
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DuPage High School District 88 Newsletter

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Contributed photo | dupagepolicyjournal.com

Friday, January 21, 2022
Welcome to the DuPage High School District 88 Newsletter – your source for the latest events and news from DuPage High School District 88! For more information, please go to the District 88 website.

Award-winning newsletter: NSPRA Golden Achievement Award and Award of Excellence in Writing; INSPRA Award of Merit and Award of Excellence in Writing

District 88 mission: To work for the continuous improvement of student achievement.

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What's New at DuPage High School District 88

District 88 students interview Board of Education members

 On Jan. 18, District 88 Board of Education President Donna Craft Cain and Vice President Dan Olson participated in an interview with the Addison Trail and Willowbrook student news channels.

During the segment, Addison Trail senior Enzo Ciaccia and Willowbrook seniors Eric Veal Jr. and Penelope DelValle asked Craft Cain and Olson about the following topics:

  1. What made them want to join the Board of Education, and what’s involved with serving on the Board
  2. What they’ve learned about District 88 during their time on the Board
  3. What advice they would give to other/future Board members
  4. How students can request new academic courses, clubs and activities
  5. Their favorite food from the school cafeteria
  6. Information about the district’s new dress code pilot (see details at www.dupage88.net/site/page/14504)
  7. How the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted the district
  8. Explaining the process to transition to remote learning
  9. The Board’s efforts to expand opportunities for students to share their voices and feedback with the Board, including a new e-mail address (studentvoice@dupage88.net) for pupils to provide input
To watch the interview, click on the video at right.


Eye on Education: District 88 shares details of bill that provides students with up to five mental health days

The Eye on Education section of the newsletter highlights an education-oriented article or topic. The goal is to provide an outside perspective and more information to continue to educate parents/guardians, students, staff members and community members to improve the educational learning environment of District 88.

This week’s topic is Senate Bill 1577, which went into effect on Jan. 1. According to the Illinois General Assembly website, “(The bill) amends the Compulsory Attendance Article of the School Code. With respect to the exceptions to the compulsory attendance requirement, (this bill) provides that absence for cause by illness shall include the mental or behavioral health of a student for up to 5 days for which the child need not provide a medical note, in which case the child shall be given the opportunity to make up any school work missed during the mental or behavioral health absence. After the second mental health day used, the child may be referred to the appropriate school support personnel.” CLICK HERE to read more.

What constitutes a mental health day

  • A mental health day may be taken if a student experiences concerns such as anxiety, depression or somatic symptoms (headache, throwing up).
What doesn’t constitute a mental health day

  • Mental health days are not to be taken as a result of stress caused by a lack of work completion or test/presentation preparation.
  • Mental health days are not to be taken as a result of overscheduling (such as extracurricular activities or work hours).
  • Mental health days are not to be used as an extension of a holiday break or a vacation.
Mental health and social-emotional supports/resources

At District 88, the safety, health and well-being of students and staff is our No. 1 priority. We know building relationships proceeds learning, and we continue to focus on connecting with all students to foster an inclusive environment and a sense of belonging to support each child on his or her journey to success.

For students to achieve academically, we must first meet their needs outside of the classroom – including providing mental health and social-emotional supports. For information about available supports and resources, go to https://www.dupage88.net/site/page/14478.


District 88 implements pilot of updated dress code

 As District 88 previously shared, the district recently implemented a pilot of its updated dress code.

For the past two years, the District 88 Behavioral Interventions Committee has recommended a review of the dress code to ensure it is inclusive and equitable for all pupils. Students, staff and parents also have requested updates.

The district met with students, staff members and parents/guardians and developed a pilot program based on feedback received. Adjustments to the updated dress code will be made as needed. Athletic uniforms are currently being reviewed and will be added to the updates as well.

The dress code updates will be presented to the district administration and Board of Education for approval this spring.

To view the dress code pilot, go to https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10iUeEatzE3H-JzW9P1xDIfl3bO0_fcABLasvgtz6NQc/edit?usp=sharing.


Former Addison Trail and Willowbrook coaches and student-athletes recognized during District 88 Title IX Celebration to honor the law’s 50-year anniversary          

To view photo captions, go to https://www.dupage88.net/site/page/14506

On Jan. 21, Willowbrook hosted a District 88 Title IX Celebration during the Crosstown Varsity Girls Basketball Game between Willowbrook and Addison Trail.

Title IX is a federal civil rights law in the U.S. that was passed in 1972 to prohibit sex-based discrimination in any school or other education program that receives funding from the federal government. The law has helped increase access and equality for female athletes.

During the event, people who participated in or coached girls athletic teams at Addison Trail or Willowbrook attended a pre-game social and were recognized during halftime. To view a list of the honorees, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w_zIfT7pC88LshMOjgD8Gbr4DXX4-wP5rtJ7Ih8oYpA/edit?usp=sharing.

Two other awards also were presented before the game. Willowbrook senior Sophie Sullivan was honored for scoring 1,000 points throughout her high school career, and alumna Andrea Miller (class of 1992) was honored for scoring the most points of any Willowbrook basketball player in the school's history (male or female), with 1,927 points.


District 88 in the news

  District 88 is thankful to members of the media for their support and coverage of the great things happening in the district!

Check out recent news articles featuring District 88 at www.dupage88.net/media.

What's New at Addison Trail High School

Addison Trail High School Event Calendar (January and February)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday           21 22 237:30 p.m., District 88 Board of Education meeting at 2 Friendship Plaza in Addison

6:30 p.m., DuPage Regional Office of Education to host event about ‘Building Resilience in our Children’ (CLICK HERE for details)

7 p.m., Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) event: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (CLICK HERE for details)

6:30 p.m., Padres Latinos en Acción meeting

28 29 30 31 Feb 17 p.m., Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) event: Preparing to Achieve: Full Life Ahead (CLICK HERE for details)

7 p.m., Winter musical “Mamma Mia!”

