
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Glenbard News for Jan. 25, 2022

Chipotle flyer 01262022  1

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Contributed photo

In this issue:
  • Dean shares takeaway from cultivating genius webinar
  • South Boosters fund-raiser tomorrow
  • Highlights of Jan. 24 school board meeting
  • Food, custodial service partners are hiring

Dean shares takeaway from cultivating genius webinar

On Jan. 12, the Glenbard Parent Series in partnership with the Glenbard Equity and Inclusion Committee hosted University of Illinois professor Gholdy Muhammad, author of the book "Cultivating Genius and Joy." Click here to view the student question and answer session from the program.
Glenbard North Dean Erika Willis shared the following takeaway: "Dr. Muhammad delivered an inspiring and resourceful 'Intellectual Feast,' which provided a great framework for parents to build meaningful relationships with their children. I look forward to applying the precepts of the five learning pursuits (identity, skills, intellect, criticality, and joy) to further cultivate the genius within my own children."

South Boosters fund-raiser tomorrow

Tomorrow is the Chipotle fund-raiser for Glenbard South Boosters. Between 4 and 8:p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 26, Chipotle at 695 Roosevelt Road in Glen Ellyn will give back 33% of our order totals. Bring this flier to the restaurant or use order code Z4WTH6B

Highlights of Jan. 24 school board meeting

After each Board of Education meeting, we provide Board Highlights, which feature a brief description of the action items and discussion items on the meeting agenda. Board Highlights do not replace minutes. The minutes are approved by the board and posted after the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

Present – Judith Weinstock, Margaret DeLaRosa, Kermit Eby, Bob Friend, John Kenwood, Martha Mueller and Mireya Vera.
1.  Our free SAT Prep program started today. This 10-week course is a valuable opportunity for our students to maximize their performance on the SAT and enhance their college and scholarship options. Our SAT Prep course is provided by Academic Approach, a leading test preparation provider. Participating students average a 90-100 point overall gain on their score.
2.  Our students and fine arts faculty and staff are working hard preparing for their upcoming productions. We invite the community to attend the following theatrical productions:
      Glenbard East: “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)” February 2 through 5. February 2, 4 & 5 at 7:30 p.m. and February 3 at 3:30 p.m.
      Glenbard North: “Women of Troy” March 10 through March 12. March 10 and 12 at 7:30 p.m. and March 11 at 4 p.m.
      Glenbard South: "High School Musical" April 21 through 23.  April 21 and 22 at 7:30 p.m. and April 23 at 2 p.m.
      Glenbard West: “A Doll's House” January 27 through 29 at 7:30 p.m.
3.  Parents and guardians of eighth-graders participated in our schools’ informational nights this month. These events are an important opportunity for students and families to learn about the robust academic programs and extracurricular activities at each of our schools.
4.  We encourage community members to attend the following Glenbard Parent Series and Families United in Support of Excellence and Equity of all Students Especially Those That Identity as African American or Black (FUSE) webinars. The link to each webinar is available at glenbardgps.org.
      January 26 at 7 p.m. Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
      February 2 at 7 p.m. FUSE – Preparing to Achieve: Full Life Ahead
5.  A summary of information regarding the number of positive cases of COVID-19, individuals quarantined due to COVID-19 exposure, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data and SHIELD Illinois data. Each week that school is in session, this data is shared on our COVID-19 dashboard and through Glenbard News.
6.  On December 10, 2021, the district received a Freedom of Information Act request from TK Elevator Corporation, Shelly Leverenz, requesting the current contract documents for the elevator maintenance contracts for Glenbard Township High School District 87, including current pricing/billing for each campus, list of sites and the current billing rates, and executed contracts that are currently in place. The district has responded to this request.
7   On December 30, 2021, the district received a Freedom of Information Act request from Smart265.org, Matt Gugala, requesting information requesting information for the new construction, renovation and/or maintenance work planned at Glenbard H.S. Dist 87 for the 2022 calendar year. In addition, if any contracts have been awarded, include the names and contact information of those contractors and/or sub-contractors. The district has responded to this request.
8.  On January 10, 2022, the district received a Freedom of Information Act request from Scott Grigoletto, requesting the final determination of a Title IX investigation between September 1st and December 31st, 2021; any e-mails that contain content of a threatening nature sent to scott_grigoletto@glenbard.org; outcomes of any grievances against administrators of D87 that involved cursing or insulting a student; any emails sent from members of the school board regarding Scott Grigoletto; any documents or data containing "Implied Understanding" in relation to the Glenbard D87 employee contract; and Covid-19 procedures issued from ISBE and district policy on mask use. The district has responded to this request.
9.  On January 12, 2022, the district received a Freedom of Information Act request from WLS-TV, Jonathan Fagg and Ross Weidner, requesting documentation of remote learning equipment reported as missing, damaged, broken, stolen or otherwise unavailable for use. The district has responded to this request.
- minutes of the Jan. 10 regular board meeting.

