
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Westmont Economic Development Committee met December 4

Webp meet

Village of Westmont Economic Development Committee met Dec. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Called to Order: At 9:00 A.M. by Chairman Harold Barry

2. Present: Mayor Ron Gunter, Village Clerk Virginia Szymski, Village Manager Steve May, Chairman Harold Barry, Business/Resident Representative Bill Kalafut, Westmont CUSD 201 Representative Kevin Carey, Planning and Zoning Chair Doug Carmichael, Citizen Representative Frank Brady, Citizen Representative Patrick Ryan, Citizen Representative Jill Rahn, Community Development Director Bruce Sylvester, Village Planner Nalini Johnson, Building Commissioner Jason Vitell, Economic Development Partnership Director Larry Forssberg, Fire Chief Steve Riley, Administrative Assistant Jaime Hofmann. Allen Alangy Downers Grove Township Attorney. Jim Bresnahan from Rebko, Dean Keal from IGE, and Downers Grove Township Attorney Allan Alongi

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Public Comment - None

5. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Bill Kalefut, Second by Frank Brady to approve the minutes of the November 6th, 2019 meeting. The motion passed on a voice vote.

6. New Business

A. East Quincy Street Rezone Initiative - Village Planner Nalini Johnson presented to the committee multiple rezone options for East Quincy including a new light manufacturing district known as M-1. Johnson summarized a community meeting that was held which included community members impacted by that corridor. The general consensus of the meeting was to avoid rezoning to districts that would be non conforming for what is presently there. Some of the options including rezoning to B-1, or back to the prior zoning which was B-2 or M district. Johnson had suggested that since the zoning was not successful before, perhaps a limited manufacturing district would be most appropriate. This type of district would ensure low impact to the neighbors while permitting light manufacturing activity and some outdoor storage.

Committee Discussion:

Patrick Ryan asked why there was resistance to the corridor remaining residential. Johnson replied that the comprehensive plan outlined mixed uses and transit oriented development but the issue has been the lack of market for that type of development as well as narrow lot sizes.

Ryan also commented that if the lot sizes aren’t suitable for residential, how can they be suitable for commercial use? Sylvester replied that the driving factor for this rezone is to accommodate what is currently there because there isn’t market demand to purchase properties, demolish, and redevelop the area at this time.

Business/Resident Representative Bill Kalafut asked if cannabis sales would be an allowable use in the new district. Sylvester replied that the new district, M-1 would not be included for those sales.

Planning and Zoning Chair Doug Carmichael asked how the new district would affect Bales Ace Hardware. Johnson replied that the new district would allow limited retail and would allow Ace to continue the same current business activities and operations.

Trustee Barry raised concerns regarding the unapproved right-of-ways within that corridor.

Dean Keal, General Manager of Industrial Gas Engineering (IGE), did not feel that his business would be conforming under the new district. Keal had concerns that the new district would prevent IGE from expanding and growing within Westmont because some of the operations include heavier manufacturing. Community Development Director Bruce Sylvester replied that the goal is to make the current businesses conforming and that staff is working with the Village Attorney to create language that will allow that, while at the same time preventing new heavy manufacturing businesses from moving to that area in the future.

Sylvester asked the committee for guidance on whether they would recommend, or not recommend, creating rules that would allow an existing business that has industrial type activities to expand. Kalefut replied that he would not want to limit the businesses that are already there from expanding if they are not changing their operations. Barry commented that majority of the current businesses were already not conforming under the new M-1 district, therefore he did not feel proposed the new district was appropriate.

Building Commissioner Jason Vitell clarified that outdoor storage has never been permitted anywhere within the Village. Vitell commented that the current businesses that have outdoor storage have been doing so illegally and changing the rules could have ramifications. Vitell also commented that the Village has the ability to put PD’s in place for specific businesses that don’t run concurrent with new businesses coming in, to protect the integrity of the surrounding area going forward.

Resident Jill Rahn asked if there would be screening requirements for outside storage in efforts to maintain and preserve the neighborhood. Johnson replied that the new district would take into consideration aesthetics, set backs, and buffering.

B. 2020 EDC Meeting Schedule - Will remain the first Wednesday of every month. January's meeting will be the second Wednesday.

7. Old Business

A. Project Updates - Community Development Director Bruce Sylvester gave a brief update of current statuses for large ongoing developments.

a. Forsssberg gave an update on some of the businesses that were impacted by the new Medical Office Center, located at 303 W. Ogden Avenue.

b. The luxury apartments on 63rd presented at the last Economic Development meeting, are scheduled for the January Planning and Zoning meeting.

c. Barry asked for an update on fire restoration for the condo building located at 515 N Cass Avenue. Vitell replied there have been issues with insurance and insufficient funds. Barry asked when the Village would need to step in. Vitell replied that because the site has been kept up, he would be hesitant to take action at this time however it would ultimately be up to the Village Board on how to proceed.

d. Mayor Gunter commented that Raising Cane’s Ribbon Cutting would be held in January.

e. Sylvester commented about Clique on Cass Avenue and some minor code enforcement issues in relation to signage and advertising. Patrick asked for an explanation of why window advertising and signage ordinances are in place. Sylvester and Barry replied that it is for aesthetics and safety reasons.

8. Miscellaneous - None.

9. Adjourn: Moved by Frank Brady seconded by Virginia Szymski to adjourn. The motion passed on a voice vote at 9:49 a.m.
