
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Du Page County Finance Committee Met December 8

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Du Page County Finance Committee met Dec. 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:






A. CARES Act Update

B. CARES Act Funding Requests


A. Finance Committee - Regular Meeting - Tuesday November 24th, 2020 


A. FI-R-0028-21 RESOLUTION -- Budget Transfers 12-8-2020 Budget Transfers Various Companies and Accounting Units


A. Finance - Zay 

1. 2021-3 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Discovery Benefits, Inc., for Flexible Spending Account Services covering the period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 for Human Resources, for a contract total amount not to exceed $20,000.00. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108(1)(b).

B. ETSB - Eckhoff (Pending Parent Committee Approval) 

1. ETS-R-0015-21 RESOLUTION -- Second Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement Between DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) and the County of DuPage, Illinois on behalf of the Emergency Telephone System Board for the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System (DEDIRS). (Total amount: Not to exceed: $150,000, New contract amount: $1,413,459.35)

C. Health & Human Services - Tornatore 

1. HHS-P-0001-21 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Family Shelter Services, Inc., to provide Advocacy Services to Victims of Domestic Violence. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021 for Community Services, for a contract total amount not to exceed $85,000; Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5- 1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b).

2. Change Order -- HHS-P-0200A-20 Amendment to Resolution HHS-P-0200-20, issued to Technical Communities, Inc., for the purchase of low-touch, socially distanced Queuing System, Technical Communities, Inc., to add an additional 30 user licenses, to increase contract $4,367.01, resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $80,504.01. Community Services. (COVID ITEM)

3. HHS-P-0004-21 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Northwestern Medicine Regional Medical Group, for the services of Angelo Miele, MD., Medical Director for the DuPage Care Center, for the period December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $36,000.00, per Other Professional Services.

4. HHS-P-0006-21 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Washburn Machinery, Inc., for laundry equipment repair services and parts, as needed, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022, for a contract total not to exceed $35,000.00, per bid renewal #18-211-FM, second of three one-year renewals.

5. HHS-P-0005-21 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to CliftonLarsonAllen, for Medicare and Medicaid cost reports, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period December 14, 2020 through April 30, 2024, for a contract not to exceed $31,300.00, per most qualified offeror per Proposal 20-068-CARE.

6. HHS-P-0003-21 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to LeadingAge Illinois, for annual membership dues for the DuPage Care Center, for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $31,181.79, per other professional services.

D. Judicial/Public Safety - Eckhoff 

1. JPS-P-0007-21 Recommendation for the approval for a contract purchase order to Ray O'Herron Co. Inc., for new officer and employee uniforms, for the Sheriff's Office, for the period of December 30, 2020 through December 29, 2021, for a contract total amount of $225,000.00, per most qualified request for proposal # 19- 128-SH

E. Public Works - Tornatore 

1. PW-P-0001-21 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Currie Motors Fleet, for the purchase of one (1) 2021 Ford F-250 4x4 Pick Up Truck with Crew Cab and one (1) 2021 Ford F-250 4x4 Pick Up Truck with Plow, for Public Works, for a total contract amount not to exceed $70,022, pricing in compliance with ILCS 525/2 "Government Joint Purchasing Act", Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) Contract #178.

2. PW-P-0002-21 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Roesch Ford Commercial Truck Center, for the purchase of one (1) 2021 Ford F150 Pick Up Truck and one (1) 2021 Ford F-150 Pick Up Truck with Crew Cab, for Public Works, for a total contract amount not to exceed $56,256, pricing in compliance with ILCS 525/2 "Government Joint Purchasing Act", Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) Contract #178.

F. Technology - Hart 

1. Change Order -- TE-P-0270A-20 - Amendment to Resolution TE-P-00270-20 (County Contract 4904-0001-SERV), issued to MHC Software, Inc., for annual maintenance of the Enterprise Content Management System that integrates with the ERP system for Finance and Human Resources, for Information Technology, to increase the contract amount by $5,218.20, resulting in an amended contract total of $45,439.23, an increase of 12.97% to add maintenance component.

