
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Lombard Board of Trustees met Nov. 4

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Village of Lombard Board of Trustees met Nov. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lombard held in the Board Room of the Lombard Village Hall was called to order by Village President Keith Giagnorio at 6:00 pm. Director of Public Works Carl Goldsmith led the Pledge of Allegiance.

II. Roll Call

8 - Keith Giagnorio, Elizabeth Brezinski, Brian LaVaque, Anthony Puccio, Bernie Dudek, Andrew Honig, Dan Militello, and Bob Bachner

Staff Present:

Village Manager Scott Niehaus

Director of Finance Tim Sexton

Director of Community Development Bill Heniff

Director of Public Works Carl Goldsmith

Chief of Police Roy Newton

Fire Chef Rick Sander

Assistant Village Manager Nicole Aranas

Village Attorney Tom Bayer

Assistant Village Attorney Jason Guisinger

Executive Coordinator Carol Bauer

III. Public Hearings

210334 FY 2022 Budget Public Hearing

A Public Hearing for the purpose of taking written and oral comments from the public concerning the proposed Village of Lombard Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2022.

Village Attorney Tom Bayer opened the Public Hearing at 6:01 p.m. and stated as follows:

1. The Public Hearing is in regard to the Village’s proposed January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 Budget.

2. The proposed Budget document has been available for inspection at the Village Hall, and posted on the Village’s website, since October 20, 2021.

3. Notice of the Budget Hearing was published in the Lombardian newspaper on October 21, 2021.

4. The process for the Budget Hearing will be as follows:

A. Village Manager, Scott Niehaus, and Village Finance Director, Tim Sexton, will make a presentation relative to the proposed Budget, as well as a presentation relative to the proposed tax levy for 2021.

B. After the presentation is complete, the public will be allowed to make any comments, or ask and questions, relative to the proposed Budget.

C. After the members of the public have made their comments and asked their questions, the members of the Village Board will be allowed to make any comments or ask any questions, relative to the proposed Budget.

D. Finally, once all comments have been made, and all questions have been asked, the Village President will ask for a motion to close the Public Hearing.

Village Attorney Tom Bayer then turned the Budget Hearing over to the Village Manager and the Finance Director.

Village Manager Scott Niehaus provided an overview as follows: thanked the Finance Committee members, Village Board and staff for their work in preparing the proposed budget; will review the following: budget objectives, multi-year financial forecast assumptions, 2022 budget overview, General Fund (unrestricted and uncommitted) operating budget, top 10 General Fund 2022 revenues and top 5 expenses; Hotel/Motel Tax Fund, Water & Sewer (W&S) Fund operating budget; budget prepared based on 0% growth in revenue assumptions and 3% in expense assumptions; total budget of $104,563,250 with overall expenditures to total $98,384,642.

Director of Finance Tim Sexton provided an overview as follows: reviewed the top ten General Fund 2022 revenues, the top five General Fund 2022 expenses, the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund, the Water & Sewer (W&S) Fund operating budget.

Village Manager Scott Niehaus provided closing comments including the Village will need to remain watchful and flexible to respond to circumstances beyond the Village's control such as the possible downturn in the general economy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and impacts from the State of Illinois as it works to address its financial issues. As the Village moves forward, we will continue to balance services with available resources.

The Finance & Administration Committee, at their October 25, 2021 meeting, unanimously recommended the Village Board approve the proposed 2022 budget. The ordinance is listed on the agenda on Separate Action with a second reading to be held on November 18, 2021. The budget is on the Village website and residents can also view the budget at the Village Hall, or meet with staff if they have questions.

Director of Finance Tim Sexton provided the following overview: the Village is able to raise property taxes each year by the lessor of 5% or Consumer Price Index plus new growth without a referendum; the Village proposes a 3.74% increase for the 2021 property tax which translates to an increase of approximately $7.30 for the owner of a $300,000 home; reviewed the communications schedule relative to the tax levy and budget.

The Finance & Administration Committee at their September 13, 2021 meeting voted unanimously to recommend the proposed statutorily permissible 2021 tax levy to the President and Board of Trustees. The ordinance is listed on the agenda on Separate Action with a second reading to be held on November 18, 2021.

Village Attorney Tom Bayer asked if the Village Board had any questions relative to the proposed tax levy and proposed budget.

