
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Du Page County Finance Committee Met October 27

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Du Page County Finance Committee met Tuesday, Oct. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:






A. CARES Act - Local Government Update


A. Finance Committee - Regular Meeting - Tuesday October 13th, 2020


A. FI-R-0587-20 RESOLUTION -- Budget Transfers 10-27-2020 Budget Transfers Various Companies and Accounting Units


A. Animal Services - Krajewski

1. AS-O-0081-20 ORDINANCE -- An Ordinance Amending Chapter 26 of the DuPage County Code

B. Economic Development - Elliott

1. ED-P-0285-20 Approval of a contract purchase order to Parent's Alliance Employment Project, for Youth Training Services for In-School-Youth, for the Workforce Development Division, for a contract total not to exceed $88,890

2. ED-P-0286-20 Approval of a contract purchase order to DuPage Regional Office of Education, for Youth Training Services for In-School-Youth, for the Workforce Development Division, for a contract total not to exceed $232,370

3. ED-P-0287-20 Approval of a contract purchase order to Parents Alliance Employment Project, for Youth Training Services for Out-of-School-Youth, for the Workforce Development Division, for a contract total not to exceed $220,419

4. ED-CO-0027-20 Amendment to Contract Issued to World Relief DuPage/Aurora for Youth Training Services, $252,154

C. Health & Human Services - Tornatore

1. HHS-P-0276-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to EZ Way, Inc., for Smart Stands and Lifts with scales and necessary accessories for the DuPage Care Center, for a contract total amount not to exceed $109,836.35, per GSA pricing

2. HHS-R-0571-20 RESOLUTION -- Approval of Issuance of Payments by DuPage County to Energy Assistance Providers through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) HHS Grant FY20 No. 20-224028 in the amount of $1,187,858.

3. HHS-R-0582-20 RESOLUTION -- DuPage Care Center Rate Increase to increase the per patient day charges last fixed by Resolution HHS-R-0357-19 from $319.00 per day to $332.00 per day for Standard Custodial Care, from $345.00 per day to $359.00 per day for Alzheimer’s Special Care, and from $548.00 per day to $570.00 per day for Post-Acute care, effective December 1, 2020.

4. Change Order -- HHS-P-0247A-20 Amendment to Resolution HHS-P-0247-20 (Purchase Order 4856-0001-SERV), issued to Healthy Air Heating & Air, Inc., to provide mechanical (HVAC) weatherization labor and materials, additional funding from the ILDCEO, for the FY21 Weatherization Program, to increase the encumbrance in the amount of $62,216., resulting in an amended contract total not to exceed $1,154,492. (WEX Grant funded)

D. Judicial/Public Safety - Eckhoff

 1. JPS-P-0278-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Allied Universal Technology, for security system equipment maintenance and repair, for the period December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021, for a contract total not to exceed $44,260.00, per third renewal of three (3) renewals under bid #17-183-BF.

2. JPS-P-0277-20 Recommendation for the approval of a renewal contract purchase order to Conscisys Corp., to provide professional consultation and technical assistance with application systems. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021 for the Circuit Court Clerk, for a contract total amount not to exceed $2,025,000.00. Renewal from purchase order 2883-1 SERV.

3. JPS-P-0279-20 Recommendation for the approval for a contract purchase order to Dummies Unlimited for the purchase of 10 Arrest and Control Training mannequins (dummies) for use in The Sheriff's Office training division for a contract total not to exceed $28,529.88, using CARES Act Funds, Sole Source (COVID ITEM)

4. JPS-P-0280-20 Recommendation for the approval for a contract purchase order to Business IT Source for purchase of computer equipment related to COVID for the Circuit Court Clerks Office, for a contract total amount not to exceed $34,925.00, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00 (COVID ITEM)

5. JPS-P-0281-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Faro Technologies, Inc., for the purchase of an upgraded 3D Laser Scanner Focus S 150, for the Coroner's Office, for a contract total not to exceed $45,074.50, per cooperative agreement.