7 p.m., Winter musical “Mamma Mia!”

2 p.m., Winter musical “Mamma Mia!”

4:30 to 6 p.m., Teacher-Parent Organization (TPO) Spaghetti Dinner

7 p.m., Winter musical “Mamma Mia!”

6:30 p.m., Theatre Booster Club meeting

7:30 p.m., Music Booster Club meeting

7:30 p.m., District 88 Board of Education meeting at 2 Friendship Plaza in Addison

7 p.m., Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) event: Real American: A Memoir (CLICK HERE for details)

6:15 p.m., Teacher-Parent Organization (TPO) meeting

7 p.m., Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) meeting

Addison Trail hosts annual Course Information Night and Athletic/Activity Fair

 On Jan. 20, Addison Trail hosted its annual Course Information Night and Athletic/Activity Fair to provide incoming and current students and parents/guardians with information about the academics, clubs, activities and sports at the school. About 120 families were represented during the event.

Participants were able to hear from and speak live with school counselors, representatives from each academic area, the Library Media Center and District 88 Board of Education members and administrators. They also were able to learn about academic and social-emotional supports/services available to students.

To view the Course Information Night and Athletic/Activity Fair website, go to https://sites.google.com/dupage88.net/aths-course-info-2022/home?authuser=0.


Addison Boy Scout Troop seeking food items to benefit Addison Township Food Pantry

 As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to present adversity and hardships, one of the challenges is ensuring an ample food supply for all community members.

To help with this need, Boy Scout Troop 410 in Addison (pictured at right) will participate in the Scouting for Food event (https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2015/10/30/what-is-scouting-for-food).

Scouts will place door hangers on Feb. 19 at homes throughout Addison and will collect bagged or boxed nonperishable, non-expired food on Feb. 26. Items should be placed on the doorstep by 9 a.m. Donations will benefit the Addison Township Food Pantry (https://www.addisontownship.com/food-pantry).

For questions or more information, e-mail scoutmaster@troop410.org.

What's New at Willowbrook High School

Willowbrook High School Event Calendar (January and February)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday           21 22 237:30 p.m., District 88 Board of Education meeting at 2 Friendship Plaza in Addison

6:30 p.m., DuPage Regional Office of Education to host event about ‘Building Resilience in our Children’ (CLICK HERE for details)

7 p.m., Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) event: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (CLICK HERE for details)

Feb 1

7 p.m., Music Booster Club meeting

7 p.m., Willowbrook Parent Organization (WPO) meeting

7 p.m., Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) event: Preparing to Achieve: Full Life Ahead (CLICK HERE for details)

Key Club Valentine's Day Flower Pre-Sale

7 p.m., Winter play “Dr. Cerberus”

Key Club Valentine's Day Flower Pre-Sale

7 p.m., Winter play “Dr. Cerberus”

7 p.m., Winter play “Dr. Cerberus”

Key Club Valentine's Day Flower Pre-Sale

7:30 p.m., District 88 Board of Education meeting at 2 Friendship Plaza in Addison

Key Club Valentine's Day Flower Pre-Sale

7 p.m., Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) event: Real American: A Memoir (CLICK HERE for details)

7 p.m., Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) meeting

7:30 a.m., Outstanding Student Breakfast

6:30 p.m., Padres Unidos de Willowbrook meeting

Key Club Valentine's Day Flower Delivery

Willowbrook hosts annual Curriculum Showcase and Meet the Coaches/Clubs Night

 On Jan. 20, Willowbrook hosted its annual Curriculum Showcase and Meet the Coaches/Clubs Night to provide incoming and current students and parents/guardians with information about the academics, clubs, activities and sports at the school. About 110 families were represented during the event.

Participants were able to hear from and speak live with school counselors, representatives from each academic area, the Library Media Center, athletic coaches and District 88 Board of Education members and administrators. They also had the opportunity to learn about academic and social-emotional supports/services available to students, as well as parent organizations.

To view the Curriculum Showcase and Meet the Coaches/Clubs Night website, go to https://sites.google.com/dupage88.org/wbhswarriors2026/home.


Willowbrook Speech Team earns awards at Rolling Meadows High School tournament

 On Jan. 15, members of the Willowbrook Speech Team competed in a tournament at Rolling Meadows High School and finished in 5th place out of more than 20 schools.

Below are the team’s results from that event.

Extemporaneous Speaking: Freshman Colton Emmert, Next-in Finalist

Humorous Duet Acting: Junior Amelia Tortorici and sophomore Sean O’Brochta, 1st place – Tournament Champions

Humorous Interpretation: Senior Elizabeth Michael, Next-in 2nd place

Impromptu Speaking: Senior Emily Maher, Next-in 2nd place

Informative Speaking: Junior Lia Galindo, Next-in 6th place

Original Comedy: Junior Amelia Tortorici, 2nd place; Senior Elizabeth Michael, 1st place – Tournament Champion

Original Oratory: Senior Emma Wrzeszcz, Finalist; Junior Lia Galindo, Next-in 3rd place; Sophomore Kristina Rankey, Next-in 6th place

Prose Reading: Senior Emily Maher, Next-in 3rd place

Radio Speaking: Junior Sana Haque, Next-in 5th place

Special Occasion Speaking: Junior Sana Haque, Next-in Finalist

To view a photo gallery from the tournament, go to https://www.dupage88.net/site/page/14503, or click on the image at right.