Director of Finance Tim Sexton responded to a question from Trustee Bernie Dudek relative to the Hotel/Motel Tax and its uses.

Village Attorney Tom Bayer asked if the audience had any questions relative to the proposed tax levy and proposed budget.

There were no questions.

A motion was made by Trustee Andrew Honig and seconded by Trustee Anthony Puccio that the Public Hearing relative to the FY 2022 Budget be adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

Ayes: LaVaque, Puccio, Dudek, Honig, Militello and Bachner

Nays: None

Motion Carried

IV. Public Participation

210346 Presentation - Beth Marchetti, DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau

Beth Marchetti, Executive Director of the DuPage Convention & Visitors

Bureau, provided a Power Point overview as follows:

DCVB founded in 1985, and certified in 1987; Village of Lombard and DCVB partnership formed in the early 1990's; the Village pledges annual support of local hotel tax to match state grants; Village issues promissory note for the DCVB state grant application; DuPage Sports Commission founded in 2019 and received 43 sports leads in FY 22; the Intelligentsia Cup Lombard Cycling Class was held in 2019 and 2021; and resulted in 321 room nights in Lombard, 472 athletes from around the world, 3 of 9 days in DuPage County, and 123 family riders; downtown businesses reported positive economic impact as a result of race; the USA Cycling Cyclocross National Championship 2021 is scheduled to take place December 7th thru 12th at Cantigny Park; Grant programs FY 22-24:(1) highly utilized by Lombard hotels; (2) 20,337 room nights on the books - supported by grant applications; (3) $19 million in estimated economic impact; (4) $58,110 investment, split between DCVB and Village of Lombard; (5) positive sign for recovery despite industry forecast; highlighted the importance of Chicagoland tourism; reviewed ARPA's aid to tourism while Illinois hotels saw revenue fall $2.4 billion or 80%; Lombard will hold a tourism meeting and a new hotel meeting in January; thanked the Village of Lombard for their continued support.


Village President Keith Giagnorio reminded everyone there was a three-minute limit for each person to speak during Public Participation.

Village Clerk Liz Brezinski read e-mail comments that had been submitted in support of Prairie Food Co-Op from Sarah Campagna, Roxanna and Andy Hayes and Tom Novickas.

The following residents spoke in support of Prairie Food Co-Op: Melissa Gonzalez; Jeff Gahris; Emily Shultz; Kate Pierson; Jerry Nash; Liz Chaplin; Audrey Schuurmann; Gerry Haptas; Jessica Stratton; and Megan Harte (architect of record).

Trustee Anthony Puccio noted that the Village has helped Prairie Food Co-Op and is supporting PFC.

V. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee Andrew Honig, seconded by Trustee Anthony Puccio, that the minutes of the regular meeting of October 21, 2021 be approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Brian LaVaque, Anthony Puccio, Bernie Dudek, Andrew Honig, Dan Militello, and Bob Bachner

VI. Committee Reports

Community Promotion & Tourism - Trustee Bernie Dudek, Chairperson

Trustee Bernie Dudek, Chairperson of the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee, reported the following:

The Community Promotion and Tourism Committee met this past Tuesday.

We welcomed new committee member Gail Kankovsky and we are looking forward to having our other two new members join us next month.

We are finally at full strength!

Staff presented the committee with an update on the Hotel/Motel tax fund budget for 2022. I won’t rehash those specifics since we just held the Budget Public Hearing, but we are excited to hopefully replenish those reserves.

The Committee also continued discussion on the use of ARPA funds to create a grant funding program for hotels. A meeting with local hotels will be scheduled through the DuPage County Convention and Visitors Bureau to solicit their feedback and needs relative to possible grant funding.

Finally, the committee discussed the 2022 Local Tourism Grant program in preparation for review of applications in the first quarter of 2022.

Deadlines to submit proposals for 2022 Tourism Grants is December 10, 2021, so anyone thinking of applying should start typing now!

Community Relations Committee - Trustee Dan Militello, Chairperson

No report

Economic/Community Development Committee - Trustee Anthony Puccio, Chairperson

No report

Finance & Administration Committee, Trustee Andrew Honig, Chairperson

No report

Public Safety & Transportation Committee - Trustee Brian LaVaque Chairperson

Trustee Brian LaVaque, Chairperson of the Public Safety & Transportation Committee, reported the following:

the committee met on November 3rd; welcomed new member; staff reviewed a proposal relative to stop sign highlighting and visibility; the committee reviewed a request for stop signs at Church and Morris; the Fire Department and Police Departments provided monthly reports to the committee.