6. JPS-CO-0025-20 JPS-P-0341-19A - Amendment to Resolution JPS-P-0341-19, issued to Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless (Contract 4281-0001-SERV), to provide wireless services, for Probation and Court Services, for a change order to extend the contract through February 28, 2021, to increase the contract in the amount of $8,000.00, resulting in an amended total amount not to exceed $51,000.00, an increase of 18.60%.

7. JPS-CO-0028-20 Recommendation for the approval of an amendment to Resolution JPS-P-0010-20 for a change order amending purchase order 4319-0001, for a contract issued to Allied Universal Security Services, to provide security services for the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, to increase the contract in the amount of $24,105.60, resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $2,693,901.60, an increase of 0.90%. (COVID ITEM)

E. PublicWorks-Healy

1. FM-P-0282-20 Recommendation for the approval of an Agreement between the County of DuPage, Illinois and Earthwise Environmental, Inc, for professional water treatment consulting and managements services, for Facilities Management, for the three-year period December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2023, for a contract total amount not to exceed $71,280.00, Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b).

2. FM-P-0283-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Johnson Controls Inc., to furnish and deliver specified Johnson Controls parts, for the replacement and upgrade of HVAC controls for the JOF Annex project, for Facilities Management, for the period October 28, 2020 through January 31, 2021 for a total contract amount not to exceed $31,600, per lowest responsible bid #20-118-FM.

3. FM-CO-0026-20 Amendment to Resolution FM-P-0189-20, issued to Wight Construction Services, Inc., to provide Professional Construction Manager services, for CARES Act funded Campus Improvements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to increase the contract in the amount of $450,000, to allow for the construction of an additional courtroom for the 18th Judicial Circuit, for Facilities Management, taking the original contract amount of $20,250,000 and resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $20,700,000, an increase of 2.22%. (COVID ITEM)

4. PW-P-0284-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Consolidated Machine Corporation dba Consolidated Sterilizer Systems, for the purchase of a sanitizer to replace the 38-year old sanitizer for the Public Works Laboratory, for a total contract amount not to exceed $39,433.57, per lowest responsible bid #20-117- PW

5. PW-R-0511-20 RESOLUTION -- Second Amendment to Lease dated April 6, 1976 between the County of DuPage and the DuPage County Fair Association - Two year lease extension

F. Technology - Hart

1. TE-P-0255-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Infor (US) Inc., for ERP software maintenance and support, for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of November 13, 2020 through November 12, 2021, for a contract total amount of $166,949.58. Exempt from bidding per DuPage County Purchasing Ordinance, Article 4-102(5) - Sole Source. This is proprietary software that must be maintained by the vendor, Infor (US) Inc.

2. TE-P-0288-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to BMC Software, Inc. for software licensing and support for Control-M automated job scheduling software, for Information Technology, for the period of December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2023, for a contract total amount of $189,720.00. Exempt from bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 “Competitive Bids” (c) not suitable for competitive bids – Sole Source. This is proprietary software and these services can only be provided by the vendor, BMC Software, Inc.

G. Transportation - Puchalski

1. DT-P-0274-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Fastenal Company, to provide Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies, as needed for the Division of Transportation, for the period December 1, 2020 through January 25, 2023, for a contract total not to exceed $75,000.00; Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (Sourcewell).

2. DT-P-0275-20 Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Parsons Transportation Group, Inc., for Professional Central Signal System Network Support Services, upon request of the Division of Transportation, Section 20-DCCSS-05-TL, for a contract total not to exceed $90,000; Professional Services (Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors) vetted through a qualification based selection process in compliance with the Illinois Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/et. seq.

3. Change Order -- DT-P-0170A-20 – Amendment to Resolution DT-P-0170-20, issued to 3M Company to furnish and deliver sign materials-rolled goods, as needed for the Division of Transportation, to increase the funding in the amount of $22,096.50, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $57,096.50, an increase of 63.13%.


