
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Residential Enews- September 23, 2021 and October Village Almanac

Branch collection

Contributed photo | www.villageofbloomingdale.org

Contributed photo | www.villageofbloomingdale.org

Village of Bloomingdale issued the following announcement on Sept. 23

October 2021 Village Almanac

The October Edition of the Village Almanac is available online. Click here to view a message from Mayor Franco, Business News, Upcoming Community Events including the Old Town Brew Fest, Halloween & trick or treating information and more!

Today is the Last Day to Purchase Early Bird Tickets to Old Town Brew Fest!

Old Town Brew Fest

We are excited that the 2nd Annual Old Town Brew Fest will return on October 9, 2021 from 2 to 6 PM in Old Town Bloomingdale. Tickets are available for purchase now at OldTownBrewFest.com, with an Early Bird rate thru today, September 23rd. Tickets will be available for purchase, CASH ONLY, on site, the day of the event.

The event will host 50+ special beers from 20 craft breweries from the Chicagoland area. New to this year’s event: TapVille will be on site with their mobile taproom-featuring self-pour taps of craft beer and cider. 

Participants 21+ will receive a card with 25 drink slots, each of which can be exchanged for a 3 oz. sample. The festival will also feature music of the Black Bolts. Food for purchase will be available from local vendors.

The festival is a fundraising event for the Bloomingdale Cares Community Fund, a 501(c)(3) which helps sponsor community events and to assist community organizations. 

We hope you can join us for this fun event!

Newly Designed Website

The Village of Bloomingdale is excited to announce the redesign of its website, completed in August. Our goal with the fresh look and functionality of the website is to provide our Village residents and visitors an easy way to access information. The site features an updated look and a more organized menu navigation structure. The redesigned website also contains a language translation pop-out menu that facilitates interpretation of over 100 languages by clicking the "Select Language" option on the bottom right corner.

We invite you to visit and enjoy the new design at villageofbloomingdale.org
Bloomingdale Marker's Market-September

The Bloomingdale Maker's Market features local Makers and Small businesses offering goods such as dog treats, home decor, candles, jewelry, food, dessert, blankets, clothes and more. This next market on THIS Sunday, September 26th is going to be have over 90 Makers participating…. So many Makers to shop and so many things to buy!
You will hear live music from Yazz Jazz while you shop. The market goes from 10am until 2pm, rain or shine. The Maker's Market is held in the Parking lot located on the corner of Schick and Bloomingdale Road.

LIHEAP Assistance

With cold temperatures just around the corner, DuPage County Community Services will accept applications for the annual Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) now through May 31, 2022, or until funds are depleted. Eligible families are encouraged to take advantage of the program.

For more information visit the Bloomingdale Township website, or DuPage County residents may call (630) 407-6500, (800) 942-9412 (toll-free) 
For a complete listing of LIHEAP's local administering agencies and additional information about the program, click here or call the toll-free hotline at (877) 411-WARM.
You are Invited to a Grand Opening Celebration

The Dominic Froio Memorial Garden will welcome all patrons to the Bloomingdale Public Library. The garden will be just to the north of the Library's front entrance and will include seating with outdoor WiFi, distinctive lighting, and an IDNR-certified butterfly garden. The garden was made possible by a donation from the estate of Mr. Dominic Froio.

Join the Bloomingdale Public Library, 101 Fairfield Way, for a Grand Opening of The Dominic Froio Memorial Garden as well as their new BPL Makerspace on Saturday, September 25th at 10:00 AM.
Resources & Happenings

Electronics Recycling @ Township
An Electronic Recycling Program will be available to all DuPage County residents on Saturday, September 25 from 8:00 AM to 12 PM at the Bloomingdale Township Highway Department, 6N030 Rosedale Ave.

For more information and for questions, please go to dupageco.org/ElectronicsRecycling/.

September is Hunger Action Month
Non-perishable food and personal care items will be accepted through September 30th at the following Bloomingdale locations: 

The Fall Branch Collection 
will be performed on MondayOctober 18th, and all branches must be set out by no later than 7 AM on that day. 

For more detail on how to set out branches, and items not accepted during collection, please CLICK HERE.

Voice of Democracy 
Scholarship Competition
Entries must be "RECEIVED" no later than midnight October 31, 2021.
Entry forms and more details can be found at: www.vfw.org/vod or email Post VOD Chairman Randy Winter.

Enjoy Local & Win
For rules or more information, please go to the Chamber website. 

Any questions regarding service, new cart delivery and/or size delivered should be directed to S.B.C. Waste Solutions at 312-522-1115, email at residential@sbcwastesolutions.com or through their online customer service form.

Bloomingdale account holders who are age 65 and older can apply for a Senior Discount through SBC’s secure online portal @ https://www.sbcwastesolutions.com/senior-discount/, or by mailing a copy of your driver's license, & verification of your occupancy, such as a water bill or property tax bill to: Bloomingdale Senior Discount, 2401 Gardner Road, Broadview Il, 60155.

CHARACTER COUNTS! Thought for the Day

Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. 
- Dr. Desmond Tutu

Connect With Us

Village Of Bloomingdale | 201 South Bloomingdale RoadBloomingdale, IL 60108 Unsubscribe news@dupagepolicyjournal.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by sassanoj@vil.bloomingdale.il.us powered by