Public Works & Environmental Concerns Committee - Trustee Bob Bachner, Chairperson

No report

Board of Local Improvements - Trustee Bob Bachner, President

No report

Lombard Historic Preservation Commission - Village Clerk Liz Brezinski

No report

VII. Village Manager/Village Board/Village Clerk Comments

Trustee Bernie Dudek reported that he attended the Citizen Public Works Academy. He stated the academy was very informative and provided those participants with a lot of background information on the work that is performed by our Public Works staff each and every day. He noted that Police, Fire and Public Works Departments hold citizen academies. A ceremony was held tonight before the Village Board meeting for the graduates of the academy. He thanked the Public Works staff.

Village Clerk Liz Brezinski read the following announcements:

The Lombard Christmas Mart is Saturday, November 6th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Participants include churches on Maple from Elizabeth to Main Street as well as the Lombard Historical Society Museum/Gift Shop. Start your holiday shopping early from an assortment of arts, crafts, holiday foods, vintage items and gifts.

The November 10th Blood Drive honors our Veterans and thanks them for their service to our country, as well as recognizes Village President Bill Mueller. The Blood Drive will be at Yorktown Center from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and at the First Church, 220 S. Main Street from 1:30 pm to 7:00 pm. With the upcoming holiday season approaching, donating blood is yet another way to give and help save a life. Donating blood is safe, simple and saves lives. Be a hero, donate blood.

The Veterans Day Ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, November 11th beginning at 11:00 am and will be held at the Lombard Common Park Sunken Garden. Please join us as we honor our Veterans who have unselfishly placed their lives on the line to protect our country’s freedom.

For additional information on these events, please check the Village website at www.villageoflombard.org.

VIII Consent Agenda

Payroll/Accounts Payable

A. 210332 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending October 22, 2021 in the amount of $785,827.18.

This Payroll/Accounts Payable was approved on the Consent Agenda

B. 210343 Approval of Village Payroll

For the period ending October 23, 2021 in the amount of $846,070.61.

This Payroll/Accounts Payable was approved on the Consent Agenda

C. 210344 Approval of Accounts Payable

For the period ending October 29, 2021 in the amount of $1,570.978.34.

This Payroll/Accounts Payable was approved on the Consent Agenda

Ordinances on First Reading (Waiver of First Requested)

D. 210147 Text Amendments to Title III, Chapter 36 Section 36.30 of the Lombard Village Code: Downtown Area Improvement and

Renovation Grant Program

The Economic & Community Development Committee submits its recommendation to approve amendments to Section 36.30 of the Lombard Village Code in regard to the Downtown Area Improvement and Renovation Grant Program. The proposed amendments addresses fund dispersals as well as policy changes that clarify funding limitations for multiple tenant buildings.

This Ordinance was waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rules on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: Ordinance 7993

E. 210341 Amending Title XI, Chapter 112, Section 112.13(A) of the Lombard Village Code - Alcoholic Beverages

Ordinance decreasing the number of authorized liquor licenses in the Class "C" liquor license category by one to reflect Louisiana Crab Shack no longer conducting business at 275 West Roosevelt Road. (DISTRICT #2)

This Ordinance was waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rules on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: Ordinance 7994

F. 210342 Amending Title XI, Chapter 121, Section 121.03(A)(2) of the Lombard Village Code - Public Passenger Licenses

Ordinance decreasing the number of Public Passenger Licenses from four (4) to three (3) to accommodate the non-renewal of the license held by 303 Taxi, LLC d/b/a 303 Taxi located at 5200 N. Otto Avenue, Chicago, IL.

This Ordinance was waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rules on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: Ordinance 7995

F-2. 210349 Village Equipment to be Declared Surplus Ordinance approving the request of the Police Department to sell and/or dispose of surplus equipment as more specifically detailed in Exhibit "A" attached to the ordinance, to be sold at auction, sold for scrap, or recycled as these items have extended beyond their useful life or are obsolete to include: seven (7) Hon cubicles with desks and Hon cabinets and eleven (11) office chairs (variable manufacturers/no serial numbers or models). These items to be sold at auction.