A. FI-R-0570-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) Program HHS Grant FY20, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 20-224028, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1420, $1,456,146.

B. FI-R-0583-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of the Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program DOE Grant FY21 Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 17-404028 Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1400 $665,693.

C. FI-R-0586-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity WIOA Rapid Response Layoffs and Closings Grant PY19, Inter Governmental Agreement NO. 19- 651006, Company 5000- Accounting Unit 2840, $20,000

D. FI-R-0585-20 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of Additional Funding for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity WIOA Statewide Rapid Response to COVID-19 Grant PY20, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 19- 656006, Company 5000-Accounting Unit 2840, $16,480

E. FI-R-0588-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for Approval of a Scrivener's Error on Grant Agreements with Covid-19 Residential Behavioral Health Providers, Authorizing the Director of Community Services to Execute Agreements under Resolution FI-R- 0493-20, Paragraph Fourteen.

F. FI-R-0589-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for Approval of a Scrivener's Error on Grant Agreements with Covid-19 Eligble Non-profit Organizations for Direct Costs, Authorizing the Director of Community Services to Execute Agreements under Resolution FI-R-0492-20, Paragraph Fourteen.

G. FI-R-0590-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for approval of a resolution approving grant agreements with Residential and Behavioral Health Providers for a total amount of $581,721., second allotment - Community Services. (COVID ITEM)

H. FI-R-0607-20 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for the approval of a payment to the City of West Chicago for the supplemental reimbursement of COVID-19 eligible expenses from the CRF Fund for a total amount of $143,200 (COVID ITEM)

I. FI-R-0591-20 RESOLUTION -- Renewal of Group Insurance Programs (Employee Health Insurance & Benefits)

J. FI-R-0597-20 RESOLUTION -- Allocation of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) from the DuPage County Coronavirus Relief Fund to the CRF Housing Assistance Program (COVID ITEM)

K. FI-R-0596-20 RESOLUTION -- Agreement Between the County of DuPage and the Housing Assistance Program for the Reimbursement of Eligible COVID-19 Expenses (COVID ITEM)

L. FI-P-0289-20 Approval of a contract purchase order to CorVel, for third party administrator services, for the Finance Department, for the period December 1, 2020 through November 20, 2023, for a contract total not to exceed $283,056, per most qualified proposal 20-110-HR.

M. FI-R-0608-20 RESOLUTION -- Placing Names on Payroll

N. FI-R-0613-20 RESOLUTION -- Approval of issuance of payments to small businesses and independent contractors through the Small Business Relief Grant Fund Program administered by Choose DuPage in the amount of $892,774.00 (COVID ITEM)

O. FI-R-0614-20 RESOLUTION -- Approval of Second Amendment to Agreement with Choose DuPage to Administer the DuPage County COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund (COVID ITEM)

P. FI-O-0091-20 ORDINANCE -- Approval of the Amendment to the DuPage County Procurement Ordinance Funding Thresholds and the addition of a new section to the Procurement Ordinance for Credit Accounts


1. FI-O-0082-20 ORDINANCE -- DuPage County 2020 Tax Levies for Fiscal Year 2021

2. FI-O-0083-20 ORDINANCE -- County of DuPage Century Hill Lighting Fund 2020 Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 2021

3. FI-O-0084-20 ORDINANCE -- Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period Beginning December 1, 2020 and ending November 30, 2021

4. FI-O-0090-20 ORDINANCE -- Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Police Records Management Systems Operations Fund of the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period Beginning December 1, 2020 and Ending November 30, 2021

5. FI-R-0598-20 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds to the Taxable General Obligation 2010 Bonds Debt Service Fund for Fiscal Year 2021 and Abate the 2020 Bond and Interest Tax Levy for the Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2010A and 2010B

