declaring Property Owned by the City of Wood Dale Surplus for the Purpose of Selling. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Aldermen Ames, Catalano, Curiale, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski and Woods

Nays: None

Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried

D. Finance and Administration Committee



Item V. From the Consent Agenda: A Resolution to Approve a Five-Year Extension of the Contract Between the City of Wood Dale and Flood Brothers Disposal Co. for Municipal Solid Waste, Recycling, and Landscape Waste

On a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Catalano, to approve A Resolution to Approve a Five-Year Extension of the Contract Between the City of Wood Dale and Flood Brothers Disposal Co. for Municipal Solid Waste, Recycling, and Landscape Waste.

Alderman Messina asked if the City owns the carts that have the City logo on it. Attorney Bond replied per the original Contract, all containers are the property of the Contractor. Alderman Messina asked if the increase in cost by Flood Bros. to the City will be absorbed by the City and not passed on to the Residents. Mayor Pulice confirmed there will be no increase to the Residents during this Contract. Alderman Messina stated even though Flood Brothers was doing a great job, this Contract should be opened up to other vendors to Bid.

Alderman Susmarski inquired if there was wording in the Contract for a Breach of Contract by the Vendor. Attorney Bond responded that the City reserves the right to terminate the Contract upon notice. If there is nonperformance, the notice provision is shortened. Alderman Susmarski inquired what the cost was of the RFID Chip in the Carts Program. Director Buggy responded she did not know the cost, which is the responsibility of the Contractor. RFID Chips are not part of the Contract.

Alderman Curiale stated he did not think the RFID’s were needed in the type of service the City has the Contract was good. As the City pays $72,000/month for this service, Alderman Curiale stated he would prefer to always go out for bid as a general practice rather than leaving it up to the Council’s discretion. Mayor Pulice responded the City does go out for some bids, especially if the contract is not good, and contracts are compared to other communities.

Alderman Woods stated he would agree it is good to go out for bids as a general practice. However, Flood Bros. had the right under their Contract to offer a bid, and their bid is less than what other companies are offering. Flood Bros. has been with the City for 5 yrs. with few complaints. Alderman Curiale responded he agreed it was an excellent contract and their great service gives them an advantage over companies in a competitive bid situation as they are a known quantity, but all Contracts should go out to bidding to keep the vendors from becoming complacent over time. Alderman Messina agreed and added going to bid does not exclude or disqualify Flood Bros.

On a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Catalano, to approve A Resolution to Approve a Five-Year Extension of the Contract Between the City of Wood Dale and Flood Brothers Disposal Co. for Municipal Solid Waste, Recycling, and Landscape Waste. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Aldermen Ames, Catalano, Sorrentino, Woods and Mayor Pulice

Nays: Aldermen Curiale, Messina, and Susmarski

Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.

A. Airport Noise Report


B. Stormwater Commission Report


X. APPROVAL OF LIST OF BILLS: November 18, 2021 $1,295,438.84 On a motion by Alderman Catalano seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve the November 18, 2021 payment of the List of Bills, for the total amount of $1,295,438.84 for the following:

• General Fund $ 231,075.55

• Road & Bridge Fund $ 156.76

• Motor Fuel Tax Fund $ 8,750.99

• Tourism Fund $ 6,803.36

• Narcotics Fund $ -

• TIF District #1 $ 46,670.94

• TIF District #2 $ -

• Capital Projects Fund $ 18,699.35

• Land Acquisition Fund $ -

• Commuter Parking Lot Fund $ 2,404.03

• Sanitation Fund $ -

• Water & Sewer Fund $ 977,892.86

• CERF $ 2,985.00

• Special Service Area Fund $ -

Total of all Funds: $ 1,295,438.84

Total Number of Checks: 70

When the question was put a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Aldermen Ames, Catalano, Curiale, Messina, Sorrentino, Susmarski and Woods

Nays: None

Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.