the following personnel items:
Name                              School/Position                                                                   FTE     Effective Date
Valerie Pinzker              DO/Teacher Support for Targeted Students (Addtl. FTE) 10%         01/12/2022
Name                              School/Position                                                  FTE         Effective Date
Luna, Luz                       North Nurse Secretary / DO Assistant to the
                                          Asst. Director for Student Services, EL-Equity 100%       01/31/2022
Weightman, Autumn     East Attendance Ofc. Clerk / East Production
                                          Room Secretary                                                 100%          01/26/2022
Name                              School/Position                                      Term                         Reason
Ferrante, Michael          North/Special Ed Assistant         01/04/2022-01/18/2022     Personal
Name                              School/Position                                                                    Effective Date
Boyd, Rebecca              North/English Teacher                                                             05/20/2022
Name                              School/Position                                                                    Effective Date
Luna, Miriam                  East/EL Bilingual Interpreter (correction)                            12/17/2021
two educational tours
renewal of intergovernmental agreement with Carol Stream Park District – Fountain View Pool. Board members approved the amendment to the IGA with Carol Stream Park District, extending the term until June 30, 2033, for Glenbard to use the Fountain View Recreation Center pool for Glenbard North’s physical education programming (life safety) and Glenbard’s swim team programs.
The Carol Stream Park District approached us to discuss a renewal to the cooperative agreement. The contract stipulates we make a $350,000 contribution to the project paid over a 10-year time frame. The agreement is set to expire in 2023, and both parties want to extend the contract an additional 10 years.
The $35,000 annual payment entitles us use of this facility for physical education programming during school hours and swim team use in early morning and late evening time slots. The 25-yard pool features eight IHSA regulation lanes that support swim team practices and competitions. 
This opportunity continues to provide us access to a swimming pool at minimal cost, especially when one considers that high schools that build pools incur a capital investment well in excess of $5 million and incur annual operating expenses in excess of $200,000.
Ombudsman Amendment. Under a current contract, we partner with Ombudsman to offer educational services to students in need and provide 40 seats for students. Due to high demand/need this school year, we are recommending an additional 20 seats be purchased for the 2021-2022 school year only; specifically, for February 1, 2022 - May 20, 2022. The total cost of these additional seats is $68,160. The per-student cost is 52% of what we pay for a seat for the entire year and is prorated for the limited days.
policies and procedures for 2nd reading and adoption
2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban; 4:175 Convicted Child Sex Offender; Screening; Notifications; 5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria; 5:185 Family and Medical Leave; and 5:220 Substitute Teachers.
Glenbard West’s academic board goals report. Principal Peter Monaghan and the West administrative team presented the following data:
  1. First semester pass rate
  2. 1010 or higher SAT composite
  3. College-ready and career-ready coursework - More to All
  4. Students pursuing electives
  5. Students enrolled in one or more AP course
  6. Students passing one or more AP exam
  7. Student participation percentage
  8. Staff diversity

curriculum, data and standardized assessment report. The competencies of our Profile of a Graduate continue to be embedded within our curriculum unit maps, and Professional Learning Communities are working to integrate these important skills into their curriculum in meaningful and authentic ways.
This report analyzed student achievement on the SAT based on a score of a 1010+, our averages compared to Illinois, and our achievement in literacy and math compared to similar schools in Illinois. When each of our high schools are compared to similar schools in Illinois by low-income percentage, they are outperforming their peers on SAT achievement in both literacy and math.  
The report also discussed our comprehensive plan for increasing student achievement on the SAT by leveraging an aligned curriculum, rigorous and college-level coursework, professional learning and student supports.
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) will not update summative designations for the 2021 School Report Cards.

Food, custodial service partners are hiring

Due to a national labor shortage, we are experiencing shortages in a variety of areas, including contracted custodial and food services. Our contracted third-party vendors are hiring. See below for application information. Please share the information with those in a job search.
Sodexo is hiring food service staff. Apply at this link and this link.
ABM is hiring custodial staff to work in Glenbard District 87. Apply at this link.
