
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Trustees met May 11

Webp meeting 11

Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Trustees met May 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call to Order

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Roll Call

D. Village Recognition: (Village Clerk)

1. The Village Clerk will read a proclamation in recognition of National Police Week.

2. The Village Clerk will read a proclamation in recognition of EMS Week.

3. The Village Clerk will read a proclamation in recognition of National Public Works Week.

E. Audience Participation

1. Open:

On March 16, 2020, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order. No. 5 in response to COVID-19, which temporarily suspended certain requirements of the Open Meetings Act ILCS 120.

All public comment submitted prior to the Audience Participation portion of the agenda will be read into the official record and any comments received during the meeting will be read into the appropriate portion of the agenda. Please complete the public comment form, which can be found at www.glenellyn.org/publiccomment. All public comments will be received and read by the Village Clerk. These temporary meeting procedures will be eliminated once the emergency declaration is lifted.

F. Consent Agenda - The following items are considered routine business by the Village Board and will be approved in a single vote in the form listed below:

Motion to approve the following items including Payroll and Vouchers totaling $2,335,066.12. These agenda items have been reviewed by the Management Team & Village Attorney and are consistent with the Village's purchasing policy (Trustee Enright)

1. Total Expenditures (Payroll and Vouchers) - $2,335,066.12

2. April 13, 2020 Regular Village Board Meeting Minutes

3. Ordinance No. 6780-VC, An Ordinance Amending Section 10 of the Village Code on Contracts (Finance Director Coyle)

4. Resolution No. 20-10, A Resolution adopting Optional Provisions to the Village's ICMA 457 Plan to Provide Coronavirus-Related Relief (Finance Director Coyle)

5. Ordinance No. 6781-VC, An Ordinance to Amend Section 6-2-3.16(B) (Possession of Cannabis; Violations: Punishment) of the Village Code Regarding Limitations on Possession and use of Cannabis (Police Chief Norton)

6. Ordinance No. 6782-VC, An Ordinance to Amend Section 6-2-2.2 (G) of the Municipal Code of Glen Ellyn (Disorderly Conduct) (Police Chief Norton)

G. Sidewalk and Concrete Street Repair Program (Presented by Professional Engineer Daubert) (Trustee Thompson)

1. Motion to authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with AC Concrete Construction of Carpentersville, Illinois in the amount of $402,800 for the 2020 Sidewalk and Concrete Street Repair Program to be expensed to the Capital Projects Fund and Water & Sanitary Sewer Fund

2. Motion to authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract change order for an additional mobilization by AC Concrete Construction of Carpentersville, Illinois in an amount of $3,500 for the 2020 Sidewalk and Concrete Street Repair Program to be expensed to the Capital Project Fund.

H. Restore Illinois Plan Discussion (Presented by Village Manager Franz) (Discussion Only)

1. Village Manager Franz will lead a discussion regarding the Restore Illinois Plan.

I. Reminders

1. A Village Board Workshop is scheduled for Monday, May 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

2. A Village Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 7:00 PM.

J. Other Business

K. Adjournment
