
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Trustees met May 26

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Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Trustees met May 26.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call to Order

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Roll Call

D. Village Recognition: (Village Clerk)

1. The Village would like to thank the following Board and Commission members for their service to the community: James Meyer (over 25 years of service), Board of Fire and Police Commissioners; Michael Lane, Capital Improvements Commission; Peter Blatchford (Student Commissioner), Environmental Commission; Ben Harrington (Student Commissioner), Finance Commission; Robert Dieter, Historic Preservation Commission; James Manak, Historic Presrvation Commission; Sofia Hadley (Student Commissioner), Recreation Commission; Maddie Greenleaf (Student Commissioner), Zoning Board of Appeals

E. Presentation

1. Economic Development Coordinator Meredith Hannah, Communications Coordinator Megan Plahm, Glen Ellyn Chamber Executive Director Dawn Smith and Glen Ellyn Alliance Executive Director Carol White will provide an update on efforts made to support our businesses and community.

F. Audience Participation

1. Open:

On March 16, 2020, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order. No. 5 in response to COVID-19, which temporarily suspended certain requirements of the Open Meetings Act ILCS 120.

All public comment submitted prior to the Audience Participation portion of the agenda will be read into the official record and any comments received during the meeting will be read into the appropriate portion of the agenda. Please complete the public comment form, which can be found at www.glenellyn.org/publiccomment. All public comments will be received and read by the Village Clerk. These temporary meeting procedures will be eliminated once the emergency declaration is lifted.

G. Consent Agenda - The following items are considered routine business by the Village Board and will be approved in a single vote in the form listed below:

Motion to approve the following items including Payroll and Vouchers totaling $858,249.32. These agenda items have been reviewed by the Management Team & Village Attorney and are consistent with the Village's purchasing policy (Trustee Enright)

1. Total Expenditures (Payroll and Vouchers) - $858,249.32

2. Approve the Recommendation of Village President Diane McGinley for the Appointment of Environmental Commissioner Chair, Christy Truitt, for a Term Ending May 31, 2021

3. Resolution No. 20-11, A Resolution to Extend the Deadline to File Liquor License Renewal Applications for 2020-2021 and to Prorate the 2020-2021 Liquor License Fees (Village Attorney Mathews)

4. Resolution No. 20-12, A Resolution Authorizing the Village to Enter Into a License Agreement with Everstream GLC Holding Company LLC, to Construct and Maintain a Fiber Optic Line in the Right of Way, from the Eastern Corporate Limit of the Village, to the Western Corporate Limit, Along Roosevelt Road, Pershing Avenue, Nicoll Way and Taft Avenue (Village Attorney Mathews)

5. Resolution No. 20-13, A Resolution to Temporarily Authorize the Community Development Director and Liquor Control Commissioner to Administratively Approve Requests for Outdoor Seating for Restaurant Service, Outdoor Tents, and Outdoor Merchandise in the Village Rights of Way and on Private Property (Village Attorney Mathews)

6. Ordinance No. 6783, An Ordinance Granting Exterior Appearance Approval for Wendy’s Restaurant located at 305 Roosevelt Road (Community Development Director Springer)

7. Approve a Facade Improvement Award request, in the amount of $15,000, to Wenzak Land Management LLC, for the property located at 305 Roosevelt Road to be expensed to the General Fund (Economic Development Coordinator Hannah)

8. Approve a Lease Agreement between the Village of Glen Ellyn and Bensidoun, USA for the Glen Ellyn French Market, Subject to Attorney Review (Community Development Director Springer)

9. Motion to Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Lombard concerning Fire Protection and EMS Services for Certain Properties located within the North Fire Special Service Area (Village Manager Franz)

H. 685 N. Park Boulevard Zoning Variation (Presented by Community Development Director Springer) (Trustee Christiansen)

1. Ordinance No. 6784, An Ordinance Approving a Construction Necessitated Zoning Variation from the Maximum Permitted Lot Coverage Requirement for an Existing Addition on the Property Located at 685 N. Park Blvd

I. 2020 Utility and Roadway Improvement Project (Presented by Professional Engineer Daubert) (Trustee Thompson)

1. Motion to authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with Schroeder Asphalt Services Inc. of Huntley, Illinois, in the amount of $1,298,381 for the 2020 Utility and Roadway Improvement Project #2 to the Capital Projects Fund and Water & Sewer Fund.

2. Motion to authorize the Village Manager to execute an agreement with Engineering Resource Associates, of Warrenville, Illinois, in the not-to-exceed amount of $79,685, for construction engineering services for the 2020 Utility and Roadway Improvement Project #2 to be expensed to the Capital Projects Fund and Water & Sewer Fund.

J. Board Room AV System (Presented by IT Manager Chiappetta) (Trustee Pryde)

1. Motion to authorize the Village Manager to execute a purchase contract with ACP CreativIT for an amount not-to-exceed $140,000 to be expensed to the General Fund

K. A Toda Madre License Agreement and Streetscape Cost Share (Presented by Village Manager Franz) (Discussion Only)

1. Village Manager Franz will lead a discussion regarding A Toda Madre's license agreement and streetscape cost share.

L. Reminders

1. A Village Board Workshop is scheduled for Monday, June 15, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

2. A Village Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

M. Other Business

N. Adjournment
