
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met October 19

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Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met Oct. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to order, roll call

2. Consideration to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2020 Finance & Policy Committee meeting

3. Audience input regarding agenda items before the committee

4. Discussion of accounts payable

5. Consideration of a Resolution approving an agreement between the Village of Adison and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center Chapter #744. 

6. Consideration of an Ordinance amending certain provisions of Chapter 21 of the Village Code regarding registration for the sale or transfer of firearms.

7. Consideration of payment #4 to J.J. Henderson & Son Inc. of Gurnee, IL for the digester project at the North Wastewater Treatment Facility in the amount of $129,288.68; Bid #19-9-1, Contract #2020-50000608, funding in account #500.5032-4587. 

8. Consideration of a payment to Benchmark Sales & Service of Illinois Inc. of Gilberts, IL for the removal, rebuilding and reinstallation of one (1) storm water pump at the Diversey Avenue Pumping Station in the amount of $49,995.00; Bid #20-8-1, Contract #2021-0000018, funding in account #500.5031-4551. 

9. Consideration to accept the proposal for the Haddon Place pedestrian access improvements from AGAE Contractors Inc. of Chicago, IL in the amount of $20,507.00; funding in account #100.2510-4180. 

10. Consideration to approve the proposal from BLH Computers Inc. (formerly USMe) of Springfield, IL for the recycling of electronic waste in the not-to-exceed amount of $20,000.00; funding in account #500.5032-4176. 

11. Consideration of an Ordinance establishing an Overhead Sewer Grant Program for the residents of the Village of Addison. 

12. Consideration of the final payout request to Brothers Asphalt Paving Inc. in the amount of $41,364.02 for the 2019 Motor Fuel Tax Street Maintenance Project; Contract #2020-50000537, funding in account #250.9925-4401 and #250.9925-4459. 

13. Consideration of payout request #2 and a reduction of retainage to 2% in the amount of $817,223.50 to Arrow Road Construction Company for the 2020 Motor Fuel Tax Street Maintenance Project; Contract #2021-50000011, funding in account #250.9925-4401. 

14. Audience participation

15. Executive Session if needed

16. Other business, at the discretion of the Chairman

17. Adjournment