This Ordinance was waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rules on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: Ordinance 7996

Other Ordinances on First Reading

G. 210316 Text Amendments to Title XI, Chapter 110, Sections 110.40 and 110.60 of Lombard Village Code: Temporary Events

The Economic & Community Development Committee submits its recommendation to approve text amendments to Sections 110.40 and 110.60 of the Lombard Village Code that addresses carnival permit fees, time periods for on-premises and off-premises events, and edits for clarity that memorialize the review and approval process for temporary events.

This Ordinance was passed on first reading on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: Ordinance 8007

Ordinances on Second Reading

H. 210321 Text Amendments to Title XV, Chapter 150 (Building Code), Section 150.35 of the Lombard Village Code Pertaining to Accessory Structures

The Board of Building Appeals (BOBA) recommends that the Village Board approve amendments to Section 150.035 of the Lombard Village Code which will:

1. Clarify permit exceptions for sheds;

2. Add a definition for “Structure, Attached”;

3. Amend foundation structural requirements for garages, carports and sheds;

4. Amend service door requirements for garages and sheds;

5. Amend electrical light switch requirements for garages; and

6. Add plumbing limitations beyond principal dwelling units.


This Ordinance was passed on second reading on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: Ordinance 7997

I. 210240 PC 21-22: Text Amendments to Chapter 155 (Zoning Code) of the Lombard Village Code - Accessory Structures and Garages

The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the following text amendments to Chapter 155 - (Zoning Code) of the Lombard Village Code:

1. Amend Section 155.802 - Rules and definitions, as it relates to definitions for the terms “Building, detached”, “Garage, private”, and “Shed”;

2. Amend Section 155.210 - Accessory uses, activities, buildings, and structures, as it relates to bulk requirements for sheds, detached garages, and other accessory structures; and

3. Amend Section 155.222 - Attached garage requirements, as it relates to requirements for attached garages projecting in front of detached single-family dwellings.

This Ordinance was passed on second reading on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: Ordinance 7998

J. 210277 PC 21-23; Text Amendments to Chapter 154 (Subdivision and Development Code) of the Lombard Village Code

The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the comprehensive text amendments to Chapter 154 (the Subdivision and Development Code) of the Lombard Village Code, and any other relevant sections for clarity and consistency. Said section and subsection amendments, include, the following:

1. 154.203 (C)(1) - amending process requirements for pre-application meetings, plat approvals and the administrative plat and final plat approval.

2. 154.203 (D)(4) and 154.507 amend and add language stating that public dedications, stormwater detention and/or Best Management Practices improvements comply with Village Code.

3. 154.203 (E)(2), (4), (5), (6) and (7) - establishing that all variations to Chapter 154 of the Village Code must go before the Plan Commission for a public hearing prior to Village Board consideration.

4. 154.203(F) - striking the procedures for vacations of public rights-of-way, as the provisions are addressed within Chapter 97 of the Village Code.

5. 154.203(G) - adding procedures associated with Plats of Easement Abrogation.

6. 154.203 (I) - clarifying the process for text amendments to Chapter 154 of the Village Code.

7. 154.203 (L) - removal of conflicts within the fees section and Section 36.21(J) of the Village Code.

8. 154.303 (D)(2)(b) - removing the sidewalk requirement for the adjacent side of the public right-of-way for Minor Plats of Subdivision

9. 154.305 and 154.703 - amending the definition of Minor Development

10. 154.305 (D)(1) - clarifying and amending the requirements for public improvements for unimproved, underimproved and improved rights of way for Minor Development

11. 154.306 and 154.703 - amending the definition of Major Development

12. 154.306 (D) - clarifying and amending the requirements for public improvements for unimproved, underimproved and improved rights- of- way for Major Development

13. 154.307 - amending the recapture agreement provisions

14. 154.403 (B) - amending the preliminary engineering requirements for engineering plan submittals

15. 154.404 (E)(8) - striking the fire hydrant marker provisions

16. 154.405 (D) - striking the sanitary sewer connection requirements that conflict with Chapter 50 of the Village Code

17. 154.405 (F) - adding Flagg Creek Water Reclamation District references

18. 154.406 (D) - adding language stating that the Village does not have an obligation to undertake maintenance and repair activities for private detention facilities

