
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met March 2

Webp meetingroom05

Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met March 2.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to order, roll call

2. Consideration to approve the minutes of the February 18, 2020 Finance & Policy Committee meeting

3. Audience input regarding agenda items before the committee

4. Discussion of accounts payable

5. Consideration of an Ordinance amending certain provisions of Chapter 22 of the Village of Addison Code regarding the appointment of Planning and Zoning Commission members. Page 9

6. Consideration of a Resolution approving a Settlement Agreement and Release between the Village of Addison, Centennial Partners I and II, and Daniel J. Murphy. Page 13

7. Consideration of an Ordinance establishing responsible bidder requirements on Village of Addison Public Works Projects.

8. Consideration of a Resolution approving a collection agreement between the Village of Addison and AirBNB Inc. Page 26

9. Consideration to accept the proposal for the purchase of a raw sewage pump for the North Wastewater Facility from Flow-Technics of Frankfort, IL in the amount of $31,650.00; funding from account #500.5032-4299. Page 37

10. Consideration to accept the proposal of a one year contract extension of Bid #18-1-2 for the 2020 Branch Pick-up Program to Gutierrez Yard Works Inc. of Villa Park, IL in the not-to-exceed amount of $94,000.00; funding from account #100.2510-4180. Page 40

11. Consideration to approve a payment to Amber Mechanical Contractors Inc. of Alsip, IL in the amount of $139,300.00 for the replacement of laboratory fume hoods; funding from account #440.9944-4537 and #500.5032-4180. Page 44

12. Consideration of recommendation to accept Bid #20-1-1 for various vendors to supply miscellaneous fire hydrants, parts, and water distribution materials in the not-to-exceed amount of $71,000.00. Page 48

13. Consideration to approve the proposal from Winkler’s Tree and Landscaping of La Grange Park, IL for the annual tree pruning contract in the not-to-exceed amount of $49,200.00; funding from account #100.2510-4180. Page 60

14. Consideration of payout request #2 in the amount of $36,276.88 from the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Collins-Fullerton Avenue Resurfacing Project; funding from account #250.9925-4415. Page 64

15. Consideration to approve a three year extension of agreement with Sikich LLP as the Village’s independent auditors. Page 75

16. Consideration of a Resolution commending the March Employees of the Month. Page 79

17. Audience participation

18. Executive Session if needed

19. Other business, at the discretion of the Chairman

20. Adjournment
