
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 3, 2025

Wheaton Republican wants Illinois to 'address all the spending' to tackle outmigration concern


Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) said that Illinois has to address spending to start solving outmigration. | Photo Courtesy of Amy Grant

Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) said that Illinois has to address spending to start solving outmigration. | Photo Courtesy of Amy Grant

A Wheaton Republican said that Illinois needs to "address all the spending" if lawmakers want to reverse outmigration.

"You think about how much taxes are going up compared to home values, and it's no wonder people are walking away in disgust," Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) told the DuPage Policy Journal. "We've got to address all the spending. I can't see how any lawmaker in Springfield can think their constituents like paying more in taxes."

In January, Illinois Policy reported that two of the largest moving companies in the country concluded that upward of 60% of interstate moves served by them on behalf of Illinois residents were of the outbound variety.

With taxes and lack of job opportunities ranking among the biggest reasons for many deciding to walk away, researchers find it all adds up to the state experiencing its most extensive outmigration levels in 2020 since World War II, Illinois Policy reported.

Grant said that Illinois population worries could get worse before the lawmakers find a solution.

"During the recent lame-duck session, we had Democrats voting [on] a bunch of bills that result in more unfunded mandates, especially when it comes to our public schools," she said. "We need to address all the spending and delve into our ongoing pension crisis in a real way."

Grant holds out hope that Rep. Mike Madigan (D-Chicago) no longer serving as House speaker may lead to the change she feels is needed.

"Maybe with the new speaker, things can be different," she said. "I know he's said he's willing to work with us, and hopefully, that starts to happen as soon as we're back in Springfield."

Earlier this month, lawmakers installed Rep. Emanuel "Chris" Welch (D-Hillside) as Madigan's successor.