19. 154.407 (C)(2) - striking sidewalk stamping requirements

20. 154.407 (D), 154.503 (A), and 154.511 - adding references to the Complete Streets Policy

21. 154.407 (I)(1) - clarifying the street names and traffic sign provisions

22. 154.408 (B) - amending the jurisdictions pertaining to erosion control

23. 154.409 (B) - clarifying the parkway sod requirements

24. 154.410 (A) - clarifying the utility location requirements within easements

25. 154.501 (H) - adding references to the County Stormwater and Floodplain Ordinance and federal regulations

26. 154.504 (A) - amending the public sidewalk slope requirements

27. 154.505 (B)(1) - striking the block width requirements

28. 154.506 (E) - adding staff engineering review provisions for lots

29. 154.506 (F) - striking the avoidance of right angles provision for lots

30. 154.507 (D) - amending the outlot frontage width provisions and striking the rectangular design reference

31. 154.509 - striking the regulations abutting railroads and expressways

32. 154.512 (A)(1)(a) and (b) - adding references to easement width requirements

33. 154.512 (C) - striking the clear sight easement provisions, as the provisions are addressed within Chapters 153 and 155 of the Village Code

34. 154.513 - amending and striking the monument and marker provisions to reference State Statutes

35. 154.602 (C) - clarifying the approval entity for development agreements

36. 154.602 (D)(3)(c) - clarifying the policies pertaining to vertical construction in construction schedules

37. 154.602 (D)(3)(f) and (g) - adding references to sanitary sewer and public right-of-way completion activities prior to construction start for permanent structures

38. 154.602 (E)(2) - striking the administrative plat development agreement references

39. 154.605 (C) - amending the language confirming association obligations

40. 154.606 (D)(3)(c) - adding the ability for the Village to undertake Environmental Audit review at the developer's cost

41. 154.701 (E) - striking gender references

42. 154.703 - add, delete or modify definitions of Best Management Practices (BMPs); Clear sight easement; Development, major; Development, minor; Improvement, public; Lot; NIPC; Certificate of Occupancy/ Zoning Certificate; Planned Development; Expressway; Village Engineer; and Zoning Lot. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

This Ordinance was passed on second reading on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: Ordinance 7999


K. 210308 Intergovernmental Agreement - Carriage House Addition Project Funding

Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Lombard and the Lombard Historical Society relative to the funding of the construction of the Carriage House Addition Project. The Historical Society received a State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources Public Museum Capital Grant in the amount of $750,000 for the construction of the addition. (DISTRICT #1)

This Resolution was adopted on the Consent Agenda

Enactment No: R 37-21

Other Matters

L. 210309 Carriage House Addition

Award of a contract to Action One Construction, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder of three (3) bids received, in the base amount of $772,000.00. The funding of the project comes from an IDNR Public Museum grant in the amount of $750,000.00. (DISTRICT #1)

The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lombard held on Thursday, November 4, 2021 in the Board Room of the Lombard Village Hall was called to order at 6:00pm by Village President Keith Giagnorio. Director of Public Works Carl Goldsmith led the Pledge of Allegiance.

This Bid was approved on the Consent Agenda

M. 210333 2022 Maintenance of Traffic Signal Equipment

Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Meade Inc. in the amount of $191,000.00. This contract represents the first year of a two-year joint bid extension with DuPage County Department of Transportation. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

This Bid was approved on the Consent Agenda

N. 210335 Parkway Tree Pruning and Demand Trimming/Cabling Award of a contract to D Ryan Tree and Landscape LLC, the lowest responsible bidder of four (4) bids received, in the amount of $78,947.90.

This is a one-year contract with two one-year renewal options upon mutual agreement. (DISTRICTS - ALL)

This Bid was approved on the Consent Agenda

O. 210318 Grant Application Assistance Policy

The Economic & Community Development Committee submits its recommendation to approve the proposed Board Policy establishing a process for Village staff assistance for selected grant applications for government funding of projects as business activity.

This Request was approved on the Consent Agenda

P. 210345 DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau - Financial Commitment Request from the DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau affirming the Village's commitment of 25% of one of the occupancy tax points of the annual collected hotel/motel tax for Fiscal Year 2022 for use by the DuPage Convention and Visitor's Bureau.

