
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Rep. Grant charges 'all roads in massive scandal lead to Madigan'


Illinois State Rep. Amy Grant | https://repgrant.com/

Illinois State Rep. Amy Grant | https://repgrant.com/

As the swirling federal corruption probe that finds Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Chicago) at the center continues to unfold, Illinois State Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) is already sure of one thing.

“It is time for the Speaker to resign so we can end the culture of corruption that has stained our state government for decades,” Grant told the DuPage Policy Journal. 

“All roads in this massive and wide-ranging scandal lead to Speaker Madigan," Grant said. 

Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Chicago), who is currently under investigation in an ongoing federal correction probe | File Photo

While Madigan hasn’t been formally charged in the ongoing pay-for-play probe involving ComEd, GOP members predict more bombshells are yet to come stemming from the nearly decade-long scheme where perks were allegedly steered to the Madigan through associates in exchange for favorable legislation.

Among the latest four charged in connection with the scheme is longtime Madigan associate Michael McClain, a former Quincy lobbyist, who now faces bribery and conspiracy charges. In addition, a House Special Committee has also been convened to look into some of the Speaker’s most suspect actions with penalties up to expulsion being among the potential sanctions.

After nearly four decades of being in power, Grant is already on record with her prediction that Madigan’s days as Speaker are numbered.

“I don’t know how he can think he survive this,” she told the DuPage Policy Journal

“With everything that’s happened, Mike Madigan needs to go and it’s been that way for a while now," Grant said.

Earlier this summer, federal authorities moved to charge Fidel Marquez, who formerly served as vice president of governmental affairs at ComEd, with bribery and conspiracy stemming from his alleged part in the scheme. Around that same time,  Madigan’s office was served with a grand jury subpoena seeking more information about their dealings with such companies as at AT&T, Walgreens and Rush University Medical Center.

“Just with what what’s come out so far, you wonder how Democrats can be standing by him the way they are,” Grant said. “This isn’t the first time you’ve heard rumblings about him.”



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