G. Transportation - Puchalski 

1. DT-R-0002-21 RESOLUTION -- Renewal of Membership Agreement between the County of DuPage and JULIE, Inc., for utility locate services, as needed for the Division of Transportation and Department of Public Works, for an estimated County cost of $28,540.44. (Division of Transportation - $16,952.22/ Public Works - $11,588.22)

2. Change Order -- DT-P-0118A-20 – Amendment to Resolution DT-P-0118-20, issued to Compass Minerals America, Inc., to furnish and deliver bulk rock salt, as needed for the Division of Transportation. (Accounting Adjustment with no change in contract total amount)


A. FI-R-0011-21 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of the Victims of Crime Act - Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Fund Program Grant FY20, Agreement No. 820002, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 6600, $9,000.00. (COVID ITEM)

B. FI-R-0012-21 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of the Illinois Department of Human Services Emergency Solutions Grant CARES Act FY21, Inter Governmental Agreement No. FCSZH05736, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1695, $266,626 (COVID ITEM)

C. FI-R-0013-21 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the IDHS Supportive Housing Program Grant PY21, Agreement No. FCSZH00172, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1760, $15,490.

D. FI-P-0008-21 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc., (Trinity Risk Solutions) to provide Liability Insurance for the DuPage Care Center. This contract covers the period of January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022 for Finance-Tort Liability, for a contract total amount not to exceed $348,874.00. Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b).

E. FI-R-0023-21 RESOLUTION -- Annual General Fund Financial Commitments in Support of Various Recipients from the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2021

F. FI-R-0016-21 RESOLUTION -- Placing Names on Payroll

G. FI-R-0019-21 RESOLUTION -- Resolution approving a grant agreement with Candor Health Education in the amount of $38,574.73. (COVID ITEM)

H. FI-R-0018-21 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Village of Itasca for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $79,765.00. (COVID ITEM)

I. FI-R-0020-21 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Village of Villa Park for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $25,565.50. (COVID ITEM)

J. FI-R-0021-21 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Village of Glendale Heights for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $8,669.58. (COVID ITEM)

K. FI-R-0024-21 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Village of Woodridge for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $65,910.00. (COVID ITEM)

L. FI-R-0022-21 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the Itasca Community Library for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $13,455.76. (COVID ITEM)

DuPage County Page 4 

Agenda Finance Committee December 8, 2020 

M. FI-R-0025-21 RESOLUTION -- Approval of issuance of payments to small businesses and independent contractors through the Small Business Relief Grant Fund Program administered by Choose DuPage in the amount of $42,161.00. (COVID ITEM)

N. FI-R-0026-21 RESOLUTION -- Resolution approving a grant agreement with DuPage Foundation in the amount of $303,000.00. (COVID ITEM)

O. FI-R-0027-21 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the DuPage County Health Department for the reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $1,870,998.22. (COVID ITEM)


A. Payment of Claims 

1. Payment of Claims -- 11/05/2020 Auto Debit Paylist

2. Payment of Claims -- 11/20/2020 Paylist

3. Payment of Claims -- 11/23/2020 Auto Debit Paylist

4. Payment of Claims -- 11/24/2020 Paylist

5. Payment of Claims -- 12/01/2020 Paylist

6. Payment of Claims -- 12/03/2020 Paylist Polling Places

B. Grant Proposal Notifications 

1. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 001-21 - Federal Emergency Management Agency - Illinois Emergency Management Agency; Fiscal Year 2020 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) $2,001,431.00


A. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) - Collective Negotiating Matters 


A. FI-R-0017-21 RESOLUTION -- Ratification of Decision in the Interest Arbitration Between The County of DuPage, The DuPage County Sheriff and Metropolitan Alliance of Police (MAP), DuPage County Sheriff's Police Chapter 126