
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Wood Dale Finance and Administration Committee met February 27

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Wood Dale Finance and Administration Committee met Feb. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Present: Ald. Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley & Woods

Absent: Ald. R. Wesley, Catalano & Susmarski

Also  Present: Mayor Pulice, City Manager Mermuys, Treasurer Porch, City Clerk Curiale, Police Chief Vesta, Deputy Chief Frese, Public Works director Lange, Assistant Public Works Directors Garelli and Hastings, Community Development Director Cage, Finance Director Wilson, Accounting Manager Walczak, and Management Analyst Buggy 

Meeting Convened at: 7:01 p.m.


Alderman E. Wesley made a motion, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve the Finance & Administration Committee Minutes. Motion carried.


FY 2021 Budget


Finance Director Brad Wilson presented the FY 2021 budget displaying similar framework to previous years. A budget overview was initially presented showing active funds and capital spending. Mr. Wilson noted that the recent switch to ERP changed the fund numbering.

Mr. Wilson addressed items such as IMRF and the recent percentage increase based on actuarial evaluation. The general fund is on track with an estimated surplus of $466,000. Mr. Wilson addressed Alderman E. Wesley’s question regarding licenses and permits and clarified that building permits have increased $50,000. Alderman E. Wesley stated how several buildings are being constructed in the City and how the numbers don’t seem to reflect that. City Manager Mermuys explained that numbers from previous years were actually substantially lower. Community Development Director Ed Cage explained that this year is set to be the highest building revenue year since 2015; fees are reflected in the budget according to when they are paid and where the payment falls according to the fiscal year. Mr. Wilson explained that City Clerk funds were rolled into the Administration funds creating more efficiency overall.


Hiring of Full-time Housing Inspector for Community Development


The committee discussed the Housing Inspector position vacancy and how the City currently has a part-time inspector who could potentially become full-time. Mr. Wilson stated the salary for the full-time Housing Inspector is estimated to be around $67,000. Director Cage explained that this employee has vast experience with life safety codes as a former fireman. Having an employee with such knowledge and background would also increase compliance levels, response times for inspections and overall productivity.

Alderman Woods asked for clarification regarding how the City currently manages inspections. Director Cage provided the inspection timeframes and what the code allows the City to do. Mr. Cage noted the importance of yearly inspections and how that would raise standards and life safety on rental properties; although we are currently in compliance, adding this employee full-time would help the City improve. Mr. Cage explained that the revenue brought in by inspections has been reflected in adjudication, forcing residents to become more compliant.


Alderman Messina made a motion, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to approve the hiring of a full- time Housing Inspector for Community Development 

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Ald. Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley 

Nays: Ald. Woods 

Abstained: None 

Motion: Carried


Mr. Wilson explained the increase in Community Service Officer (CSO) positions and how CSO’s play a role in property maintenance. Alderman Messina stated the need for a CSO Supervisor position because there’s been a lot of transition with CSO staff. Chief Vesta stated several employees have indeed left the department for better opportunities in Law Enforcement as full-time officers. Alderman Jakab stated how two of the positions should be permanently assigned to property maintenance duties. Chief Vesta explained how daily operations vary and CSO’s are assigned tasks based on priority. Chief Vesta also explained the separation of duties with Police staff and related union issues. The Mayor highlighted the fact that the Police Department has done very well and how Wood Dale was named one of the safest cities in Illinois. Chief Vesta also broke down costs related to school crossing guards and recent studies done on the matter of seasonal employees. Elected officials and staff agreed that a CSO Supervisor position could be a matter of discussion at a later date.


Hiring of a Full-time Facility Manager for Public Works


The committee discussed Public Works and the need for a Full-time Facility Manager.

