DuPage County Economic Development Committee Met Aug. 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
A. Economic Development Committee - Regular Meeting - Tuesday June 15th, 2021
4. Chairwoman's Remarks - Amy Chavez
5. Public Comment
6. Informational
A. MedGyn Products - Incumbent Worker Training Memo
B. Laser Technologies - Incumbent Worker Training Memo
C. Mindsight - Incumbent Worker Training Memo
7. Resolutions
A. ED-R-0381-21 RESOLUTION -- Amendment to Resolution ED-R-0516-20 Approval of Issuance of Payments by DuPage County to Training Providers through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Grant PY20, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 20-681006 ($143,753 Increase).
B. ED-R-0382-21 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Grant PY20, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 20-681006, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 2840, $143,753. (Human Resources)
C. ED-R-0383-21 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Trade Adjustment Assistance Grant PY19, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 19-661006, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 2840, $16,120 (Economic Development).
8. Budget Transfers
1. Budget Transfers -- To provide funds to reimburse trainee program toolbag that was allowed by the Illinois Tollway Grant under Supportive Services.
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Adjournment