6. FI-O-0085-20 ORDINANCE -- Appropriation for the General Obligation Limited Tax Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 2009, Debt Service Fund, Company 7000, Accounting Unit 7022 for Fiscal Year 2021

7. FI-O-0086-20 ORDINANCE -- Appropriation for the General Obligation Debt Certificates, Series 2017, Debt Service Fund, Company 7000, Accounting Unit 7020 for Fiscal Year 2021

8. FI-R-0599-20 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds to the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source - Jail Project), Series 1993 Debt Service Fund, Company 7000, Accounting Unit 7007, for Fiscal Year 2021 and Abate the 2020 Tax Levy for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source - Jail Project), Series 1993

9. FI-R-0600-20 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds to the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source-Stormwater Project), Series 1993 Debt Service Fund, Company 7000, Accounting Unit 7013, for Fiscal Year 2021 and Abate the 2020 Tax Levy for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source-Stormwater Project), Series 1993

10.FI-R-0601-20 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds to the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source-Stormwater Project), Series 2016 Debt Service Fund, Company 7000, Accounting Unit 7019, for Fiscal Year 2021 and Abate the 2020 Tax Levy for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source-Stormwater Project), Series 2016

11. FI-R-0602-20 RESOLUTION -- Abatement of the 2020 Tax Levy for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2011 ("2011 Bonds"), Company 7000, Accounting Unit 7005, in the amount of $575,600

12. FI-R-0603-20 RESOLUTION -- Abatement of the 2020 Tax Levy for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2015B ("2015B Bonds"), Company 7000, Accounting Unit 7017, in the amount of $1,460,600

13. FI-R-0604-20 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the General Fund to Various Funds for FY 2021

14. FI-R-0605-20 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the County Infrastructure Fund to the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2021

15. FI-R-0606-20 RESOLUTION -- Approval of Fiscal Year 2021 Headcount

16. FI-O-0087-20 ORDINANCE -- 2020 Tax Levies for the Board of Health Operations, Board of Health Municipal Retirement, and Board of Health Social Security for Fiscal Year 2021

17. FI-O-0088-20 ORDINANCE -- Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Board of Health Operations, Board of Health Municipal Retirement, Board of Health Social Security and Board of Health Infrastructure Fund of the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period Beginning December 1, 2020 and Ending November 30, 2021

18.FI-O-0089-20 ORDINANCE -- Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Emergency Telephone System Board of the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period Beginning December 1, 2020 and Ending November 30, 2021

19. Approval of the FY2021 Financial Plan. The plan may be viewed at www.dupageco.org


A. County Board

1. CB-R-0609-20 RESOLUTION -- Appointment of Wilfred J. Perreault to the Glenbard Fire Protection District

2. CB-R-0610-20 RESOLUTION -- Appointment of Karyn Charvat to the DuPage Airport Authority

3. CB-R-0611-20 RESOLUTION -- Appointment of Juan E. Chavez to the DuPage Airport Authority

4. CB-R-0612-20 RESOLUTION -- Appointment of Michael V. Ledonne to the DuPage Airport Authority

B. Payment of Claims

1. PayList -- 10/08/2020 Auto Debit Paylist

2. Payment of Claims -- 10/09/2020 Paylist

3. Payment of Claims -- 10/16/2020 Paylist

4. Payment of Claims -- 10/20/2020 Paylist

C. Wire Transfers

1. Wire Transfers -- 10/06/2020 Wire Transfer

2. Wire Transfers -- 10/08/2020 Wire Transfer Co 1100

3. Wire Transfers -- 10/09/2020 Wire Transfer Co 1100

D. Grant Proposal Notifications

1. Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN 071-20 - Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program - Construction of a multi-use path adjacent to the East Branch of the DuPage River Trail, between St. Charles Road and Roosevelt Road - Illinois Department of Transportation - U.S. DOT-Federal Highway Administration - $800,000.00.