Public Works Director Alan Lange explained that the Facility Manager would be someone with a building maintenance background and would handle day to day tasks along with Administrative duties such as contract management, capital improvement planning, and various higher level items. Alderman Messina expressed concern in regards to whether or not this employee would complete tasks related to Metra station issues. Alderman Woods explained that the City has been understaffed in general and that more clarification in regards to the job description was needed before making a final hiring decision. Director Lange further explained how other municipalities also have employees in this position and how it would help the City be more proactive when it comes to maintenance issues. Mr. Mermuys stated the City has funding for the position at this time. Mayor Pulice agreed to keep the item on the budget and have the item brought to Council again with a job description before a final decision is made.


Alderman Jakab made a motion, seconded by Alderman Woods, to keep the funding for the Full- time Facility Manager position in the budget pending further job description information. 

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Ald. Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley & Woods 

Nays: None 

Abstained: None 

Motion: Carried


Alderman Sorrentino stepped out at 8:38 p.m. Alderman E. Wesley stepped out at 8:40 p.m. and the meeting was immediately paused due to lack of quorum. A five minute break was announced.

Alderman Woods called the Committee Meeting back to order at 8:47 p.m. with the same members present3


Mr. Wilson presented the motor fuel tax. Alderman E. Wesley asked why salt costs increased this year by $10 million if we should have plenty of salt leftover. Mr. Wilson explained how pricing is obtained for salt through a bid process and the need to estimate costs with caution to prevent a budget amendment in the future. Director Lange further clarified that the City is not charged to store any unused salt.

Mr. Wilson presented tourism costs and revenue along with special event projected revenue. Alderman Jakab stated the importance of tourism and how other municipalities are drawing people in. Mr. Mermuys related that the clock tower area has been customized according to the holidays which has brought some attraction. Alderman E. Wesley discussed the importance of not overspending on Christmas lights. Mayor Pulice agreed that large Christmas props have brought tourists in and that the City should continue to invest in these. Director Lange stated large props vary from $5,000-$15,000 and the City could purchase additional props with the current $25,000 budget.

Mr. Wilson stated that the City does not foresee any land purchases in the next fiscal year. There are some planned improvements for the commuter parking lot including patching work, restriping, plantings, etc. programmed by CIP. Mr. Wilson presented the Sanitation budget and how a majority of the credit card fees go to the water fund. Transaction fees have been the same the past couple of years but are increasing from $1 to $2. Mr. Wilson stated that water/sewer capital projects fund is being transitioned into a new software which will make processes more efficient. The water/sewer fund rate increases have gone into effect. Mayor Pulice requested video gaming fees in this section need to be corrected. Alderman Jakab asked why money was set aside for education and training and if the amount could be reduced considering it’s not often used.

Director Lange spoke about Utility fees and how the recent increase is related to contractual services and compliance testing that needs to be performed this year; all municipalities with over 3,000 residents are required to comply.

The committee discussed the overtime cost increase. Alderman E. Wesley and Alderman Messina stated they would like more descriptive items on the budget breaking down the overtime costs. Mr. Mermuys stated the City has budgeted money for overtime. Mr. Garelli further explained that some of the City’s older systems require staff response. At times, employees are called in for overtime to manually turn on certain public utility systems in order to prevent flooding throughout the City. Mr. Garelli explained that there have been 7 emergency incidents this past year related to the age of the sewer system. Mr. Garelli recommended the City consider investing in updating and repairing current systems in place. Mr. Garelli also mentioned that new systems could be implemented when the south plant is completed. Mr. Mermuys further clarified that overtime has never been a part of the budget breakdown.

The Police Pension fund was presented by Mr. Wilson. Alderman E. Wesley asked how the State will be taking over pensions and if the City has a say when it comes to decision making. Chief Vesta explained that the State law was passed last year and within two years, the State will be taking over all funds. The State of Illinois is confident they will be able to better manage the funds. Chief Vesta reiterated that this decision is out of the City’s hands at this time.


Alderman Woods made a motion, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to pass the FY 2021 Budget as amended. 

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Ald. Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley & Woods 

Nays: None 

Abstained: None 

Motion: Carried


ADJOURNMENT: Alderman Woods made a motion, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m.
