Bensenville School District 2 recently issued the following announcement.
In-person instruction for four full days each week is tentatively scheduled to begin on Tuesday, April 27.
This transition will prepare the District to fully reopen five days a week to start the 2021-2022 school year.
The BSD2 Board of Education will consider approving the “Full-Day, Four-Day” plan for in-person learning at a special meeting on Wednesday, April 7.
Under the plan, the traditional daily schedule will be followed from Tuesday through Friday. Mondays will remain remote learning days for all students.
Parents may instead choose an all-remote option for five days each week.
All parents can revisit their choice between in-person and remote instruction. Your updated choice will be effective from Tuesday, April 27, through Friday, May 21.
Please complete the 'Full-Day, Four-Day' Parent Choice Form by Wednesday, March 24, to indicate your preference for your child. Complete a separate form for each child. If you do not choose, then your prior choice will remain in place.
Most students will keep their current teachers. Some assignments may change due to shifting enrollment figures and safety considerations.
- Click here to complete the BSD2 “Full-Day, Four-Day” Parent Choice Form (English).
- Click here to complete the BSD2 “Full-Day, Four-Day” Parent Choice Form (Spanish).
Students attending in person will now receive a full day of in-person instruction four days a week. Students will be with the same classmates and mostly remain in the same classroom throughout the day. Buses will transport students to and from school, with no more than 50 students on any bus. Lunch will be served on site, and -- at the end of the day -- students will be sent home with grab-and-go breakfasts to eat before coming to school the next morning.
Students and staff will still be required to wear face coverings while indoors, and must continue to self-certify their health before entering the building each morning.
Social distancing measures -- though potentially reduced -- will remain in place. The Illinois Department of Public Health now defines social distance for in-person learning as 3-6 feet for students and fully vaccinated staff. (More than 75 percent of BSD2 staff have already received the COVID vaccine.)
Most students will keep their current teachers. Some assignments may change due to shifting enrollment figures and safety considerations.
Further details about the District’s “Full-Day, Four-Day” plan depend heavily on how many students opt for in-person instruction, and will be shared once those totals are finalized.
While lunch periods and schedules for elementary specials and middle school Encore classes may shift, most of the school day will remain unchanged for students who opt to continue remote instruction.
Most students will keep their current teachers. Some assignments may change due to shifting enrollment figures and safety considerations.
Further changes to the District’s remote instructional program could occur based on how many students opt for remote instruction, and will be shared once those totals are finalized.
Original source can be found here.