This Request was approved on the Consent Agenda

Q. 210330 Appointment - Community Promotion & Tourism Committee Request for concurrence of the Village Board in the appointment of Amy LeBeau to the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee for a two-year term to May 2023.

This Appointment was approved on the Consent Agenda

R. 210336 Re-appointments - Finance & Administration Committee Request for concurrence of the Village board in the re-appointments of Mary Cation, Jim Hogan, David Cain, Jr., Dan Hartweg, Jay Tovian, Ambareen Ahmed, Randy King and Michael Himmes to the Finance & Administration Committee for two-year terms to May 2023.

This Appointment was approved on the Consent Agenda

S. 210337 Re-appointments - Economic & Community Development Committee Request for the concurrence of the Village Board in the re-appointment of Dennis McNicholas, Patrick Kennedy, Garrick Nielsen, Matthew Pike, Paula Dillon, Lane Vant Hoff, Gregory Ladle, and Alan Bennett to the Economic & Community Development Committee for two year terms to May 2023.

This Appointment was approved on the Consent Agenda

T. 210338 Appointments and Re-appointments - Community Relations Committee Request for concurrence of the Village Board in the appointment of Keveria Lezza and Amanda Rosengren and the re-appointment of Pam Bedard, Sharon Vish, Ahmed Ali, Barbara Ware, Gladys Piper, Michael Ledonne, and to the Community Relations Committee for two year terms to May 2023.

This Appointment was approved on the Consent Agenda

Approval of the Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Anthony Puccio, seconded by Trustee Brian LaVaque, to Approve the Consent Agenda The motion carried by the following vote

Aye: 6 - Brian LaVaque, Anthony Puccio, Bernie Dudek, Andrew Honig, Dan Militello, and Bob Bachner

IX. Items for Separate Action

Ordinances on First Reading (Waiver of First Requested)

Other Ordinances on First Reading

A. 210317 Ordinance Providing for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021 for the Village of Lombard

Providing for the levy and assessment of taxes for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021 in the amount of Ten Million Seven Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Forty Dollars ($10,728,440). For the owner of a $300,000 house, the increase will be approximately $7.30. The Finance and Administration Committee voted unanimously to recommend the statutorily permissible 2021 tax levy to the President and the Board of Trustees.

A motion was made by Trustee Andrew Honig, seconded by Trustee Bernie Dudek, that the Ordinance Providing for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for

the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021 for the Village of Lombard be passed on first reading. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Brian LaVaque, Anthony Puccio, Bernie Dudek, Andrew Honig, Dan Militello, and Bob Bachner

Enactment No: Ordinance 8008

B. 210293 Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022 Ordinance adopting the FY 2022 Annual Budget for the Village of Lombard in the amount of $98,384,642.

A motion was made by Trustee Dan Militello, seconded by Trustee Brian LaVaque, that the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022 be passed on first reading. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Brian LaVaque, Anthony Puccio, Bernie Dudek, Andrew Honig, Dan Militello, and Bob Bachner

Enactment No: Ordinance 8009

Ordinances on Second Reading


Other Matters

X. Agenda Items for Discussion

XI. Executive Session

A motion was made by Trustee Andrew Honig, seconded by Trustee Bob Bachner, that the regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lombard held on Thursday, November 4, 2021 in the Board Room of the Lombard Village Hall be recessed to Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussion of Acquisition of Real Property. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 -  Brian LaVaque, Anthony Puccio, Bernie Dudek, Andrew Honig, Dan Militello, and Bob Bachner

XII. Reconvene

The recessed regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lombard held on Thursday, November 4, 2021 in the Board Room of the Lombard Village Hall was called to order by Village

President Keith Giagnorio at 7:53 pm.

8 - Keith Giagnorio, Elizabeth Brezinski, Brian LaVaque, Anthony Puccio, Bernie Dudek, Andrew Honig, Dan Militello, and Bob Bachner

XIII Adjournment

A motion was made by Trustee Dan Militello, seconded by Trustee Andrew Honig, that the regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lombard held on Thursday, November 4, 2021 in the Board Room of the Lombard Village Hall be adjourned at 7:54 p.m. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 -: Brian LaVaque, Anthony Puccio, Bernie Dudek, Andrew Honig, Dan Militello, and Bob Bachner
